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Theories Grid Guidelines and Scoring Guidelines

General Instructions

It can be difficult to make distinctions between the various theoretical models studied in this course. Some of the theories/models use the same

terms but might attach different meanings to them. Other theories use different terms to refer to similar concepts. To help, students are to

create one grid that compares the major theories across several categories. It is suggested that this project be begun when the student first

begins to read about the theories and updated as each theory is studied. This project is designed to help distinguish the fine points

between the theories and to serve as a personal study guide for exams and post-graduate testing.

I. General Directions: Include each of the following theoretical approaches for this grid assignment:

1. Psychoanalytic (you may use example in these guidelines)

2. Adlerian

3. Existential

4. Person-Centered

5. Gestalt

6. Dialectical Behavior Therapy
7. Cognitive Behavior Therapy
8. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

9. Reality Therapy

10. Feminist Therapy

11. Narrative Therapy

12. Solution-Focused Brief Therapy

13. Structural Family Therapy

II. Create a table that compares these theories across the following dimensions:

1. Major Theorist(s)

2. Key Concepts

3. Therapeutic Goals

4. Relationship Between Therapist and Client

5. Therapeutic Techniques and Procedures

6. Applications

7. Strengths

8. Limitations

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9. Specific Multicultural Perspectives

***See the example for Psychoanalytic Therapy below, which you can use in your own project.

III. Layout Directions: Students may use Microsoft Word or Excel to create their project. If Microsoft Word is used, please export the

file as a .pdf and upload the .pdf file for the assignment. Suggestions for designing this project would be to create a table for each

theory/approach in Word and use page breaks between each theory/approach. Choose the landscape option in Page layout and

insert a table. Use short statements and include definitions of terms if you are not sure of the meaning of some of the

terminology. Since using bullet points causes information to automatically indent into your column space, you might consider

using asterisks for your major points as shown in the Psychoanalytical example below. Another space-saving suggestion is to

highlight your cells, choose the Layout tab, select Cell Margins, and set the default cell margins to 0”. Doing so allows you to

maximize the use of space within the cells.

IV. Information Sources: You can use your textbook and outside resources such as journals or internet sources, but you must properly

cite and reference APA style (7th edition) all information you use from ALL sources used to answer your questions. Common

terms/language relative to each theory can be used (i.e., id, ego, superego, empty chair technique, etc.). Otherwise:

PARAPHRASE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE-you will learn the particulars of the theories more easily if you can explain

the information in your own words

V. Plan Ahead: Work on your project each week as you study each theory/approach.

VI. Be Creative: Use your creativity to create the project. For example, you can insert graphics or examples (your own) to further

explain certain points. In past projects, some students have chosen to use colored fonts to differentiate between the

theories/approaches and included pictures of either the theorist(s) or icons representative of each theory. Techniques like

these make the project information more memorable.

VII. Use the Project: This project can be used as part of your notes when taking your chapter tests and will make an excellent study

guide when preparing for comps.

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Example of Layout Using Psychoanalytic Theory:

Theory Major


Key Concepts Therapeutic




Techniques &


Applications Strengths Limitations Multicultural







*Human Nature

determined by
irrational forces,

motivations, sexual
drive, life/death

instinctual, ruled by

pleasure principle
Ego-rational, ruled
by reality principle
ruled by rewards &

deny/distort reality,


*Focuses on
client’s past.

*To make the

*Strengthen the
Ego to make
behavior more

*The goal of the
therapist is to

make the client’s
issues conscious.


recommends that
the client be
positioned on a
couch away from
the therapist, as

to avoid eye

*The therapist

offers little, if any,


*The therapeutic

process can be

quite lengthy (up

to 2 years or








*Analysis of

*Analysis of


*Useful for those

who intend to do
intensive therapy

*Useful for
clients who are
in deep

emotional pain

*Clients who

want another

added to their
therapy— those
who want to

further explore
their psyche

*It has focused on
key factors such

as the
unconscious as a
defining motive
for behavior

*The effects of
trauma during the

first six years of
life are


anxiety, and
resistance, and
the issue of ego

defense are

*Not useful for
daily life

where coping
skills should

be the focus

*Lengthy and

training for


which would
be very
expensive for

*Clients do not


positively to


*The focus on
family dynamics
makes it
appropriate for
working with
many cultural

*The proper
demeanor of the
therapist is
attractive to
clients who

*Internal focus

can be in conflict

with cultural

values that

emphasize the

interpersonal and



**You may use the above information on the (1) Psychoanalytic Theory as part of your project. Cite the textbook as your source.

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Scoring Guidelines

Points Available: 100

Component Unacceptable Acceptable Target

9 Dimensions

Information on one or more of the
9 dimensions is missing or

inaccurate (0 points)

Information on all 9 dimensions is
provided, information is accurate,
but explanations of key ideas are

vague or incomplete (1 point)

Information on all 9 dimensions
is comprehensive, accurate and
complete; key ideas are clearly
stated and explained (2 points)

9 Dimensions

Information on one or more of the
9 dimensions is missing or

inaccurate (1 point)

Information on all 9 dimensions is
provided, information is accurate,
but explanations of key ideas are

vague or incomplete (3 points)

Information on all 9 dimensions
is comprehensive, accurate and
complete; key ideas are clearly
stated and explained (7 points)

9 Dimensions

Information on one or more of the
9 dimensions is missing or

inaccurate (1 point)

Information on all 9 dimensions is
provided, information is accurate,
but explanations of key ideas are

vague or incomplete (3 points)

Information on all 9 dimensions
is comprehensive, accurate and
complete; key ideas are clearly
stated and explained (7 points)

9 Dimensions

Information on one or more of the
9 dimensions is missing or

inaccurate (1 point)

Information on all 9 dimensions is
provided, information is accurate,
but explanations of key ideas are

vague or incomplete (3 points)

Information on all 9 dimensions
is comprehensive, accurate and
complete; key ideas are clearly
stated and explained (7 points)

9 Dimensions

Information on one or more of the
9 dimensions is missing or

inaccurate (1 point)

Information on all 9 dimensions is
provided, information is accurate,
but explanations of key ideas are

vague or incomplete (3 points)

Information on all 9 dimensions
is comprehensive, accurate and
complete; key ideas are clearly
stated and explained (7 points)

Dialectical Behavior

9 Dimensions

Information on one or more of the
9 dimensions is missing or

inaccurate (1 point)

Information on all 9 dimensions is
provided, information is accurate,
but explanations of key ideas are

vague or incomplete (3 points)

Information on all 9 dimensions
is comprehensive, accurate and
complete; key ideas are clearly
stated and explained (7 points)

Cognitive Behavior
Therapy 9 Dimensions

Information on one or more of the
9 dimensions is missing or

inaccurate (1 point)

Information on all 9 dimensions is
provided, information is accurate,
but explanations of key ideas are

vague or incomplete (3 points)

Information on all 9 dimensions
is comprehensive, accurate and
complete; key ideas are clearly
stated and explained (7 points)

Page 5 of 5

Rational Emotive Behavior

9 Dimensions

Information on one or more of the
9 dimensions is missing or

inaccurate (1 point)

Information on all 9 dimensions is
provided, information is accurate,
but explanations of key ideas are

vague or incomplete (3 points)

Information on all 9 dimensions
is comprehensive, accurate and
complete; key ideas are clearly
stated and explained (7 points)

Reality Therapy
9 Dimensions

Information on one or more of the
9 dimensions is missing or

inaccurate (1 point)

Information on all 9 dimensions is
provided, information is accurate,
but explanations of key ideas are

vague or incomplete (3 points)

Information on all 9 dimensions
is comprehensive, accurate and
complete; key ideas are clearly
stated and explained (7 points)

Feminist Therapy
9 Dimensions

Information on one or more of the
9 dimensions is missing or

inaccurate (1 point)

Information on all 9 dimensions is
provided, information is accurate,
but explanations of key ideas are

vague or incomplete (3 points)

Information on all 9 dimensions
is comprehensive, accurate and
complete; key ideas are clearly
stated and explained (7 points)

Narrative Therapy
9 Dimensions

Information on one or more of the
9 dimensions is missing or

inaccurate (1 point)

Information on all 9 dimensions is
provided, information is accurate,
but explanations of key ideas are

vague or incomplete (3 points)

Information on all 9 dimensions
is comprehensive, accurate and
complete; key ideas are clearly
stated and explained (7 points)

Brief Therapy
9 Dimensions

Information on one or more of the
9 dimensions is missing or

inaccurate (1 point)

Information on all 9 dimensions is
provided, information is accurate,
but explanations of key ideas are

vague or incomplete (3 points)

Information on all 9 dimensions
is comprehensive, accurate and
complete; key ideas are clearly
stated and explained (7 points)

Structural Family Therapy
9 Dimensions

Information on one or more of the
9 dimensions is missing or

inaccurate (1 point)

Information on all 9 dimensions is
provided, information is accurate,
but explanations of key ideas are

vague or incomplete (3 points)

Information on all 9 dimensions
is comprehensive, accurate and
complete; key ideas are clearly
stated and explained (7 points)

Presentation Creativity Shows little creativity, originality
and/or effort in understanding

(1 point)

A few original touches enhance
the project to show understanding

(3 points)

Exceptionally clever and unique
in showing deep understanding

(6 points)

Professional presentation
(grammar, mechanics,


Writing involves many errors
(more than 3) (1 point)

There is some deviation from
college-level writing; writing

involves few errors (no more than
3) (4 points)

Graduate-level writing is used;
writing is free of all writing errors

(8 points)

  • General Instructions
    • Scoring Guidelines

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