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PSY 314: Concerns of Adolescence

What do you think about what they said?



Hello Everyone! 

Congrats on making it to the end of the term! 

Eating disorders are a disorder that we often see adolescent youth develop today. The question is, how come this has become so prevalent in the adolescent population. Eating disorders is the broad category of many different eating disorders. It covers Anorexia Nervosa (fear of maintaining a normal body weight or eating too little), Binge Eating Disorder (eating more than other people to the point of feeling out of control), and Bulimia Nervosa (The act of recurrent binge eating to the point of self-induced vomiting).

I think it’s difficult to decipher what the greatest influence on whether a teenager develops an eating disorder is as there are many different contributing factors. Being a female is the single-most comorbidity of developing a eating disorder, but not all females are shown to develop one (Mash, 2018). Many times, it is sociocultural and related to peer pressure. Teenagers have a lot of pressure based on what they see in advertised in the media. They feel that their body has to be “up to standards” and choose to eat in a way so that their body can reflect that even though it may not be healthy. There is a genetic component that plays a part in eating disorders as well as it is shown that they can run in families (Mash, 2018). Psychologically, eating disorders can be related to hormonal imbalances and can develop as a secondary symptom of disorders like depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

At the start of this course, I would have looked at eating disorders and thought very black and white about it. When asked the question, “What is has the greatest influence on whether a teenager develops it” I probably would have said something along the lines of “because they were depressed”. After going through this course, I have learned that youth are very complex. Often, there are several different causes behind a diagnosis. It is our job to think critically as children will not come out and openly discuss the issue in “black and white”.


Mash, E. (2018). Abnormal Child Psychology (7th ed.). Cengage Learning US. 


          I believe that the level of parental supervision and age of onset have the greatest influence on whether a teenager develops substance-use disorders (SUDs) for several reasons.  First, various studies suggest that the age at which an individual first uses a substance greatly influences whether they develop SUDs.  For example, research indicates that individuals are more likely to develop SUDs if the begin using 14 years of age and younger.  Additionally, decreased parental supervision gives teenagers increased opportunities to experiment with substance use.  Finally, a teenager may feel older than their age and thus feel as if they are entitled to participate in adult behaviors when they lack parental supervision.  Overall, I believe that the level of parental supervision and age of onset have the greatest influence on whether a teenager develops SUDs.  (Mash, 2018).

          I look at the causes and treatment for substance-use disorders (SUDs) differently than I would have before this class began.  For example, I now recognize that the course of treatment for adolescents who have SUDs and the course of treatment for adults who have SUDs needs to be different. Also, I now understand that many disorders have high comorbidity with other disorders.  Lastly, I better understand how certain environmental factors influence the prevalence of certain SUDs.  For example, a family history of substance abuse and dependence.  Clearly, I look at the causes and treatment for SUDs differently than I would have before this class began.  (Mash, 2018).  


Mash, E. (2018). Abnormal Child Psychology (7th ed.). Cengage 

Learning US. 

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