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Principles of Economics, Human Resources

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Coca-Cola and FreshSip Beverages



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Global Company Overview: Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola Company is a global beverage firm established in 1886. Its operational hub is in Atlanta, United States of America. It has over 500 brands, and one of them is well known for producing Coca-Cola, a sparkling beverage. Others are water and sports drinks, juices, dairy, and plant-based beverages. Coca-Cola is a global soft drink company with operations implemented in over two hundred countries (Sunday et al., 2021). It is famous for its powerful brand image, comprehensive distribution channel, and global marketing techniques. The social responsibilities incorporated in the management of this company, which cover sustainability, community, and environmental concerns, have placed the company among the leading global beverage companies.

Domestic Company Overview: FreshSip Beverages

FreshSip Beverages is an invented SDC from California that produces and sells organic and natural beverages. FreshSip started in 2005 and has been a formatted of pure, healthy, and natural products such as fruit juices, herbal teas, plant-based milk, etc. The company boasts of freshly sourced, locally procured ingredients and eco-friendly packing, which suits the modern discerning customer (Maharani & Setiawati, 2023). Currently, it has a strategic location, and it provides a local brand with regular clientele, with its products being sold in health foods stores and some grocery stores around the western part of the United States.

Checklist to Unify Company Culture

Conduct Cultural Assessments

Comparing the existing cultures in Coca-Cola and FreshSip Beverages will help determine similarities, differences, and conflicts. This step facilitates the management of integration so that appropriate decisions are made (Moktadir et al., 2020).

Establish Clear Communication Channels

Effective communication enables one to eradicate concerns, pipeline information, and foster understanding between employees from both firms. It helps in management and ensures that information flows easily and all levels work hand in hand.

Define and Communicate a Unified Vision and Values

Strategic alignment of both organizations based on the development of a shared vision and core values helps achieve organizational goals and promotes organizational commitment among the workforce.

Develop Integration Teams

Both companies’ management can form cross-functional teams capable of managing integration since both teams’ perspectives can be incorporated into the process.

Provision of Combined Staff Training and Development Activities

This training involved familiarizing the employees from both firms with the new culture, values, and procedural requirements in the new large merged organization.

Recognition and reward systems have been put in place.

Rewarding and complimenting those who demonstrate the new company culture promotes good behavior and influences others to adapt to the organization’s new culture.

Promoting Social Relations and Team Spirit Exercises

Many companies have employees from both companies attend social functions and group activities to enhance their understanding of one another so that they can work together as a unified team (Farida & Setiawan, 2022).

Leadership alignment and role modeling should also be guaranteed.

Managers from both organizations should consistently support and actively promote the new culture. Staff members’ conduct determines the company’s standards for the rest of the organization and influences the workforce’s behavior (Olson et al., 2021).

Cultural Integration Performance Check and Review

Another way is to incorporate assessment and feedback mechanisms to detect integration issues and incorporate change, hence achieving cultural integration.

Promote Inclusivity and Diversity

Cultural integration brings new ideas, a stronger corporate culture, and the heterogeneity of the employees from both companies.

When Coca-Cola and FreshSip Beverages follow this checklist, the companies can ensure they align the company culture and avoid a merger leading to unnecessary complications. The positive aspects of both companies can be utilized.


Moktadir, M. A., Kumar, A., Ali, S. M., Paul, S. K., Sultana, R., & Rezaei, J. (2020). Critical success factors for a circular economy: Implications for business strategy and the environment. 
Business strategy and the environment
29(8), 3611-3635.

Olson, E. M., Olson, K. M., Czaplewski, A. J., & Key, T. M. (2021). Business strategy and the management of digital marketing. 
Business horizons
64(2), 285-293.

Farida, I., & Setiawan, D. (2022). Business strategies and competitive advantage: the role of performance and innovation. 
Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity
8(3), 163.

Sunday, E. M., Kajang, J., Nnana, A. N., & Eni, M. G. (2021). Effect of brand extension strategy on customers’ preference of Coca–Cola products in University of Calabar. 
International Journal of Development and Management Review
16(1), 131-147.

Maharani, A. J., & Setiawati, S. D. (2023). The Use of Storytelling in Digital Marketing of Women SMEs. 
Asian Journal of Engineering, Social and Health
2(11), 1511-1520.

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