Assignment #7 (30 points)
PH 600
Your textbook includes ten case studies that help illustrate many of the concepts we review in this course. While we will not have time to formally engage with all of these case studies, I encourage you to review them on your own time.
For this week’s assignment, read
Case Study #8: Public Health Leadership in your textbook.
Respond to the discussion questions throughout the chapter, which are also listed below. There is not a required word count, but I expect thorough responses to each question.
· How are the different concepts of leadership described above complementary to each other? How do these concepts impact your thinking about what constitutes public health leadership? (p. 345)
· How do these leadership characteristics relate to the needs of public health departments pursuing the strategies and goals of Public Health 3.0 and the role of the chief public health strategist? (p. 345)
· Which of these characteristics can be observed in public health leaders working today? (p. 345)
· In what ways did Dr. Axelrod take innovative actions? (p. 347)
· Was Dr. Axelrod justified in taking an aggressive approach in these cases? (p. 347)
· Would these issues be dealt with differently today? In what ways? (p. 347)
· In what ways did Dr. Axelrod’s leadership style coincide with or differ from views of what constitutes strong public health leadership today? In what ways are public health leaders encouraged to operate today that are similar to or different from Dr. Axelrod’s style? (p. 348)
· How can these characteristics of public health leadership be fostered in leaders today? (p. 348)