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Question 081924

Assignment #1

This is a fairly straightforward assignment. You will need to review 2 articles, one by Zimmerman and the other by Porr. These articles can be found by going to the Week 2 folder, then go to the Learning Activities folder, then University Library Resources.

You MUST use Source Comparison Matrix. Remember to save the document with your first name, so you would save it and upload the WORD doc as

yourfirstname_ldr711A_vqw_wk2_source_comparison_matrix. This helps me a great deal. Then enter your complete answers into the boxes, the boxes will expand as you type.

The first row already states if the papers had citations. Did they have references?

The second row wants to know what degrees, what credentials (such as Director of a State Public Health Department or Head of Surgery, or affiliation, such a fellow at the Kaiser Family Foundation.

The third row wants to know if this article is in Ulrich’s and therefore peer reviewed. 

This assignment instructs you to use Ulrichsweb. Here is how you get to this Ulrichsweb.

1.      Go to the University Library

2.      On the bottom left had side of the page there is a Research Databases bold heading. Under that select “View all research databases”.

3.      Click on U

4.      Ulrichsweb should be the second selection, click that and you are where you need to be.

The fourth row asks you to say if you thought the author’s use scholarly writing and why.

The fifth row asked if the authors used supporting evidence for the position. What were some examples?

And the last row asked you to comment on the value of this article as a doctoral research source.

Reflection questions: Both articles addressed the same topic: leadership versus management. What insights can you gain from comparing the two sources’ research value? How will you apply these insights in your doctoral research?

These 2 questions can be answered briefly at the end of the matrix. You also can put these in your paper under a heading reflection questions. The questions are also in the assignment:


Finally, based on the readings,
write a 175- to 350-word
evaluative discussion on the differences and similarities between management and leadership styles. Use the preformatted pages following this page. Include in-text citations and a reference list. Use the Template, include a title, a heading for what you are discussing and a conclusion. 

Please feel free to ask questions.

Discussion 1

ost a total of 2 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post due Thursday and 1 reply to classmates or your faculty member by Monday.

Please refer to this week’s learning materials. They are intended to help you engage effectively in this discussion.

The concept of leadership is complex and has many dimensions. Some people perceive leadership as:

· A trait or ability

· A skill or behavior

· A relationship or process

How you perceive leadership influences how you practice leadership.

Complete the self-scoring “Conceptualizing Leadership Questionnaire” in Ch. 1 (p. 47) of 
Leadership: Theory and Practice.

Due Thursday

Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following:

What were your leadership indications from the questionnaire results? Were your scores indicative of an emphasis on trait, ability, skill, behavior, relationship, or process?

Identify your highest and lowest scores from the questionnaire results. As you formulate your leadership plan for the Week 8 assessment, what leadership area(s) might you focus on, and why?


Discussion #2

Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following:

Choose one of the subsections of “Leadership Defined” (p. 24) in Ch. 1 of 
Leadership: Theory and Practice and describe how that subsection aligns with your identified high score from the “Conceptualizing Leadership Questionnaire” in this week’s first discussion.

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