The Question have 2 Part all of them must have Font size: 12, arial, spacing: 1.5 It is supported by scientific references.
Part 1:
Briefing Paper 2900 (+ / – 10%)
Q1 AC 1.1
Evaluate the concept of evidence-based practice, including how it can be applied to decision-making in people practice.
Follow the evidence based practice:
Define the concept of evidence-based practice and offer a confident evaluation of it, in terms of its pros and cons.
Confident assessment of two evidence-based approaches eg (critical thinking, assessing evidence from a variety of sources, rationale model etc) including their pros and cons.
Confident application of the two chosen approaches, applying each of them to at least one people practice or organisational issue eg (out of date L&D practices, high absence levels, staff skills shortages etc).
Presentation and layout are of a high standard.
Considerable evidence of appropriate wider reading to inform answer. An excellent standard of in-text referencing.
Q2 AC 1.2
Evaluate a range of analysis tools and methods, including how they can be applied to diagnose organisational issues, challenges, and opportunities.
Follow the evidence based practice:
Confident explanation of two ways that people practices can add value.
Confident examples of two methods eg (cost- benefit analysis, evaluation methods, ROI etc) that might be used to measure the impact of people practices,
Answer demonstrates evidence of further research and examples.
Presentation and layout are of a high standard.
Considerable evidence of appropriate wider reading to inform answer. An excellent standard of in-text referencing.
Part 2:
Part 2 – Briefing Paper 1000 (+/- 10%)
Q1 AC 2.1
With reference to a people practice issue, interpret analytical data using appropriate analysis tools and methods.
There is no requirement to include evidence of the use of references to wider reading for AC 2.1.
Follow the evidence based practice:
1. Present each department’s performance review judgements as a percentage.
2. Those gaining ‘outstanding’ are entitled to a four percent bonus payment each quarter. Calculate the bonus due to each of these employees for each quarter and then provide an overall total cost of bonus payments for the organisation
Presentation and layout are of a high standard.
Q2 AC 2.2
Present key findings for stakeholders from people practice activities and initiatives.
There is no requirement to include
evidence of the use of references to
wider reading for AC 2.2.
Follow the evidence based practice:
Present your findings from Table 1 using a minimum of three appropriate diagrammatical forms (e.g., pie charts; line graph, bar chart) include some written explanation of what they show.
2. Using the data in Table 2 offer written interpretation of any patterns, themes or trends that might be occurring.
Presentation and layout are of a high standard.
Q3 AC 2.3
Make justified recommendations based on evaluation of the benefits, risks and financial implications of potential solutions.
Follow the evidence based practice:
Conclude the main findings from the previous two assessment criteria. From this, make two recommendations: one from each table of data.
Each recommendation, must include the following three elements:
1) benefits (outcome of recommendation).
2) risks (legal issues, conflict, unfairness)
3) financial implications (costs)
Presentation and layout are of a high standard.
Considerable evidence of appropriate wider reading to inform answer. An excellent standard of in-text referencing.
Further information
Please note: the examples given above are for guidance but not an exhaustive list. Therefore, if a learner uses examples not included above but in line with the criteria, they should be graded accordingly.
I don’t want copying or plagiarism at all, please read the conditions well and follow them, and I want a complete solution with an explanation and typical answers.
I want a report of the plagiarism, please