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PSY 319 W5 Discussion Responses

What do you think about what they said?

· Reply to at least 
two classmates outside of your own initial post thread.


· Demonstrate more depth and thought than saying things like “I agree” or “You are wrong.” Guidance is provided for you in the discussion prompt.

WRITTEN BY : Tiffany Brandt

One view of moral development discussed in the article  
The Development of Children’s Orientations Toward Moral, Social, and Personal Orders, is that “Many social situations include moral and nonmoral components, perhaps posing people with conflicts, the need to coordinate the different domains of judgment and to draw priorities among them.” (Turiel, E., 2008) The author used an example of this by giving a doctor a dilemma of either honoring a terminally ill patient’s last wishes or not. For some, this would be kindness and empathy, and for others, it would be homicide of some sort. Do we allow a patient to die with dignity, or do we prolong life, and the patient is in agony until death?  

About 15 years ago, my family was placed in a similar situation because my husband was no longer responding to his treatments. Still, he had a fierce determination to beat his cancer, and he was not ready to die. While in the hospital, after all the visitors had left for the day, he would beg me to promise not to let him die, but he was in so much pain from the cancer tumors. When he left the hospital for the final time, he was placed in hospice at home. Once home, it was like he had lost all sense of privacy. One time, he just took off all his clothes with his youngest sister in the room like he did not care about her propriety. Funny enough, it was like he reverted to being a toddler and had no shame. He steadily became worse, and within 24 hours, we were placing calls to anyone who had to travel that they needed to get here fast because he was fading fast. Once home Wednesday, he lasted until early Sunday morning when he finally passed. In the end, all we could do was make him comfortable until he took his last breath. His last request of me was to go with his sister to take the kids trick or treating and for me to take his dog Apollo with us to protect the kids. Funnily enough, Apollo could not stand his youngest sister but would fight to the death to protect the children. My husband’s last wish was to make sure his nieces and nephews were protected. He knew he was dying and did not want the kids to see or hear what was going to happen next, which was his last dose of pain medication. Which would put him to sleep but a sleep he would not wake up from. I did not discover this until I later listened to the recording he had made on his phone hours before. He did not die because of assisted suicide; however, he said goodbye to everyone he loved or cared for in his life. He just went to sleep Saturday night, and he allowed himself to just drift away on his own, the pain medication was just to make him comfortable in his last hours. 


Turiel, E. (2008). The Development of Children’s Orientations toward Moral, Social, and Personal Orders: More than a Sequence in Development.
 Human Development, 51(1), 21-39. 


Hello everyone,

After reading Turiel’s study on the growth of children’s orientations toward moral, social, and personal orders, I am drawn with a peculiar liking to the perspective of moral development that assigns the supremacy of moral reasoning and the difference between moral and social conventions. I would argue that it is the best seat for them to take and see how young children negotiate their ethical landscapes and construct themselves as moral agents.

Turiel (2008) asserts that children have an intrinsic ability to differentiate the moral issues, which involve rights and justice, and social norms, which are limited to culturally specific practices. This distinction is vital because it shows that children are not just passive recipients of moral teaching; rather, they are actively reasoning with themselves about moral dilemmas. The idea that moral and social judgments are closely linked to actions is based on the assumptions that individuals are active in thinking about the social environment, that they have mental/emotional propensities to care about the welfare of others and fairness in their relationships, that they scrutinize their world and reflect upon their own and others’ judgments and actions, and that in the process they are not driven solely by emotional or unconscious biological or psychological forces to act without choice (Turiel, 2008). Further supporting this view, moral development research, Kohlberg’s study, highlights the stages that children go through as they confront moral problems. For example, pre-conventional Morality, ages 0 to 9 has two stages, Stage 1: Obedience and punishment and Stage 2: Individualism and exchange. It is common for kids to start at the pre-conventional stage, which at this age, children’s decisions are primarily shaped by the expectations of adults and the consequences of breaking the rules (Cherry, 2022). This entails their understanding of right and wrong being influenced by external outcomes, and then they gradually rise to the stages of reasoning that are based on principles and the common good. This development demonstrates the key roles dialogue and critical thinking play in moral education.

Besides, Turiel’s research notes that how children challenge an adult are more when they think that someone disobeys the rules of moral law this is by choosing their right to a fair trial apart from their personal relationship with other children. This confirms the opinion that I support, which is that it is necessary to create a favorable environment for little ones who can express their moral reasoning and who accept social norms that respect their moral development. Facilitating open talk on moral dilemmas may inspire kids to make their ethical frameworks strong, thereby, they will have justice and empathy as a way of life.

On the whole, I am fully on the wave of moral development supported by the view of the significance of moral reasoning as developed in Turiel’s work. The ability of children to distinguish between moral and social conventions not only is a sign of their cognitive development but also a basis for creating a just and empathetic society. We achieve this goal by giving children the chance to confront moral deliberation and that enables the moral reasoning to become strongly evident which, in turn, will lead to their (peer) interaction being conducted correctly.


Cherry, K. (2022, November 7). 
Kohlberg’s theory of moral development. Verywell Mind. 

Turiel, E. (2008). The Development of Children’s Orientations toward Moral, Social, and Personal Orders: More than a Sequence in Development.
 Human Development, 51(1), 21-39. 

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