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PSY270 Discussion 9

Please Read thoroughly no AI text book attached please complete fully. Attach tenertium report.

2/9/24, 9:10 AM Topic: Module 09: Discussion – Dr. Carroll’s Notebook: Meet Kiki


This is a graded discussion: 10 points possible due Mar 31

Module 09: Discussion – Dr. Carroll’s Notebook: Meet Kiki

This assignment is required and counts towards your grade in this course.


This video will provide a real-life example of paraphilias and the kink culture as reported through one woman’s experience and personal
perspective. It will provide an opportunity to write your learning, share your thoughts with others, and learn from other perspectives in the class.


In MindTap, read the chapter 16 entry (including watching any videos included) “From Dr. Carroll’s Notebook” titled “Meet Kiki”. This activity
presents “Kiki” who talks with Dr. Carroll about kink and some of her experiences with the culture.

FYI: This video may contain graphic descriptions that some students may find disturbing and/or traumatic. If you prefer not to watch the video,
you can just read the text.

After watching the video, select 3 of the following 4 questions and share your answers on the discussion board:

Does Kiki’s discussion of her sexual interests surprise you? Why or why not?
What factors do you think have contributed to Kiki’s interest in sexual kink?
Do you feel that Kiki’s behavior is acceptable since her partners are consenting? Why or why not?
When would you say Kiki’s behavior might cross the line?

A numbered list of your answers/responses is acceptable for this assignment. You will not be able to see any other student work until you have
first submitted your own work.

After posting your work, read other student posts and leave comments if you’d like. Please remember to use Netiquette Guidelines in all
discussion boards.

Note: You will not be able to read other student posts until you have posted your own work.

Post your discussion:

2/9/24, 9:10 AM Topic: Module 09: Discussion – Dr. Carroll’s Notebook: Meet Kiki


Replies are only visible to those who have posted at least one reply.

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Click the Reply button below to post your introduction in the discussion forum.
When finished, click the Post Reply
You can also find this discussion forum by clicking the Discussions link in Course Navigation.


This assignment is worth 10 points. It is due by 11:59 p.m. on the date listed. Late and/or emailed assignments will not be accepted for grading.

The assignment will be graded for completion (were the required number of questions answered), accuracy (were the questions answered
correctly), and depth of knowledge (were the questions answered in a way that demonstrates a clear and advanced understanding of the material).
Merely submitting a post is not sufficient to earn full points – please work to be accurate and in-depth in your answers/explanations.

Proofreading is expected and you will need to use complete sentences. Multiple errors (in grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization) will
result in a loss of 1 point (10%) on this assignment.

Citations are not required on this assignment unless you consult a resource other than the entry or textbook. However, plagiarized work (see
Syllabus for definition of plagiarism) will result in a 0 on this assignment – there are no exceptions.

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