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Counseling Treatment Plan Project

General Instructions

Most of you will have never worked in a therapy session with a client or clients. There is no way
to prepare you for that experience unless you begin to think as if you were in that situation.
Theories are important to know, but how you will implement the constructs of the theories is so
much more crucial. Using the two scenarios below, complete a treatment plan for each one.
When you are finished, you should have two completed treatment plans. There are no
exact answers because each treatment plan could be approached from dozens of directions.
Your outline should be consistent from top to bottom as you think about each scenario. For
example, if you state in the beginning of the treatment plan that the client(s)’ presenting issue is
depression, then, at the bottom of the outline you should not state that you will be seeing that
person once a month. For 99% of the population being treated for depression, once a month
would be of very little help. Make sure that you use the template below and fill in all the required

Keep in mind that, even though there might be three or four blanks for you to provide
information, you might need less or more blanks to fill in the information that you think is

Note: If specific information is not provided in the scenarios below, you can devise the
information if it stays consistent with the other facts. For example, in Scenario #1, you can
presume that the client has a Catholic background or a Protestant background; you can
presume ethnicity if you deem it relevant.

Scenario for Treatment Plan #1

A family comes to your practice for help. Here is the following information that is collected
during their intake.

Mom and Dad have been married for twenty years. They have a middle-class income. Mom
works twenty hours per week as a para legal. Dad is a college professor at the local four-year
institution. They have three children. The oldest is a 16-year-old girl. She is a straight A
student, and she is well liked at her school and the family’s church. She does not play any
sports. Her hobbies are reading, art, and theatre club at the school. She just received her
driver’s license about three months ago. It is rare that she is ever in trouble and in need of
discipline for breaking family or school rules.

The second child is 12-year-old male. This young man seems to find trouble anywhere he goes
during the day. He struggles in school, but the teachers state he is fully capable of completing
the work; he just refuses to do the work. He is defiant at school and at home. He spends most
of his time defying authority figures who are left in charge of him each day. He can go for days
without getting in trouble and then he could go a week getting in trouble every day. Even when
he is presented with a “video” of his infraction, he will sit and deny it. He never claims that
anything is his fault. He has been known to get into fights at school and even with his older
sister. The older sister never fights back. She tries to get away from him rather than engage.
He will intentionally break a rule at home and blame it on his older sister or younger brother.

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Spanking him only makes him madder and more out of control. Time-out ruins everyone’s night
because he sits in time-out and verbally says things to bother the rest of the household. The
only person he has never shown the behavior is his grandmother on his mother’s side.

The third child is a 10- year-old boy. The boy is identical to the older sibling. He makes good
grades, and he is well liked by others. He does show some of the “baby of the family” traits.
For example, when his older brother picks on him, he immediately cries and screams for his

I. Presenting Symptoms/Issues (i.e., Anxiety, Depression, etc.) Spaces are provided for
three symptoms or issues, but you may have less or add more, if needed. UWA students
have access to the full-text DSM-5 via the Library website (found at
uwa.edu/currentstudentsfacultyandstaff). The DSM is in a database titled “Psychiatry
Online”. This database is filled with incredible diagnostic information.




II. Information that Supports Item I. (How did you arrive at the above conclusions?
Again, you may have less or more information here.)





III. Treatment Theoretical Approach(es): List and describe one or two theories that you,
as the counselor, would use to work with the individual/family and give a rationale for
choosing those approaches. Please do not describe a “integrated” approach but, rather,
describe one or two specific theories. For each theory you list here, describe it using at
least 250 words. Cite at least two scholarly sources in this description (no websites!).
Include the two sources in a reference section at the end of your document (after case



IV. Treatment Modalities (i.e., Specify Group, Family, Couple, Individual—make sure that
your choice of treatment modalities correlates with what you going to do with the
individuals in the scenario.)


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V. Reasons for the Chosen Modalities in Item IV




VI. Frequency of Sessions for Each Modality in Item IV




VII. Measurable Treatment Goals (Be sure to state these using action verbs. For example,
“The client(s) will be able to identify, discuss, describe, etc.”)





VIII. Techniques from Theoretical Approaches: Based on the theory you described in
section III above, list and describe three techniques that you could use for this case.
Describe each technique using at least 150 words. These techniques/interventions
should be directly related to the theory you described in Item III. Besides your
textbook, include at least two other scholarly sources (articles or textbooks; no
websites). Include your sources in the reference section at the very end of your
document (after case #2).




IX. Frequency for Evaluating Each Goal




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X. How will Progress be Defined? [What will you be looking for regarding progress with
your client(s)?]





Scenario for Case Study #2

A couple enter for their intake regarding pre-marital counseling. They have been dating for
approximately fifteen months. They are wanting to get married; however, they are concerned
with several issues. The woman has been married twice before. She has one child with each
of her past ex-husbands. She has an eight-year-old girl and a four-year-old boy. The man has
been married once before. He has one child, a boy, age 13.

Both woman’s ex-husbands play a large role in the children’s lives. However, the man’s ex-wife
has nothing to do with her son. The woman receives a large alimony check that she would lose
if she re-marries. This is a concern since she does not work outside the home. The man has a
good job, but they would be living on a tight budget without her alimony check each month.
They have discussed living together, but, if it is proven that they are cohabitating, she would still
lose the alimony. The children have not met each other at this point. The woman’s ex-husbands
are not aware that she has been in a serious relationship.

The 13-year-old boy has been in trouble with the juvenile court system for inappropriately
touching girls at school. The last episode was six months ago. He has been in counseling for
over one year. The man has not told the woman of his son’s issues.

Again, they have come in for pre-marital counseling and how they should tell the children the
news if they decide to marry.

I. Presenting Symptoms/Issues (i.e., Anxiety, Depression, etc.) (Spaces are provided for
three symptoms or issues, but you may have less or add more, if needed.)




II. Information that Supports Item I. (How did you arrive at the above conclusions?
Again, you may have less or more information here.)


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III. Treatment Theoretical Approach(es): List and describe one or two theories that you,
as the counselor, would use to work with the individual/family and give a rationale for
choosing those approaches. Please do not describe a “integrated” approach but, rather,
describe one or two specific theories. For each theory you list here, describe it using at
least 250 words. Cite at least two scholarly sources in this description (no websites!).



IV. Treatment Modalities (i.e., Specify Group, Family, Couple, Individual—make sure that

your choice of treatment modalities correlates with what you are going to do with the
individuals in the scenario.)




V. Reasons for the Chosen Modalities in Item IV




VI. Frequency of Sessions for Each Modality in Item IV




VII. Measurable Treatment Goals (Be sure to state these using action verbs. For example,
“The client(s) will be able to identify, discuss, describe, etc.”)





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VIII. Techniques from Theoretical Approaches: Based on the theory you described in
section III above, list and describe three techniques that you could use for this case.
Describe each technique using at least 150 words. These techniques/interventions
should be directly related to the theory you described in Item III. Besides your
textbook, include at least two other scholarly sources (articles or textbooks; no




IX. Frequency for Evaluating Each Goal (Will you evaluate after each session? …after

two sessions? etc.)





X. How will Progress be Defined? [What will you be looking for regarding progress with
your client(s)?]






Include your references for both cases in this section.

Scoring Guidelines

Points available: 100

Component Unacceptable Acceptable Target

Treatment Plan #1

Responses to 1 or more
categories are missing;

information is

Responses to all 10
categories is provided,
information is accurate,

Responses to all 10
categories are

comprehensive, accurate

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Component Unacceptable Acceptable Target

inaccurate, and key
ideas are not well

(0 points)

but explanations of key
ideas are vague and not

well supported
(10 points)

and complete; key ideas
are clearly stated,

explained, and well
supported (20 points)

Treatment Plan #1
Knowledge of theories,
models, and strategies
for understanding and
practicing consultation

is evident.

(CACREP 2F.5.b,
2F.5.h, 2F.5n; CIEP 5.1,

5.3, 5.4, 5.5)

Knowledge of theories,
models, and strategies
for understanding and

practicing consultation is
limited or inaccurate;

choices are
inappropriate and/or not

supported (0 points)

Knowledge of theories,
models, and strategies
for understanding and

practicing consultation is
demonstrated; choices
are appropriate, but not
well supported (5 points)

Knowledge of theories,
models, and strategies
for understanding and

practicing consultation is
evident; choices are
appropriate and well
supported (10 points)

Treatment Plan #1

Knowledge of

counseling strategies
and techniques for

prevention and
intervention is evident.

(CACREP 2F.5.h, 2F.5.i;
CIEP 5.6, 5.7, 5.8)

Knowledge of evidence-
based counseling

strategies and
techniques for
prevention and

intervention is limited or
inaccurate; choices are
inappropriate and/or not

supported (0 points)

Knowledge of evidence-
based counseling

strategies and
techniques for
prevention and
intervention is

demonstrated; choices
are appropriate, but not
well supported (5 points)

Knowledge of evidence-
based counseling

strategies and
techniques for prevention

and intervention is
evident; choices are
appropriate and well
supported (10 points)

Treatment Plan #2

Responses to 1 or more
categories are missing;

information is inaccurate,
and key ideas are not

well (0 points)

Responses to all 10
categories is provided,
information is accurate,
but explanations of key
ideas are vague and not

well supported
(10 points)

Responses to all 10
categories are

comprehensive, accurate
and complete; key ideas

are clearly stated,
explained, and well

supported (20 points)

Treatment Plan #2
Knowledge of theories,
models, and strategies
for understanding and
practicing consultation

is evident.

(CACREP 2F.5.b,
2F.5.h, 2F.5.n; CIEP 5.1,

5.3, 5.4, 5.5)

Knowledge of theories,
models, and strategies
for understanding and

practicing consultation is
limited or inaccurate;

choices are
inappropriate and/or not

supported (0 points)

Knowledge of theories,
models, and strategies
for understanding and

practicing consultation is
demonstrated; choices
are appropriate, but not
well supported (5 points)

Knowledge of theories,
models, and strategies
for understanding and

practicing consultation is
evident; choices are
appropriate and well
supported (10 points)

Page 8 of 8

Component Unacceptable Acceptable Target

Treatment Plan #2

Knowledge of

counseling strategies
and techniques for

prevention and
intervention is evident.

(CACREP 2F.5.h, 2F.5.i;
CIEP 5.6, 5.7, 5.8)

Knowledge of evidence-
based counseling

strategies and
techniques for
prevention and

intervention is limited or
inaccurate; choices are
inappropriate and/or not

supported (0 points)

Knowledge of evidence-
based counseling

strategies and
techniques for
prevention and
intervention is

demonstrated; choices
are appropriate, but not
well supported (5 points)

Knowledge of evidence-
based counseling

strategies and
techniques for prevention

and intervention is
evident; choices are
appropriate and well
supported (10 points)

Overall Organization
and Clarity

No organizational
structure; absence of

support for main points
(0 points)

Organization is
confusing or disjointed;
support is provided, but
is not specific; support is
only loosely relevant to

the main points
(5 points)

Clear organizational
structure; ideas

sufficiently supported;
support is sound, valid,
and logical (10 points)

presentation (grammar,

mechanics, spelling)

Writing involves many
errors (more than 3)

(0 points)

There is some deviation
from college level

writing; writing involves
few errors (no more than

3) (5 points)

Graduate-level writing is
used; writing is free of all
writing errors (10 points)

  • Counseling Treatment Plan Project
  • General Instructions
  • Scenario for Treatment Plan #1
  • Scoring Guidelines

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