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    Conflict – Use It, Don’t Defuse It | CrisMarie Campbell & Susan Clarke | TEDxWhitefish


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    Watch Video

    Conflict – Use It, Don’t Defuse It | CrisMarie Campbell & Susan Clarke | TEDxWhitefish

    Duration: 19:13

    User: n/a – Added: 7/13/15

    Conflict is an Energy Source. Why You Should Listen

    The #1 source of pain on a team, or in any relationship, is conflict. What if conflict wasn’t good or bad? What if conflict was an energy source your team could harness to produce innovative, creative, and transformational results?

    Invest 18 minutes learning the two magic ingredients and how you can put them to work with any team you care about. CrisMarie Campbell and Susan Clarke have spent over 15 years working with hundreds of business leaders and their teams across many industries. Their clients call them “The Team Doctors” because of their expert, laser-like focus on the health of the team in order to get to smart business results. What makes them experts? They are a team. CrisMarie and Susan are work and life partners. Plus, they each have very different styles and approaches to conflict. What they do agree on is that conflict is healthy and a natural part of every relationship. So use it, don’t defuse it!


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    Page 6 of 9

    Watch Video

    Conflict – Use It, Don’t Defuse It | CrisMarie Campbell & Susan Clarke | TEDxWhitefish

    Duration: 19:13

    User: n/a –
    Added: 7/13/15

    Conflict is an Energy Source. Why You Should Listen

    The #1 source of pain on a team, or in any relationship, is conflict. What if conflict wasn’t good or bad? What if conflict was an energy source your team could harness to produce innovative, creative, and transformational results?

    Invest 18 minutes learning the two magic ingredients and how you can put them to work with any team you care about. CrisMarie Campbell and Susan Clarke have spent over 15 years working with hundreds of business leaders and their teams across many industries. Their clients call them “The Team Doctors” because of their expert, laser-like focus on the health of the team in order to get to smart business results. What makes them experts? They are a team. CrisMarie and Susan are work and life partners. Plus, they each have very different styles and approaches to conflict. What they do agree on is that conflict is healthy and a natural part of every relationship. So use it, don’t defuse it!

    Table of Contents

    Page 6 of 9

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