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Project2- Write and Submit the Final Cloud Deployment Architecture Plan

Project 2: Design the Cloud Deployment Architecture 
Step 10: Write and Submit the Final Cloud Deployment Architecture Plan 

In this step, you will create and submit your consolidated Cloud Deployment Architecture Plan for email, software development, and backups and archiving.

The Cloud Deployment Architecture plan, which should be between eight and 10 pages, will consolidate the work that you have completed throughout the steps along with some additional elements (scope, executive summary, etc.) to create a comprehensive design for cloud deployment architecture for the selected “cloud ready” workloads. Sophia will present your work for approval at the executive meeting.

Use the 
Cloud Deployment Architecture Plan Template to write the Cloud Deployment Architecture Plan and submit the document after reading the instructions below.

Check Your Evaluation Criteria

Before you submit your assignment, review the competencies below, which your instructor will use to evaluate your work. A good practice would be to use each competency as a self-check to confirm you have incorporated all of them. To view the complete grading rubric, click My Tools, select Assignments from the drop-down menu, and then click the project title.

· 6.6: Evaluate and select cloud providers (AWS, Azure, VMware, Google Cloud, IBM).

· 6.7: Assess cloud storage providers.

· 8.2: Assess network security and privacy risks associated with cloud infrastructure.

· 9.3: Develop documentation (plans, policies, and procedures) to support cloud operation.

· 9.5: Design virtualized network infrastructure to meet business needs.

· 9.6: Design cloud storage infrastructure to meet business needs.

· 10.1: Develop and implement cloud metering system.

· 10.6: Configure a private cloud infrastructure using industry leading software.

· 10.7: Configure a public cloud infrastructure using industry leading provider(s).

· 11.2: Monitor cloud services charges from vendors and make adjustments to stay within budget.

· 11.4: Monitor system performance.

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