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Angelo Peer 1

In the introductory video for this week’s lesson on sleep and eating disorders, I was intrigued to learn about the prevalence of sleep disorders among adults. It was particularly interesting to note that approximately 6% suffer from insomnia, with up to 33% experiencing it at some point in their lives. The video outlined treatment protocols for sleep disorders, including medication and behavioral interventions. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has been found to be the most effective, as it targets and aims to reverse certain cognitive and behavioral patterns. For eating disorders, the treatment protocol is a more advanced form of CBT, tailored to address specific pathologies and overcome particular challenges.

In “Breaking a Long-Term Pattern of Poor Sleep,” Dr. Stepanski focuses on addressing his client’s disrupted sleep habits. He carefully examines her sleep patterns, including when she goes to bed and wakes up, and the quality of her sleep, especially if she wakes up during the night. He also considers other factors that could affect her sleep, such as physical health, mental state, diet, alcohol, caffeine use, and the presence of troubling thoughts. Dr. Stepanski recommends behavioral changes to promote better sleep, including adhering to a regular sleep schedule to secure six uninterrupted hours of sleep, avoiding TV in the sleeping area, and engaging in relaxation practices. These steps are crucial because consistent, quality sleep is foundational to overall health and well-being, impacting everything from cognitive function to emotional stability.

In the text, CBT-I is designed to tackle and change the behaviors and thought patterns that contribute to persistent insomnia. The approach is structured to be brief, typically involving six to eight 50-minute sessions. Given the short timeframe and several areas to focus on, the therapy is meticulously planned, aims to achieve specific outcomes, and is tailored based on a unique plan created for every client (Barlow, 2021, p. 642).

In the video titled “Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Problems With Binge Eating,” the client shares with Dr. Wilson that he is hard on himself, struggles with low self-esteem, and experiences depression, often turning to food binges for solace during his lowest points. Dr. Wilson does a great job by inquiring about what leads to this behavior and the client’s feelings and thoughts during these episodes. He also explores the positive coping strategies the client uses to handle stress and depression. What I enjoyed was at the end of the video, Dr. Wilson elaborated on his client simply being less critical of himself in order to focus on doing “good stuff.” This reminds me of 1 Corinthians 10:13: “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.” This verse suggests that while challenges and temptations are a common human experience, there is always support and a path to overcoming them.

In the text, CBT-BN focuses more on what keeps the disorder going rather than what caused it to start. The central issue for people with this condition is their harmful way of judging themselves, primarily based on their body shape, weight, and how well they think they control these aspects. This skewed self-assessment leads them to obsess over diet, striving for thinness, and avoiding weight gain at all costs. Most symptoms of BN are directly linked to this fundamental problem in how they view themselves and their bodies (Barlow, 2021, p. 708).

The videos on sleep and eating disorders provide practical insights into the treatment of these conditions, demonstrating how therapists like Dr. Stepanski and Dr. Wilson work closely with clients to address disrupted sleep habits and binge-eating by examining behavioral patterns and triggers, as well as by encouraging positive coping strategies. However, the text offers a more structured approach to therapy, describing Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) as a brief, highly planned treatment usually spanning six to eight sessions. The text emphasizes that CBT for Bulimia Nervosa (CBT-BN) concentrates on the ongoing issues rather than the origins of the disorder, focusing on self-perception related to body image and control.

Barlow, D. H. (2021). *Clinical Handbook of Psychological Disorders: A Step-by-Step Treatment Manual* (6th ed.). New York, NY: The Guilford Press. ISBN: 9781462547043.

New International Bible. (2011). The NIV Bible. Retrieved from (Original work published 1978).

Ntawv Peer 2

The use of behavioral therapies to treat eating disorders and sleep problems, respectively, is brought up in both videos. What are being discussed below will be of the videos and the treatment methods outlined in the textbook chapters for various conditions differences and similarities. The healthcare providers carefully assess each client’s presenting problems in both videos, including sleep patterns, emotional states, activities that provoke trouble, and coping strategies already in place. This is consistent with the typical procedure outlined in textbooks, according to which creating a suitable treatment plan requires doing a thorough examination. The significance of behavioral techniques in the management of diseases is emphasized by both physicians. In the first video, Stepanski offers methods for enhancing the quality of your sleep, such as creating a sleep regimen, abstaining from activities before bed, and practicing relaxation techniques. In the second video, Wilson looks at the client’s existing coping strategies and promotes learning healthy, adaptive coping processes as an alternative to binge eating when dealing with emotional discomfort. The significance of underlying psychological elements in maintaining the diseases is acknowledged in both videos. While Wilson explores the client’s self-criticism, low self-esteem, and sadness as triggers for binge eating behavior, Stepanski views the client’s worry, tension, and intrusive thoughts as factors in her bad sleep. This all-encompassing strategy is consistent with the biopsychosocial concept that is often highlighted in these illnesses’ treatment regimens. The methods used vary depending on the kind of disease, even though behavioral therapies are the focus of both videos. The strategies discussed in the movie on sleep disorders center on controlling sleep cycles, avoiding stimulating activities just before bed, and using relaxing methods. The eating disorder video, on the other hand, places more emphasis on cognitive-behavioral methods including recognizing triggers, questioning false beliefs, and creating substitute coping mechanisms. There are differences in the physiological and psychological factors behind eating disorders and sleep problems. The main effects of sleep disorders are on the quantity and quality of sleep, and they are often impacted by stress, anxiety, and poor sleep hygiene. However, eating disorders are characterized by unhealthy interactions with food, body image, and emotions. These relationships are often a result of trauma, poor self-esteem, and perfectionism, among other complicated psychological problems. As such, while treatment concepts may overlap, the particular emphasis and strategies customized for each disease will differ. All things considered, these videos show the significance of treating eating and sleep problems with a multifaceted strategy that includes behavioral therapies in addition to treating underlying psychological issues. Although the evaluation method and focus on behavioral tactics are similar, the precise intervention approaches required for each person are determined by the type of disease.



Barlow, D. H. (2021). 
Clinical Handbook of Psychological Disorders, sixth edition: A step-by-step treatment manual. Guilford Publications. 

Stepanski, Edward. (2002). 
Breaking a Long-Term Pattern of Poor Sleep. Psyctherapy.apa.org.

Wilson, Terence. (2011). 
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Problems with Binge Eating. Psyctherapy.apa.org.

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