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Practicing Graphing

My “practice work” is in the attached PDF 

Graphing Module 6 – Correlation

Using a program like Microsoft Excel, Google Charts, or an equivalent chart building program and the

following data, correlate the following data. Your score will be graded on accuracy to the data and

showing your work that you did indeed use the chart program outputs rather than just found the

answer online and plugged the data in. You will also be graded on answering questions about the

descriptive statistics. Once you have correlated the data and graphed it, submit it to me with the

questions answered. You can only have one submission per assignment. The data are as follows.

Lena is studying the correlation between SAT scores on the Math portion of the test and SAT scores on

the Comprehensive Reading (CR) portion of the test. She has the follow data.

The following scores are the Math SAT scores for Students 1 – 10 respectively. 300, 320, 400, 450, 460,

460, 500, 570, 600, 650.

The following scores are the CR SAT scores for Students 1 – 10 respectively. 350, 370, 420, 400, 390, 400,

450, 520, 500, 650.


1. What is the correlation between the variables?

2. Is the correlation statistically significant?

3. What does this information tell Lena about the correlation between the two scores?

4. Do high Math SAT scores cause high CR SAT scores?

Graphing Module 7 – Regression

Using a program like Microsoft Excel, Google Charts, or an equivalent chart building program and the

following data, make predictions about correlation data. Your graph will be graded on accuracy to the

data and the legibility of the graph. You will also be graded on answering questions about the graph and

data it contains. Once you have created your graph, submit the graph to me with the questions

answered. You can only have one submission per assignment. Here are the data. Note: The following

data are fictitious and can lead to wild looking answers. Please answer the questions to the best of your

ability with the data given.

Korra has established the correlation coefficient for a set of data that compares IQ scores and

athleticism. She wants to predict scores on athleticism tests by knowing the IQ. The correlation

coefficient r = .67.



Mean = 100 Mean = 5.65

SD = 25.40 SD = 1.25


1. What would one predict the athletic test score of an person that earned an IQ score of 125?

2. What would one predict the athletic test score of an person that earned an IQ score of 75?

3. Using the scatter plot, how would interpret Korra’s findings about the relationship between IQ and

athleticism tests?

Graphing Module 8: Chi Square

Using a program like Microsoft Excel, Google Charts, or an equivalent chart building program and the

following data, carry out a chi square test for independence. You may choose to carry out this process

by hand. Your graph will be graded on accuracy to the data and the legibility of the graph. You will also

be graded on answering questions about the graph and data it contains. Once you have created your

graph, submit the graph to me with the questions answered. You can only have one submission per

assignment. Here are the data.

Carmen wants to know if men or women are more willing to sing out loud in public. She gathered 100

subjects, 60 were women and 40 were men. Forty of those women were unwilling to sing in public and

35 men were unwilling.

What is the Chi Square value for this test?

How many degrees of freedom are there?

Is the result significant at the 0.05 level or the 0.01 level?

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