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Case study: 
Fictional character of a 10 year old female named Aria who suffers from ADHD and ASD (Autism spectrum disorder).

Aria is a 10 year African American female who lives with her parents. Both parents work in the medical field and the home typically runs very well. Aria is easily distracted from her studies in the classroom and is easily startled by certain noise levels. When Aria becomes overwhelmed, she tends to react impulsively. It is difficult for Aria to interact with her peers as she does not like to sit in groups and prefers to sit alone in the classroom. Arias’ parents are aware and supportive of Arias’ diagnosis and do well with meeting her daily needs. Aria was diagnosed when she was 6 years old and takes several medications to help level out related symptoms. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by persistent patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that interfere with functioning or development. ADHD is typically diagnosed in childhood, but symptoms can persist into adulthood. The exact cause of ADHD is not fully understood but is believed to involve a combination of genetic, environmental, and neurological factors. Treatment often includes behavioral therapy, medication, and educational support to manage symptoms and improve functioning. Aria also is diagnosed with Autism or Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder characterized by challenges with social interaction, communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior. The term “spectrum” reflects the wide range of symptoms and severity. ASD can manifest in various ways and impacts individuals differently. Cognitive disorders come from the development of the cerebral cortex, as it controls cognition among us (Carlson, 2021). I chose this case study as ADHD has different affects among sex, and how to assist it, especially in this age range (Ojuri, 2024). 


Carlson, N. R., & Birkett, M. A. (2021). Physiology of Behavior (13th ed.). Pearson Education (US). 


The format should be a Word document listing at least eight resources you will use to support your case study and a paragraph explanation of how each resource will support your case application paper. 

You will complete an annotated bibliography for Milestone Two. This assignment requires you to gather the initial research on your chosen topic needed to complete your final paper. The annotated bibliography should list at least eight resources you will use in your case application paper. You should include the APA citation for each resource and a brief paragraph stating the conclusion of each resource and addressing how the information in the resource will support your project. The resources should include information about the chosen individual’s disorder/disability and information regarding treatment for the disorder/disability. Your research and annotations will help you write your final project.

Each annotation should do the following:

· Provide the main 
conclusions of each resource

· Provide 
information about the chosen 
disorder or disability

· Provide possible 
treatment options

· Explain the 
usefulness of the resource to the final paper

Cite the resource using APA style (see below for example).

Sample Annotated Bibliography of a Journal Article

The following example is what your final product for each resource should look like. This example (for the psychological research article), “A Bad Taste in the Mouth: Gustatory Disgust Influences Moral Judgment,” employs APA style for the journal citation. The writer of this annotation follows the above points to create an annotation that summarizes the article’s main points and draws connections between that resource and other resources:

Eskine, K. J., Kacinik, N. A., & Prinz, J. J. (2011). A bad taste in the mouth: Gustatory disgust influences moral judgment. 
Psychological Science, 22(3), 295–299.

Annotation: In this article, Eskine and colleagues describe the results of an experiment that examined whether the taste in a person’s mouth influences the moral judgments that the person makes. The authors, who are researchers at the City University of New York, hypothesized that there would be a relationship between these two variables because prior research has shown that there are strong links between basic emotions and moral judgments. Indeed, the authors found that participants given a bitter drink made harsher moral judgments than those given a non-bitter drink. This article is extremely useful for my paper because it provides evidence that seemingly unimportant sensory information can influence moral judgments. Also, it nicely complements the work of Chapman et al. (2009), who found that emotional disgust and morality utilize similar brain regions.

What to Submit

The annotated bibliography should follow these formatting guidelines: includes at least 8 resources, double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, and citations in APA format. For each reference, the 3- to 5-sentence annotation should be indented in block format (similar to a direct quotation of greater than 40 words) and directly follow the reference.



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