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Psychology Career Development

Career Plan Instructions

Research Your Desired Job

· Explore the job roles you aspire to hold in the future, paying attention to salary discrepancies across different locations. Research the salaries, and whether they differ by state, city or region. (be sure to document sources in reference section). 
Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst® (BCaBA®)

Assess Graduate Programs, Minors or Certificates

· If your desired position necessitates a graduate degree, investigate the various schools you may attend, costs associated with different graduate programs, and the length of the program.

· If a graduate degree is required, develop a strategy to finance graduate school.

· Explain if you plan to take the economic risk associated with attending the graduate program.

· If a graduate program is deemed unnecessary, explain if completing an undergraduate program in psychology will prepare you for the field and clarify whether completing a minor or certificate may be a viable option to prepare you for the position.
Just do this B.A. In Psychology- (Applied Behavior Analysis Track) FIU

Creating a Marketability Plan

· Establish a plan for networking and Professional Connections.

· Develop a strategy for building relationships with professors, classmates, alumni, and professionals in your field while in undergraduate (and graduate school if applicable).

· Research career fairs, networking events, and professional conferences that will expand your network within your desired field.

· Identify mentorship and guidance opportunities from experienced professionals that would help you to gain insight into your chosen career path.

· Develop a plan for creating professional online presence through platforms like LinkedIn, personal websites, and professional social media profiles.

Develop a Parallel Plan

· Consider alternative career paths in case your ideal career becomes obsolete or unattainable.

· Reflect on why you chose this job as it relates to your interests, skills, values, and goals.

· Explain whether courses required for your current major would meet the necessary requirements for the job. If not, identify commonalities and differences between your current major and alternative majors and whether you would need to return to earn a graduate degree to meet this parallel goal. (note any additional requirements or admission standards).

· Research salaries for the parallel career option and if they differ by state, city or region. West Palm Beach, Florida

Document Preparation

Using all the points in the instructions, organize your findings and reflections into four sections: Please be aware that any points not covered as required in the career plan instructions may impact your final grade.

A. Include an introductory paragraph to state your desired job and what led you to this decision. 

B. Discuss the salary ranges and regional differences for your intended job and compare by City, State or Region where you plan to reside in the future.

C. Evaluate the cost and duration of graduate programs if required for your desired career path. Explain your strategy to finance the graduate degree.

D. Consider strategies to enhance marketability during graduate school or undergraduate studies.

E. Outline your parallel plan, detailing alternative careers, their respective salaries, and considerations for obtaining necessary qualifications.

Document Submission 

Submit a three to five-page written essay, double-spaced, adhering to 

APA guidelines Links to an external site.
 for the 
Student APA 
title page. 

In-text citations Links to an external site.

and a 

reference list Links to an external site.

 should be included when incorporating sources into your wok. It’s important to note that failure to meet all requirements outlined in the career plan instructions may influence your final grade.” In summary, your final submission should adhere to the following guidelines:

1. Include a 
Student APA Title Page Links to an external site.

2. Your essay should be typed and double-spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5″ x 11″) with 1” margins on all sides.

3. Font: Any legible font which is used consistently throughout the paper.

4. Page Numbers should follow APA standard (top, flush right, from title page on).

5. Any headings (if used) must follow the 
APA heading level formatLinks to an external site..

6. Arrange the paper in paragraph form, with no extra spaces between paragraphs, however, indent the first line of each paragraph by five spaces.

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