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PSY 290




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Chamberlain University

Psy290 Lifespan Development



CASE STUDY 1- Healthcare Investigator

This is your introduction paragraph. Here, summarize the case study outlined in the instructions. Do that in 2 sentences. Then outline the three main healthcare concerns (her age, drinking habits, and that compounding effect) to be discussed in the remainder of this paper. Do this in 1 sentence. This section should be 3-4 sentences in length ONLY. Write in third person.

Fetal Development

Here you do NOT get into the impact of the case study. In this section you are simply going to explain the stages of fetal development. Make sure you address normal physical development and brain development. Write academically. That requires writing in third person (do not write as though you were having a conversation with the patient but rather as though you were educating a group of people), base your claims off of your reading (EDAPT Concepts and Course Text), include facts and findings to back up your claims, AND demonstrate support by using APA style in-text citations. NONE of this information should be direct quotes. Insteaad, all information should be paraphrased or summarized AND include APA style in-text citation. This section should only be a paragraph in length. Remember all paragraphs should be between 3-4 sentences long.

Risk: Environmental and Biological Factors that Affect Human Development – Patient’s Age, Major Teratogens in the Prenatal Stage of Development

Here you present the impact of the case study. Discuss the risks associated with environmental factors like alcohol, drugs, and biological factors like patient’s age on fetal development. Discuss the risks associated with drinking during pregnancy. Look at this from both an impact to those developing structures in-vivo (fetal develop, and those developing structures [both brain and body]) and impacts seen AFTER birth (low birth weight, alcohol dependency, learning disabilities, behavioral issues, etc.). Then discuss age-related risks, such as genetic abnormalities such as trisomy 21, incidences of mental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder and ADHD/ADD, learning disorders, and any other which you feel are relevant. Write about any structural or neurological impairments associated with both environmental and biological related high-risk pregnancies. Use your EDAPT concepts, the course text, and/or a scholarly article (from the Chamberlain Library – NO websites) to explain these risks. Use academic style of writing (as described in the previous section). This section should be 1 paragraph in length. This paragraph should have a 5-6 sentences.

CASE STUDY 2- Childhood Immunization: To Vaccinate or Not?

This is your introduction paragraph. Here you need to outline the debate in the medical community regarding childhood immunizations. State main arguments for each point of view (Why vaccinations are necessary, and risk concerns). Cite as necessary and write academically (reference page has resources to help you with this). This section should be 2-3 sentences in length ONLY. Write in the third person.

Concerns Regarding Immunizations

Here you will discuss concerns regarding childhood immunizations. Address those concerns outlined in the research (for example inflammation response, high fever, etc.). Also address those concerns which are not supported in the research but are often a source of discussion (for example the ideal that immunizations cause autism spectrum disorder [ASD]). Also, discuss reasons why parents may delay getting childhood immunizations or they may space them further out. Use your course text, your EDAPT Concepts, and one outside resource here. This section should be 2-3 sentences in length ONLY.

Importance of Immunizations

Here you need to present the benefits of immunizing children. Discuss it from the standpoint of benefits both to
the individual child and benefits to society. All this section should be research based, written academically from third person perspective and utilizing APA style in-text citation where necessary. Use your course text, your EDAPT Concepts, and one outside resource here. This section should be 1 paragraph in length. Remember to write 2-3 sentences for individual child benefit and 2-3 lines about benefits to the society.

My Role

Here you will simply be discussing how you (as a health care professional [pretend you are in your chosen career]) might educate patients while respecting their autonomy. Think about how you would deliver the information without adding your own bias into your information delivery. This section is first person and should be a 2-3 sentences in length.


Chamberlain University. (n.d.)
Lifespan development. Adtalem-edapt. Retrieved


Cummings-Clay, D. (n.d.).
Child development. Achieving the Dream. OpenStax, OER Commons. Retrieved January 16, 2024, from

Lally, M., & Valentine-French, S. (2019). Lifespan development: A psychological perspective (2nd ed.). Open Textbook Library.

Below are resources to help you with finding credible research to use. You must include at least 1 scholarly article (per the instructions), your course text (Cummings-Clay, n.d.) (Lally, M., & Valentine-French, S.) and your EDAPT (Chamberlain University, n.d.) in your paper. There are also resources for identifying when to cite, how to cite (note that I have formulated the correctly formatted in-text citation for your course text and your EDAPT concepts highlighted above) and how to format a reference. I have also included resources on formatting your reference list and writing academically. PRIOR to submission: Delete everything below your references above, and Turn ALL font black.

· Library home

Chamberlain: What is a scholarly resource?

Chamberlain Library Guides: Finding Credible Resources

Writing Center Home

APA Basics: Paraphrasing and Quoting

Chamberlain Writing Center: Summarizing, Paraphrasing, and Quoting

Academic Writer Tutorial: Basics of the 7th Ed APA Style (Overall)

APA Basics: Paper Elements: Title page and/or reference list

Chamberlain Writing Center: APA formatting (Basics, In text citations, Reference page, Appendix)

APA Basics: Paper Organization: Level headings

APA Basics: In-Text Citations

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