Please see instructions and files.
Ethical and Policy Factors in Care Coordination
Select a community organization or group that you feel would be interested in learning
about ethical and policy issues that affect the coordination of care. Then, develop and
record a 10 slide, 20-minute presentation, with audio, intended for that audience. Create
a detailed narrative script(Verbal words) or speaker notes for your presentation, 4
pages in length.
For this assessment:
● Use the Ethical and Policy Factors in Care Coordination [PDF] to select the
community organization or support group that you plan to address.
● Develop a PowerPoint with typed speaker notes (the script for your voice
recording) and audio voice-over recording, intended for that audience.
Video is not required.
For this assessment, develop your presentation slides and speaker notes, then record
your presentation. You are not required to deliver your presentation to an actual
Presentation Format and Length
You may use PowerPoint (recommended) or other suitable presentation software to
create your slides and add your voice over. If you elect to use an application other than
PowerPoint, check with your faculty to avoid potential file compatibility issues.
Be sure that your slide deck includes the following slides:
● Title slide.
○ Presentation title.
○ Your name.
○ Date.
○ Course number and title.
● References (at the end of your presentation).
Your slide deck should consist of 10–12 slides, not including a title and references slide
with typed speaker notes and audio voice over. Your presentation should not exceed 20
Create a detailed narrative script for your presentation, approximately 4–5 pages in
Supporting Evidence
Cite 3–5 credible sources from peer-reviewed journals or professional industry
publications to support your presentation. Include your source citations on a references
page appended to your narrative script.
Grading Requirements
The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the Ethical and
Policy Factors in Care Coordination Scoring Guide, so be sure to address each point.
Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be
● Explain how governmental policies related to the health and/or safety of the
community affect the coordination of care.
○ Provide examples of a specific policy affecting the organization
or group.
○ Refer to the assessment resources for help in locating relevant
○ Be sure influential policies include the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA).
● Identify national, state, and local policy provisions that raise ethical
questions or dilemmas for care coordination.
○ What are the implications and consequences of specific policy
○ What evidence do you have to support your conclusions?
● Assess the impact of the code of ethics for nurses on the coordination and
continuum of care.
○ Consider the factors that contribute to health, health
disparities, and access to services.
○ Consider the social determinants of health identified in Healthy
People 2020 as a framework for your assessment.
○ Provide evidence to support your conclusions.
● Communicate key ethical and policy issues in a presentation affecting the
coordination and continuum of care for a selected community organization
or support group. Either speaker notes or audio voice-over are included for
a proficient score; both speaker notes and the audio voice over are
included for a distinguished score.
○ Present a concise overview.
○ Support your main points and conclusions with relevant and
credible evidence.
As coordinators of care, nurses must be aware of the code of ethics for nurses and
health policy issues that affect the coordination of care within the context of the
community. To help patients navigate the continuum of care, nurses must be proficient
at interpreting and applying the code of ethics for nurses and health policy, specifically,
the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Being knowledgeable about ethical and policy issues
helps ensure that care coordinators are upholding ethical standards and navigating
policy issues that affect patient care.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in
the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:
● Competency 4: Defend decisions based on the code of ethics for nursing.
○ Assess the impact of the code of ethics for nurses on the
coordination and continuum of care
● Competency 5: Explain how health care policies affect patient-centered
○ Explain how governmental policies related to the health and/or
safety of a community affect the coordination of care.
○ Identify national, state, and local policy provisions that raise
ethical questions or dilemmas for care coordination.
● Competency 6: Apply professional, scholarly communication strategies to
lead patient-centered care.
○ Communicate key ethical and policy issues in a presentation
affecting the coordination and continuum of care for a selected
community organization or support group, using PowerPoint or
other appropriate software. Both speaker notes and audio
voice-over are included.
- Presentation Format and Length
- Supporting Evidence
- Grading Requirements