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Project 7

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Senior Dog Sanctuary

Five years ago, a nonprofit senior dog sanctuary opened on the outskirts of a small town. The mission of this sanctuary is to provide a safe haven for senior dogs. The sanctuary has a strong social media following, but it is not well-known within the local community. To increase the local visibility of this organization, the client needs a poster that will be distributed throughout the community.


For your chosen client, you will be required to create two deliverables: a call-to-action poster, in both color and grayscale, and a client presentation. However, for this milestone, you will create only the call-to-action poster.

Choose one of the two clients and, using Adobe Illustrator, create a poster that conveys the message described by your chosen client. Refer to the design brief from your chosen client, located in the “Supporting Materials” section below, to inform your design. Make sure to use all the copy included in the design brief as well as at least one image or graphic from the Image and Graphic Bank resource, also linked below. These components should be displayed in a way that clearly communicates the call-to-action message.

Specifically, you must address the following criteria:

Part One: Color Poster
Create an 11” x 17” color poster using Adobe Illustrator.

1. Apply the
 principle of emphasis to convey a clear call-to-action message. You must include all the copy from the relevant design brief document. Consider the following questions to guide your work:

· Is the call to action the focal point of the poster? Consider the positioning and size of the copy.

· Did you use the elements of design to emphasize the call to action? Consider the usage of line and shape.

2. Implement the 
principle of hierarchy in the design. Consider the following questions to guide your work:

· Does the organization of components help guide the eye of the viewer? Consider organizing the components according to their level of importance: primary, secondary, and equivalent.

· Consider scale, contrast, space, alignment, and shape.

Select typography that conveys the appropriate call-to-action message. Consider the following question to guide your work:

Is your choice of font appropriate for the intended message?

4. Include 
design and visual elements in your poster. Include the following details in your work:

D. You must incorporate the elements of line, shape, and space.

D. You must include at least one image or graphic from the Image and Graphic Bank resource and include attribution. Consider using Photoshop if you wish to edit your image or graphic.

Apply typography that is readable and legible. Typography must be in black and/or white. Consider the following questions to guide your work:

· Are the fonts readable?

· Are the letters legible?

6. Apply the 
principle of alignment for readability.

7. Create a 
balanced poster design. Consider the following questions to guide your work:

· Is the look of your poster cohesive?

· Does your poster have an asymmetric or symmetric layout?

8. Apply a 
color palette that supports the call-to-action message to the grayscale poster. Consider the following questions to guide your work:

· Is your color palette harmonious? Consider the inclusion of complementary, analogous, and/or monochromatic color combinations.

· Did you use colors that allow for visual contrast? Consider the hue, saturation, and/or intensity of the colors.

9. Save the 
color poster as a PDF.

Part Two: Grayscale Poster
Convert the RAW color file from Part One into grayscale.

1. Save the color poster from Part One as a 
grayscale PDF.

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