Political Studies Course Assignment. 2000 words in WORD
Step 1: Pick one of the White Papers Below
1964 White Paper on Defence OR 1971 White Paper on Defence(Recommend you might want to read Section II of the 1964 Defence policy even if doing1971 as it provides excellent background information)
You must pick either the 1964 or 1971 defence policy and answer the followingquestions in your 2000 word paper: (add these questions as headers)1) What is the state of the global strategic environment? i.e. what threats does Canadaface?2) Who is Canada’s greatest ally?3) Which alliances does Canada support?4) What are Canada’s defence and security priorities? What about recommendationsre: how to secure Canada?5) What do the above say about Canada’s influence in the world at that time?
The paper is to be organized as follows:
1) Include a 250 word or less abstract that captures the thrust of your argumentsfor all 5 questions. 2000 words + abstract and bibliography
Abstract gives me the thrust of all of your argumentsproviding a summary. An abstract is NOT an introduction. Introduction: thispaper is divided into 5 sections vs. Abstract: this paper found X, Y and Z.
2) A bibliography – will have at LEAST 2 entries: the defence white paper AND atleast 1 peer reviewed article;
3) Answer the 5 questions and an introduction in 2000 words
You MUST:1) Use quotes from the White Paper and cite it. (Chicago, MLA ,APSA or otherstyle)2) You must use and cite from 1 PEER-REVIEWED CANADIAN journal that iscommenting on the white paper (s). (International Journal or Canadian ForeignPolicy Journal are the best) I recommend You may cite from tertiary sources
You need to understand the defence policy first. Then you can answer thequestions. Use evidence from the defence policy as you guide.