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Professional Behaviours and Valuing People (5CO03)


Responses to 10
Questions, plus CPD

Formal– Answers
supported with Harvard

3,250 words (+/-
AC 3.4 is NOT
included in the word

One word document with front
cover sheet attached and signed.

CIPD Insight Links:

5CO03 – Professional Behaviours and Valuing People
Unit Guide



Contents……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2

Unit Aims and Outcomes ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3


Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria …………………………………………………………………….. 4


How To Approach The Unit ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 5


Support …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6


Assessment Questions and Guidance ……………………………………………………………………………….. 7


Marking Descriptors and Marking Grid …………………………………………………………………………… 18


Submitting Your Assessment …………………………………………………………………………………………. 20


Unit Disclaimer and Updates …………………………………………………………………………………………. 21


Appendix ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 22


1. Unit Aims and Outcomes
About This Unit
This unit focuses on how applying core professional behaviours such as ethical practice, courage and
inclusivity can build positive working relationships and support employee voice and wellbeing. It
considers how developing and mastering new professional behaviours and practice can impact
Unit Information
Unit Credits:
Guided Learning Hours (GLH):
Additional Learning Time:

20 hours
30 hours

Guided learning hours represent viewing recordings, attending live sessions, completing your
eLearning, and support from tutors. Additional learning time includes self-study, research and
assessment preparation and completion.

What You Will Learn
You will explore professional and ethical behaviours in the context of people practice by appraising
what it means to be a people professional, how personal and ethical values can be applied, including
contributing to discussions with confidence and conviction to influence others. You will learn how to
champion inclusive and collaborative strategies, arguing the human and business benefits of
inclusive behaviours and the right to be fairly treated at work. Additionally, you will design and
evaluate solutions aimed at building positive working relationships. Finally, you will demonstrate
personal commitment to learning, professional development and performance improvement by
exploring how the role of a people professional is evolving. You will also assess your own strengths,
weaknesses and development areas and formulate a range of CPD activities to support your learning


2. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Learning Outcome 3

Learning Outcome 1

Learning Outcome 2

Be able to demonstrate professional and
ethical behaviours, in the context of
people practice.

Be able to champion inclusive and
collaborative strategies for building
positive working relationships.

Assessment Criteria 1.1

Assessment Criteria 2.1

Appraise what it means to be a people

Argue the human and business benefits of
people feeling included, valued, and fairly
treated at work linking to related theory.

Explore how the role of a people
professional is evolving and the
implications this has for the continuing
professional development.

Assessment Criteria 2.2

Assesment Criteria 3.2

Discuss strategies for designing and
ensuring inclusive people practices.

Assess your strengths, weaknesses and
development areas based on selfassessment and feedback from others.

Assessment Criteria 1.2

Recognise how personal and ethical
values can be applied in the context of
people practice.
Assesment Criteria 1.3
Consider the importance of people
professionals contributing to discussions
in an informed, clear and confident way
to influence others.
Assessment Criteria 1.4

Recognise when and how you would raise
matters which conflict with ethical values
or legislation.

Be able to demonstrate personal
commitment to learning, professional
development and performance
Assessment Criteria 3.1

Assessment Criteria 3.3
Assessment Criteria 2.3
Reflect on your own approach to working
inclusively and building positive working
relationships with others.

Formulate a range of formal and/or
informal continuing professional
development (CPD) activities to support
your learning journey.
Assessment Criteria 3.4
Reflect on the impact of your continuing
professional development activities on
own behaviour and performance.


3. How To Approach The Unit
Inside each unit you will find the following sections: Unit Introduction, Your Learning, and Your
Assessment. You should work through each section in order. This is a strategy to allow you to
systematically work through the unit. By taking your time and reading each resource in each section,
it gives you a greater chance of achieving success.
We recommend adopting the below approach:

Before tackling the assessment, you should plan how you are going to approach it. Read the
assessment brief thoroughly to make sure you have a clear understanding of the nature of the tasks
to be completed. Then, watch the assessment walkthrough videos and read this guide. Don’t forget
you can ask your Programme Tutor any questions if you are unsure. By completing these activities,
you should have a full understanding of what the brief is asking you to do and how you are going to
do it.
Now you have planned how to tackle the assessment, you should complete each Learning Topic and
the Chapters and Activities within them. This is how you will learn the key knowledge and skills
required to complete the assessment. You should carry out further reading to support your work and
review any recordings available.
Write your assessment as you complete Learning Topics. Keep checking with your Programme Tutor
if you have any questions and don’t forget you can submit a draft (ensuring you follow the draft
regulations). You can also attend live sessions or watch the recording for further information on what
is required.
When you have completed all your learning and written your assessment, you should begin your
preparations to submit it. Check that your work is fit for submission before uploading via the
Assessment Submission link.


4. Support
For this unit you will have access to the following support:

Course Site Content
Videos and Live Communications
Contacting Your Programme Tutor

Information around this process can be found in your programme guide and on the course site.
Course Site Content
Access this unit and work through the Unit Introduction, Your Learning
and Your Assessment sections.
You should read the assessment brief, use this guide for support and then
work your way through each learning topic writing your assessment as you
go. Don’t forget to carry out further reading to support your work.
Videos and Live Communications
If you have a question or want to seek further advice, you should watch
the video walkthroughs and attend live sessions.
You can also post in Student Discussion Board (in the CIPD Resources
Library) to connect with other students. Remember you must adhere to
the guidelines, which can be found in a pinned post on the discussion
Contact Your Programme Tutor
Contact your Programme Tutor via the Contact Your Tutor section in the
Unit. Your Programme Tutor is a subject matter expert and can provide
you with expert advice around the assessment, knowledge of HR and L&D
theory and how you can practically apply that in your assessment and


5. Assessment Questions and Guidance
Assessment Type

Style of Writing

Word Count


CIPD Insight Links

Task 1 – Written
Responses to 10
Questions, plus CPD

Formal – Answers
supported with Harvard

3,250 words (+/10%)
AC 3.4 is NOT
included in the word

One word document with front
cover sheet attached and signed.

HR and Standards
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in
the Workplace
Ethical Practice and the Role of
People Professionals
Ethics at Work: An Employer’s

Assessment Questions and Guidance
Answer the below questions in your assessment. They have been taken directly from the Assessment Brief.
Task 1
This assessment, like the unit it is based on, considers some key professional and ethical behaviours that are expected of a people practice professional.
The assessment requires you to demonstrate, in written responses, your knowledge and abilities against each of these requirements. To assist you to do
this, the assessment poses 11 questions, one for each of the requirements.
You should respond to each of the 11 questions, providing a mix of theoretical knowledge, practical examples and personal reflection as required. Some
of the questions ask you to include feedback from others, and so before you commence this assessment you are advised to identify and collect relevant
feedback from at least one other person who has an insight into your behaviour at work. You will also need to set up some continued professional
development (CPD) documentation if you do not have this already.
When submitting your responses, please ensure that these are clearly signposted typically using sub-headings or question numbers and AC references to
link your responses to the relevant question. You should also ensure that your work complies with the wordcount requirements stated at the end of this
assessment brief.
AC Assessment Criteria
Assessment Question
Indicative content
Assessment Guidance

Appraise what it means to
be a people professional.

Understand the purpose
and value of the people
Q: With reference to the
CIPD Profession Map,
appraise what it means to
be a people professional.

Definition of professional;
professional specifications
and frameworks,
professional requirements,
CIPD Profession Map,
professional values,
personal values (for
example fairness, honesty,
equality, inclusivity,
valuing others, evidence-

The definition of professional should be clear and
credible. Including a reference or citation would improve
the quality of the answer.
You should expand this definition to explain what it
means to be a people professional. You should include
the CIPD Profession Map, discussing the knowledge and
behaviours. Think about the importance of the role of a
people professional.

based decision-making);
concept of ‘professional


Recognise how personal
and ethical values can be
applied in the context of
people practice.

Know own personal and
ethical values and apply
these consistently in their
(people practice) work.
Q: Discuss your personal
and ethical values (one of
each), with examples of
how these are evident in
your work.
(If you have yet to work in
people practice, explore
how you believe your
values would inform your

The importance of
knowing one’s own
personal values and using
these as a framework for
behaviour and practice.
Knowing how personal
values integrate (or not)
with organisational and/or
professional values and
if/how differences can be
Recognising how personal
values and beliefs shape
ways of working and work
relationships – and the
impact of this for
colleagues. Demonstrating
professional courage –
speaking up for ethical
standpoints within the

Activities and behaviours should be included to
demonstrate what is meant by the term ‘people
CIPD Profession Map should be used. Core Knowledge
and Core Behaviours should be included. Reference to the
CIPD Profession Map is essential – failure to include this
will result in a Fail.
Give two examples of personal and ethical values in a
people practice context – one personal value and one
ethical value. The examples don’t need to relate to your
own experience, but could consider how you would apply
ethical values in a people practice context. If you have
examples from a work context these can be used, but
they must specifically relate to people practice.
Personal and ethical values could include:

workplace and supporting
others to do the same.

Consider the importance
of people professionals
contributing to discussions
in an informed, clear and
confident way to influence

Know the importance of
people professionals
contributing to discussions
in an informed, clear and
confident way to influence
Q: Discuss reasons why
this is important and the
consequences of people
practitioners not being
willing or able to influence

The need for people
professionals to contribute
confidently and
courageously to
discussions to inform and
influence others. Knowing
when and how to speak up
and contribute expert
opinion and information so
that the HR/L&D/OD
purpose (for example as
defined by the CIPD
Profession Map) is clearly
represented and can be
effectively fulfilled.
Techniques for informed,
clear and engaging
communication, for
example: gaining
attention; using volume,
tone, and pace;
summarising and checking
understanding. Using
listening skills and
questioning to understand

The above list is not exhaustive. You should show a clear
distinction between your chosen personal value and your
chosen ethical value.
Your answer must include an explanation of why it is
important for people professionals to contribute to
discussions in an informed, clear and confident way and
consider the impact of failing to contribute to discussions.
Answer could include the skills and strategies required for
being informed, clear and engaging. Could refer to the
relevant section of the CIPD Profession Map. You may
include your own personal examples, or some found in
further reading to illustrate your point.
Answer can relate to any area of people management
practice – HR, L&D, OD.


Recognise when and how
you would raise matters
which conflict with ethical
values or legislation.

Know when and how to
raise matters that might
be unethical or illegal.
Q: Discuss, with examples,
when and how you would
react to both unethical and
illegal matters (one of


Argue the human and
business benefits of
people feeling included,

Be able to make use of
related theory and
thinking, to argue the

different viewpoints and
clarify questions. Making
an evidence-based
argument; using facts and
data to support
contributions. Using
examples to illustrate key
points and enhance
engagement. Recognising
context and adapting
content to suit the
When and how to raise
issues, for example,
organisational policies and
practices, organisational
leadership style, personal
relationships, conflict style.
Examples of ‘matters
which conflict’, for
example with legal
matters, with ethical
values, with personal
values. Concept of
‘whistleblowing’, highprofile examples.
Human and business
benefits: for example, job
satisfaction, reduced

You should discuss when issues might arise and how
concerns would be raised.
You must include two examples – one relating to an
unethical issue and one relating to a breach of legislation.
You could include high-profile examples from further
reading, or personal examples. The conflict may arise
from organisational policies or practices, leadership style,
or conflict between individuals.
You could include links to the relevant areas of the CIPD
Profession Map in relation to the skills required.
You need to discuss two theories in your answer.
Relevant theory may include:

valued, and fairly treated
at work linking to related

human and business
benefits of people feeling
included, valued, and
fairly treated at work.
Q: Demonstrate your
ability to do this with a
written argument, which
poses different theoretical
perspectives, as well as
your own.


Discuss strategies for
designing and ensuring
inclusive people practices.

Know how to design
people practice initiatives
to be inclusive and how to
check inclusivity after an
initiative has been
Q: Discuss, with examples,
how you have, or would,
achieve both of these.

dispute and conflict,
corporate reputation;
enhanced worker
wellbeing, increased
retention and reduced
turnover rates, reduced
sickness, increased
efficiency, and
effectiveness of work.
Relevant theory: theorists
and thinkers, for example
Maslow, McLelland, Daniel
Pink, David Rock; concepts
of ‘worker engagement’
and ‘worker wellbeing’.
Enabling others to have a
voice when designing and
delivering solutions which
impact them. Strategies for
engaging with
others in the design of
people practice initiatives,
for example; discussions,
email and documentary
exchanges, research or
consultation activities.
Others: for example, those
directly impacted by the
solution, those with

Daniel Pink.

The answer needs to argue both the business and human
benefits. You can refer to the indicative content for
examples. You could use one theory for each, or two
theories which cover both, as long as the business and
human benefits have been considered as part of the
You should ensure you also include your own perspective
on the human and business benefits of people feeling
included, valued, and fairly treated, as well as the theories
You need to include ways a people professionals can build
inclusivity into an initiative and ways of checking
inclusivity after implementation.
Initiatives can be from any area of people practice. You
can use your own personal example, or a hypothetical
example if you don’t currently work in the people
You don’t need to design an initiative but should explain
the strategies used to ensure the solution/initiative is
inclusive, how you would evaluate the impact and if it
meets the needs of users.


Reflect on your own
approach to working
inclusively and building
positive working
relationships with others.

Be able to work inclusively
with others and build
positive working
Q: Using a combination of
your own reflections and
feedback from at least one
other person, discuss your
ability to work inclusively
and positively with others.
There is no requirement to
include evidence of the use

relative insights or
contributions to offer,
partners in joint working,
those with authority or
responsibility in the area
concerned. Strategies for
checking the inclusivity of
people practices: for
example, informal or
formal feedback;
consultation re the extent
to which the practice
reaches and embraces
different agendas and
Approaches, for example
valuing people as
individuals and recognising
the value and benefits of
diversity; actively seeking
and listening to diverse
views and opinions;
building trust and
providing appropriate
support when needed;
finding opportunities to
collaborate with wider
colleagues; sharing

You need to give a written narrative explaining your own
approach to working inclusively and building positive
working relationships.
This should be written in the 1st person and relate to your
own context. You should relate your answer to the
relevant standards in the CIPD Profession Map.
Personal examples should be included to demonstrate
your own approach.
Answer must also include feedback from at least one
other person. This can be a line manager, colleague, etc.


Explore how the role of a
people professional is
evolving and the
implications this has for
continuing professional

of references to wider
reading for AC 2.3.

knowledge and expertise
to solve problems.

Understand how the
people practitioner role is
evolving and the
implications this has for
your ongoing professional

Emerging knowledge and
skills required and the
implications for CPD, for
example business acumen,
technology savvy,
specialist expertise, work
skills, collaborative
working skills, remote
working/working from
home, self-management,
communication skills.

Q: Demonstrate your
understanding of this with
a written response and
related entries in your CPD

Your answer needs to identify and explain how the role of
a people professional is changing and the implications this
has for CPD – the changes and their impact. You must
relate this to your own CPD and development needs.
You can focus on any area of the people profession and
can be focused on generalist or specialist role.
Impact of changes should be focused on people
professionals, not on the organisation.
Answers could consider recent and upcoming changes
and skills that may be required in the future.
There must be an entry in the CPD Record as well as a
written narrative.
This answer should be supported by Harvard referencing.
This can be incorporated into the first part of the answer
relating to the changing role of people professionals.


Assess your strengths,
weaknesses and
development areas based
on self-assessment and
feedback from others.

Be able to assess (own)
strengths, weaknesses
and development areas,
based on own
considerations and
feedback from others.

People and contexts for
gaining feedback, formal
and informal feedback,
regular and ad hoc
feedback, feedback
methods and media,
feedback as incoming

You should consider your strengths, weaknesses and
development areas and feedback from others.
You need to assess yourself against a specific area. This
can be two areas of the CIPD Profession Map (at associate
level) or a specific job role/job description.

Using a combination of
your own conclusions and
feedback from at least one
other person, assess
yourself against a
specification of your
choice (such as a role/job
description or any two of
the core behaviour areas
of the CIPD Profession
Map (associate level).
Briefly explain the
outcome of your
assessment (strengths,
weaknesses and
development areas) and
the information that
informed your conclusions.

information, triangulation
of received feedback,
relevance and importance
of feedback, how to
structure feedback, selfassessment methods and
relevant frameworks to
assess against. Bias issues
in self-assessment and
others’ feedback. Utilising
the CIPD Profession Map.

Feedback can be from professional or voluntary context.
Could use feedback from managers, colleagues, peers,
etc. However, feedback from at least one other person
should be included, giving an explanation of the feedback
and how it has informed your self-assessment.

CPD models and theory,
CIPD and other sector and
professional requirements
for CPD, for example
formal and informal, self-

You need to provide details of development activities in
relation to the self-assessment you have completed.

The self-assessment consists of a narrative.

There is no requirement to
include evidence of the use
of references to wider
reading for AC 3.2.

In follow-up to your selfassessment, identify a
range of formal or informal
development activities you
will undertake to support

Be able to formulate a
range of appropriate CPD
options to support
ongoing learning.

The areas of development should clearly link to some of
the weaknesses identified and should explain what you

your ongoing professional
development. Your
response should include a
brief description of your
chosen activities and your
reasons for selecting

Following on from your
self-assessment, identify a
range of formal or informal
development activities and
add these to your CPD
Plan/document. Provide a
brief explanation as to why
you have selected these
There is no requirement to
include evidence of the use
of references to wider
reading for AC 3.3.


Reflect on the impact of
your continuing
professional development
activities on own
behaviour and

Be able to reflect on and
draw conclusions about
the effectiveness of
development activities.
Reflect on three
development activities,
already undertaken, that
have had an impact on
your work behaviour or
performance, explaining
how they have impacted
you. (Your reflections
should be presented
within your CPD Record

directed learning,
coaching, mentoring, work,
applying learning as
appropriate, shadowing,
skills practice,
investigation and research,
reading, blogs, webcasts,
videos, social media
discussions and forums,
conferences, training
courses, on-job and off-job
learning, characteristics of
a good-practice CPD plan,
how to complete a CPD

will do to address these weaknesses. We would
recommend including at least 3 development activities.

Concept and theory of
reflective practice, outputs
of reflection (for example,
records, plans),
behaviour changes,
performance changes,
checking changes are
positive and meet
intended outcomes,
impact on own
performance and

You should provide written reflections on 3 previous
development activities. These reflections will be from the
past 12 months and will be included as a CPD record.

This answer is written as a narrative which justifies the
development activities chosen, with the development
activities included in the CPD Plan.

Please note, these 3 reflections should be from the past
12 months and are not related to activities identified in
the self-assessment.
These reflections may be included in the appendices and
are not included in the word count for this task.

There is no requirement to
include evidence of the use
of references to wider
reading for AC 3.4.


6. Marking Descriptors and Marking Grid
Assessors will mark in line with the marking descriptors on the next page, and will indicate where you
sit within the marking band range for each Assessment Criteria.
Our markers will provide a mark from 1 to 4 for each assessment criteria within the unit.
Developmental feedback will be provided where an AC is awarded a mark of 1.
The grid below shows the range for each unit assessment result based on total number of marks
awarded across all assessment criteria.
To pass the unit assessment you must achieve a 2 (Low Pass) or above for each of the assessment
Please note that you will receive a Pass or Fail result from the CIPD at unit level on your certificates.

Overall mark

Unit result

0 to 21


22 to 28

Low Pass

29 to 35


36 to 44

High Pass

Marking Descriptors
Low Pass
Contextualised Marking Descriptor

Grading Band
Mark for AC
Descriptor Category


Demonstration of
understanding or skills

The response DOES NOT
demonstrate sufficient knowledge,
understanding or skill (as
appropriate) to meet the AC.

The response demonstrates an
acceptable level of knowledge,
understanding or skill (as
appropriate) to meet the AC.

The response demonstrates a
good level of knowledge,
understanding or skill (as
appropriate) to meet the AC.

The response demonstrates a wide
and confident level of knowledge,
understanding or skill (as appropriate)
to meet the AC.


Insufficient examples included
where required to support answer.

Sufficient acceptable examples
included where required to support

Includes confident use of
examples, where required to
support the answer.

Includes strong examples that
illustrate the points being made and
support the answer.

Presentation or structure of
response is not appropriate and
does not meet the requirement of
the question/assessment brief.

Required format adopted but some
improvement required to the
structure and presentation of the

Presentation and structure of
response is appropriate for the

Presentation and structure of
response is clear, coherent, and
responds directly to the requirements
of the question/task.

Answers are NOT acceptable and
need to be clearer in responding to
the task and presented in a more
coherent way.

Answer is acceptable but could be
clearer in responding to the
question/task and presented in a
more coherent way.

Answer responds clearly to the
question/task and is well

Answer responds clearly to the
question/task and is particularly well
expressed or argued.

Insufficient or no evidence of the
use of wider reading to help inform

* Sufficient evidence of appropriate
wider reading to help inform
answer. Satisfactory in-text

* Good evidence of appropriate
wider reading to help inform
answer. A good standard of intext referencing.

*Considerable evidence of
appropriate wider reading to inform
answer. An excellent standard of intext referencing.

Required format


Use of references

High Pass

* Evidence of wider reading is an important feature of assessments at this level. However, whilst a good and appropriate level of this should be seen across
the assessment, there is no requirement for references to appear within every AC response. The following AC(s) do not require referencing: AC 2.3, AC 3.2,
AC 3.3 and AC 3.4.
You should refer to this marking grid throughout your assessment to provide you guidance for each task. Your final marks will be generated from how well
you demonstrate your knowledge, skills and understand, providing examples, sticking to the required format, the quality of your answers and your use of


7. Submitting Your Assessment
We understand the amount of work and effort that goes into preparing for an assessment submission,
and to help ensure your success, we want to avoid wherever possible having to reject work or having
to refer / fail a submission.
By sense checking your work against the advice below prior to submission, you can maximise your
chances of success. Each submission will be checked for the items in the illustration below before it is
marked. If any item has been missed, it can result in your work being rejected. You will not lose a
submission attempt if your work cannot be marked due to the issues below, however it will delay your

Academic Misconduct
We regard any attempt by a student to gain an unfair advantage in assessment as a serious academic
offence that undermines the academic standards of the both the centre and the CIPD.
If suspected of plagiarism, and any other academic offence, you will be required to explain why this
has happened and you may lose attempts, have to work on a new brief or the most serious of penalties
which can be withdrawal from the course.
Make sure you know how to correctly acknowledge other people’s work or opinions by accessing the
Harvard Referencing Guide in the Resources area, or contact you Programme Tutor for further advice
and guidance.


8. Unit Disclaimer and Updates
The information in this Unit Guide is correct at the time of creation and publication.
Each year the CIPD makes changes to the core assessment briefs, and to the specialist and optional
unit assessment briefs every 2nd year. We are required to change the briefs over to ensure that they
are relevant and current. There are plans to change over the relevant assessment briefs each summer,
starting in August 2022.
We will keep you informed of any changes well in advance, and you will have a set period of time to
complete the assessment you are working on before the brief changes over.
Both the CIPD and the centre hold the right to amend the unit, content, brief and supporting materials
if there is a requirement to do so.


9. Appendix

Professional Development Plan

Personal Development Plan




Planned outcome
Where do I want to be by the end of this period? What do I want to be doing? (This may be evolutionary or
“more of the same”.)
What do I want/need
to learn?

What will I do to
achieve this?

What resources or
support will I

What will my
success criteria

Target dates for
review and

CPD Reflection Record

CPD Reflection Record





Key dates

What did you


What did you learn
from this?

How have/will you use

What was the impact
of this activity?

Any further action?
Consider the impact on
you, your team,
colleagues, customers,
stakeholders, the
organisation, your
department, others

Professional Development Plan

Personal Development Plan




Planned outcome
Where do I want to be by the end of this period? What do I want to be doing? (This may be evolutionary or “more of the same”.)
What do I want/need to learn?

What will I do to achieve this?

What resources or support
will I need?

What will my success criteria

Target dates for review
and completion

CPD Reflection Record

CPD Reflection Record





Key dates

What did you


What did you learn
from this?

How have/will you use

What was the impact
of this activity?

Any further action?
Consider the impact on
you, your team,
colleagues, customers,
stakeholders, the
organisation, your
department, others

Professional behaviours
and valuing people
Learner Assessment Brief
Assessment ID / CIPD_5CO03_24_01

Level 5 Associate Diploma in

People Management
• Organisational Learning and Development

Level 5 Associate Diploma


Professional behaviours and
valuing people
This unit focuses on how applying core professional behaviours such as ethical practice, courage
and inclusivity can build positive working relationships and support employee voice and wellbeing. It considers how developing and mastering new professional behaviours and practice can
impact performance.

CIPD’s insight
HR and standards (December 2022)
This factsheet explains what British and International standards in HR are and why they matter. It
introduces the British and International HR standards already published or under development and
outlines the CIPD involvement in their development. Whether or not organisations have a
dedicated HR team, they will at some point need guidance on ethical and effective human
resource management practice in areas such as workforce planning, recruitment, inclusion and
diversity, learning and development, and human capital reporting. British and International
standards provide such guidance. International experts develop them, in collaboration with key
stakeholders. These standards advocate responsible people management practices and support the
organisations that adopt them to improve their organisational resilience and sustainability.

Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in the workplace (November 2022)
Promoting and delivering EDI in the workplace is an essential aspect of good people management.
To reap the benefits of EDI, it’s about creating working environments and cultures where every
individual can feel safe, a sense of belonging and is empowered to achieve their full
potential. Whilst legal frameworks vary across different countries, in the UK the Equality Act 2010
provides legal protection for nine protected characteristics: age, disability, gender reassignment,
marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual
orientation. However, an effective EDI strategy goes beyond legal compliance and seeks to take
an intersectional approach adding value to an organisation, contributing to the wellbeing and
equality of outcomes and impact on all employees. This includes: accent, age, caring
responsibilities, colour, culture, visible and invisible disability, gender identity and expression,
mental health, neurodiversity, physical appearance, political opinion, pregnancy and
maternity/paternity and family status and socio-economic circumstances amongst other personal
characteristics and experiences. This factsheet explores what workplace equality inclusion and
diversity (EDI) means, and how an effective strategy is essential to an organisation’s business
objectives. It looks at the rationale for action and outlines steps organisations can take to
implement and manage a successful EDI strategy, from recruitment, selection, retention,
communication and training to addressing workplace behaviour and evaluating progress.

Ethical practice and the role of people professionals (November 2023)


Level 5 Associate Diploma
Scandals involving workplace harassment and poor treatment of workers have highlighted what
can happen when ethics aren’t integral to the way an organisation operates. Having unique access
to staff and opportunities to influence an organisation’s strategy and the way it manages its
workforce; people professionals are uniquely placed within an organisation. They can support the
embedding of principled decision-making into daily practice. Ethics are at the heart of
professionalism. To create cultures of transparency and trust, practitioners should demonstrate
strong standards of integrity when advising business leaders.
This factsheet explores what ethical practice means and why it matters in an organisational
context. It outlines the trade-offs involved in upholding ethical values and the challenges faced by
people professionals. Finally, it looks at the profession’s role in creating ethical organisational

Ethics at work: an employer’s guide (February 2024)
Ethical values provide the moral compass by which we live our lives and make decisions: ‘doing
the right thing’ because it’s the right thing to do. However, there are several reasons why
unethical behaviour continues to happen in the workplace, from individual actions and choice to
industry-wide indiscretions and compromising decisions.
In this guide, we discuss the red flags to watch out for, along with practical tips and resources to
safeguard your organisation and people against ethical breaches and misconduct. The guide draws
on – and complements – the latest CIPD research, and features nine areas of action employers can
prioritise to ensure they behave ethically. If you’re an employer or manager looking to foster and
encourage ethical behaviour in your organisation, you’ll find the practical advice you need in this

Please note that the purpose of this insight is to link you to CIPD’s research and evidence within the subject
area, so that you can engage with the latest thinking. It is not provided to replace the study required as
part of the learning or as formative assessment material.


Level 5 Associate Diploma

Preparation for the Tasks:

Refer to the indicative content in the unit to guide and support your evidence.

Pay attention to how your evidence is presented.

Ensure that the evidence generated for this assessment remains your own work.

You will also benefit from:

Completing and acting on draft feedback from your assessor.

Reflecting on your own experiences of learning opportunities and continuous professional

Reading the CIPD Insight, Fact Sheets and related online material on these topics as well as
key research authors on the subject.


Level 5 Associate Diploma

Task –Professional and ethical behaviours
This assessment, like the unit it is based on, considers some key professional and ethical
behaviours that are expected of a people practice professional.
The assessment requires you to demonstrate, in written responses, your knowledge and abilities
against each of these requirements. To assist you to do this, the assessment poses 11 questions,
one for each of the requirements.
You should respond to each of the 11 questions, providing a mix of theoretical knowledge,
practical examples and personal reflection as required. Some of the questions ask you to include
feedback from others, and so before you commence this assessment you are advised to identify
and collect relevant feedback from at least one other person who has an insight into your
behaviour at work. You will also need to set up some continued professional development (CPD)
documentation if you do not have this already.
When submitting your responses, please ensure that these are clearly signposted typically using
sub-headings or question numbers and AC references to link your responses to the relevant
question. You should also ensure that your work complies with the wordcount requirements stated
at the end of this assessment brief.

Please respond to all 11 questions below:
An effective people practice professional will:
1. Understand the purpose and value of the people profession.
Q: With reference to the CIPD Profession Map, appraise what it means to be a people
professional. (AC 1.1)
2. Know own personal and ethical values and apply these consistently in their (people
practice) work.
Q: Discuss your personal and ethical values (one of each), with examples of how these are
evident in your work. (If you have yet to work in people practice, explore how you believe
your values would inform your work.) (AC 1.2)
3. Know the importance of people professionals contributing to discussions in an
informed, clear and confident way to influence others.
Q: Discuss reasons why this is important and the consequences of people practitioners not
being willing or able to influence others. (AC 1.3)
4. Know when and how to raise matters that might be unethical or illegal.
Q: Discuss, with examples, when and how you would react to both unethical and illegal
matters (one of each). (AC 1.4)
5. Be able to make use of related theory and thinking, to argue the human and business
benefits of people feeling included, valued, and fairly treated at work.
Q: Demonstrate your ability to do this with a written argument, which poses different
theoretical perspectives, as well as your own. (AC 2.1)


Level 5 Associate Diploma
6. Know how to design people practice initiatives to be inclusive and how to check
inclusivity after an initiative has been implemented.
Q: Discuss, with examples, how you have, or would, achieve both of these (AC 2.2)
7. Be able to work inclusively with others and build positive working relationships.
Q: Using a combination of your own reflections and feedback from at least one other
person, discuss your ability to work inclusively and positively with others. (AC 2.3)
There is no requirement to include evidence of the use of references to wider reading for
AC 2.3
8. Understand how the people practitioner role is evolving and the implications this has
for your ongoing professional development.
Q: Demonstrate your understanding of this with a written response and related entries in
your CPD Plan. (AC 3.1)
9. Be able to assess (own) strengths, weaknesses and development areas, based on own
considerations and feedback from others.
Using a combination of your own conclusions and feedback from at least one other person,
assess yourself against a specification of your choice (such as a role/job description or any
two of the core behaviour areas of the CIPD Profession Map (associate level). Briefly
explain the outcome of your assessment (strengths, weaknesses and development areas)
and the information that informed your conclusions. (AC 3.2)
There is no requirement to include evidence of the use of references to wider reading for
AC 3.2
10. Be able to formulate a range of appropriate CPD options to support ongoing learning.
Following on from your self-assessment, identify a range of formal or informal
development activities and add these to your CPD Plan/document. Provide a brief
explanation as to why you have selected these activities. (AC 3.3)
There is no requirement to include evidence of the use of references to wider reading for
AC 3.3
11. Be able to reflect on and draw conclusions about the effectiveness of development
Reflect on three development activities, already undertaken, that have had an impact on
your work behaviour or performance, explaining how they have impacted you. (Your
reflections should be presented within your CPD Record document.) (AC 3.4)
There is no requirement to include evidence of the use of references to wider reading for
AC 3.4


Your evidence must consist of:

Written responses to questions 1-10
(Approximately 3250 words in total, refer to CIPD word count policy)
A CPD Plan/Record document, format as preferred, edited to provide just the required
information for Qs 8, 10 & 11. (Not included in word count)


Level 5 Associate Diploma

Assessment Criteria Evidence Checklist
You may find the following checklist helpful to make sure that you have included the required
evidence to meet the task. This is not a mandatory requirement as long as it is clear in your
submission where the assessment criteria have been met.
Task – Professional and ethical behaviours.
Assessment criteria

Appraise what it means to be a people


Recognise how personal and ethical
values can be applied in the context of
people practice.


Consider the importance of people
professionals contributing to discussions
in an informed, clear and confident way
to influence others.


Recognise when and how you would
raise matters which conflict with ethical
values or legislation.


Argue the human and business benefits
of people feeling included, valued, and
fairly treated at work linking to related


Discuss strategies for designing and
ensuring inclusive people practices.


Reflect on your own approach to
working inclusively and building positive
working relationships with others.


Explore how the role of a people
professional is evolving and the
implications this has for continuing
professional development.


Assess your strengths, weaknesses and
development areas based on selfassessment and feedback from others.


Evidence reference


Level 5 Associate Diploma
Task – Professional and ethical behaviours.
Assessment criteria

Formulate a range of formal and/or
informal continuing professional
development (CPD) activities to support
your learning journey.


Reflect on the impact of your continuing
professional development activities on
own behaviour and performance.


Evidence reference


Level 5 Associate Diploma

Professional behaviours and
valuing people
Assessment Criteria marking descriptors.
Assessors will mark in line with the following assessment criteria (AC) marking descriptors, and
will indicate where the learner sits within the marking band range for each AC.
Assessors must provide a mark from 1 to 4 for each assessment criteria within the unit. Assessors
should use the mark descriptor grid as guidance so they can provide comprehensive feedback that
is developmental for learners. Please be aware that not all the mark descriptors will be present in
every assessment criterion, so assessors must use their discretion in making grading decisions.
The grid below shows the range for each unit assessment result based on total number of marks
awarded across all assessment criteria.
To pass the unit assessment learners must achieve a 2 (Low Pass) or above for each of the
assessment criteria.
The overall result achieved will dictate the outcome the learner receives for the unit, provided
NONE of the assessment criteria have been failed or referred.
Please note that learners will receive a Pass or Fail result from the CIPD at unit level. Referral
grades can be used internally by the centre.

Overall mark

Unit result

0 to 21


22 to 28

Low Pass

29 to 35


36 to 44

High Pass


Level 5 Associate Diploma

Marking Descriptors
Mark Range




The response DOES NOT demonstrate sufficient knowledge,
understanding or skill (as appropriate) to meet the AC.
Insufficient examples included where required to support answer.
Insufficient or no evidence of the use of wider reading to help
inform answer.
Presentation or structure of response is not appropriate and does
not meet the requirement of the question/assessment brief.


Low Pass

The response demonstrates an acceptable level of knowledge,
understanding or skill (as appropriate) to meet the AC.
Sufficient acceptable examples included where required to support
* Sufficient evidence of appropriate wider reading to help inform
answer. Satisfactory in-text referencing.
Answer is acceptable but could be clearer in responding to the
question/task and presented in a more coherent way.
Required format adopted but some improvement required to the
structure and presentation of the response.



The response demonstrates a good level of knowledge,
understanding or skill (as appropriate) to meet the AC.
Includes confident use of examples, where required to support the
* Good evidence of appropriate wider reading to help inform
answer. A good standard of in-text referencing.
Answer responds clearly to the question/task and is well expressed.
Presentation and structure of response is appropriate for the


High Pass

The response demonstrates a wide and confident level of
knowledge, understanding or skill (as appropriate) to meet the AC.
Includes strong examples that illustrate the points being made and
support the answer.
*Considerable evidence of appropriate wider reading to inform
answer. An excellent standard of in-text referencing.
Answer responds clearly to the question/task and is particularly well
expressed or argued.
Presentation and structure of response is clear, coherent, and
responds directly to the requirements of the question/task.
* Evidence of wider reading is an important feature of assessments
at this level. However, whilst a good and appropriate level of this
should be seen across the assessment, there is no requirement for
references to appear within every AC response. The following AC(s)
do not require referencing: AC 2.3, AC 3.2, AC 3.3 and AC 3.4.


Purchase answer to see full

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