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Portfolio Cover Memo The portfolio memo should follow genre conventions of a memo (see sample). In it, you should discuss how the four assignments you have written for the course fulfill the student l

Portfolio Cover Memo

The portfolio memo should follow genre conventions of a memo (see sample). In it, you should discuss how the four assignments you have written for the course fulfill the student learning outcomes for WRIT 300 (see Syllabus) as well as assignment instructions. 1-2 pages. the four learning outcomes are WRIT 300 Student Learning Outcomes: 1). Students will read, write, and analyze a variety of texts produced for multiple purposes, audiences, and genres in their field. They will produce documents which demonstrate that they can: Identify, analyze, and apply rhetorical concepts such as audience, purpose, context, genre, format, and tone Apply a repertoire of strategies for understanding, summarizing, and interpreting texts from their professional discourse community Identify, analyze, and apply the rules of their disciplinary discourse community Establish, develop, and support a controlling idea, which is focused by a clear sense of purpose and audience, in a range of documents Revise and adapt documents for multiple audiences, purposes, and genres. 2). Students will engage in recursive reading, writing, and research processes to participate in the meaning-making of their field. They will produce documents which demonstrate that they can: Set purposes and achieve goals for reading, writing, and research Apply a repertoire of strategies for generating ideas, focusing on a purpose, and revising Gather and synthesize information from relevant primary and secondary professional, technical, or scholarly sources Select and organize evidence in ways that are ethical and appropriate to the genre Evaluate, integrate, and engage appropriate academic print and electronic sources Develop an argument which engages with a larger professional or academic conversation. 3). Students will engage in and critically self-reflect about reading and writing as social processes. They will produce documents which demonstrate that they can: Successfully engage in self-reflective activities to assessing their own reading and writing in relation to their own learning goals and values Use a variety of effective strategies for giving constructive feedback on peers’ writing Analyze and ethically incorporate feedback into their own writing Use a range of effective strategies to revise documents for global concerns with purpose over several drafts Use a range of effective strategies for editing and proofreading their own work for local concerns Describe and analyze how language, power, and knowledge within their disciplinary discourse communities operate. 4). Students will demonstrate an understanding of textual conventions appropriate to writing tasks in their field. They will produce documents which demonstrate that they can: Identify and use discipline-specific guidelines for citing and documenting sources Apply genre, format, and structure conventions appropriately to a range of documents Employ electronic media appropriate to the disciplinary context Demonstrate proficient control of grammar, sentence variety, word choice, and appropriate conventions. our four assignments that we did are 1). A1. Rhetorical Analysis the purpose for this assignment was to Locate and analyze three different FAQ pages in your discourse community for an evolved understanding of common questions and community-specific concerns and jargon. 2). A2. Discourse Community Investigation the purpose of this assignment was to explain How does the criminal justice system communicate and excplain What are commonly used genres in my community?” 3). A3. Employment Packet the purpose for this assignment was to put together an employment packet for an aspirational professional opportunity. 4). A4. Report Draft the purpose for this assignment was to To position myself as an expert in your field making field-specific recommendations regarding social media genres as “active sites” (per Bazerman).

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