I had another tutor do these for me, and all of them were done wrong. These are all feedbacks from the instructor, so please use matrix format but change them around with the first one being the Great Man & Traits Theory (Big Five) and the second one will be the Skills Based Approach & Behavioral Approach, the third being Situational Theory and Path Goal theory, number 4 being Leader member exchange and Transformational leadership, the fifth being Authentic leadership and Servant Leadership, and 6th being Adaptive Leadership and Inclusive Leadership. You can use some of the information off of the example I sent you because the instructor has seen these and I can use them again. I just want to make sure that you understood the assignment. All together you will have 6 leadership theories to use. I will send you the resources on another page to look over the theories from the text. You can use information from other sources as well but the textbook is great for the information.
Here is the info feedback from instructor: The matrix should focus on the core concepts that attach to the module: look at the title of each module to see what the “theme” for the module is. That would be the focus of the matrix each week. This first attempt is just a summary at too high of a level to explain the great man or traits theory — the two topics for this module. Use the reading from the book to focus your attention and then develop a synthesis/summary with examples from your life that might reflect the theory.