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Locate three research studies that deal with the management of people with their individual differences and diverse personalities. Use online, peer-reviewed journal research (case study research is preferred) to inform your writing. Summarize the takeaways from the articles that can support greater skill in managing people.

· 350 Word Minimum

· Plagiarism free

· A+ Work

· Below is some data that could be reviewed and used.


15 Roles Leaders Play to Manage

Performance and Accountability

by Chris DeVany


hen managing performance and accountability, frontline managers take on a variety of roles as they interact with other people.

These roles are the character that

the manager assumes in a particular situation, much like the roles actors play in a film or show.

Starring Roles Managers Play

Here are the most predominant roles managers adopt:


Develops game plans and calls plays; makes assignments; encourages team members; assesses strengths and developmental needs; builds individual and team strengths through instruction; allows members to practice skills; gives feedback.

Team Captain

Uses leadership and communication skills to build teams and hold them together; inspires confidence; communicates the vision, mission, and goals of the enterprise to team members; guides teams in development of set objectives; helps members understand the positions they play; seeks participation in team projects; openly confronts conflicts.


Encourages team members to excel; shows and builds confidence in abilities of team members; generates enthusiasm and support for team projects both with the immediate group and from the organization as a whole.

News Reporter

Communicates information within the team; promotes the team to others.

Fortune Teller

Projects trends; decides or recommends best course of action based on these predictions.

Political Analyst

Analyzes the current politics of the enterprise and develops strategies accordingly.


Listens to employee problems; helps employees develop solutions.


Supports and nurtures employees.


Calls time-out during conflicts; seeks resolution; determines penalties.


Is an honest broker in bringing people with different views together; negotiates for resources.


Battles to gain support or resources; fights to protect the team or project.


Openly seeks new projects and sources of work for the team.

Resource Allocator

Determines or recommends how the team’s resources will be used.


Represents the organization at professional, civic, or other meetings.

| WINTER 2013



Jointly identifies problems, determines causes, and develops solutions.

The Relationship Between

Performance and Accountability

We must be clear about the relationship between performance and accountability. As managers, we manage others’ performance. Accountability starts with the working relationship with our manager. We best ensure others delivering on performance by holding ourselves accountable first.

What steps are we taking to manage performance and ensure accountability in each of our roles? Let us take a look at each role, and consider advisable steps and approaches:


Managing performance. Conduct performance reviews; help to establish and support professional development plans for staff; assign responsibilities; encourage team members; assess strengths and developmental needs; build individual and team strengths through instruction; allow team, members to practice skills; give feedback.

Ensuring accountability. Monitor our own performance first, and meet regularly with our manager to ensure we are delivering on what we promised to do; review team performance with manager and receive their feedback; follow-up on assignments we have been given; ask for manager’s support when it comes to our own assessment of strengths and developmental needs; review our individual professional development plan with manager and request feedback.

Team Captain

Managing performance. Use our leadership and communication skills to build teams and hold them together; inspire confidence; communicate the vision, mission, and goals of the enterprise to team members; guide teams in development of set objectives; help members understand the positions they play; seek participation in team projects; openly confront conflicts.

Ensuring accountability. Ask our manager for guidance about which leadership and communication skills help to build teams and hold them together; ask ourselves, “How


does our manager inspire confidence?”; “How does our manager and do other leaders communicate the vision, mission, and goals of the enterprise?”; “How have I seen others effectively guide teams in development of set objectives, help members understand the positions they play, seek participation in team projects and openly confront conflicts?”


Managing performance. Encourage team members to excel; show and build confidence in abilities of team members; generate enthusiasm and support for team projects both with the immediate group and from the organization as a whole.

Ensuring accountability. Regularly meet with our manager to review team members’ performance, and understand from them what steps they recommend we take with those whose performance needs to improve, as well as how we can show and builds confidence in abilities of team members, generate enthusiasm and support for team projects both with the immediate group and from the organization as a whole.

News Reporter

Managing performance. Communicate information within the team; promote the team to others.

Ensuring accountability. Look to see how others effectively communicate information within their team and promote their team to others; follow their example.

Fortune Teller

Managing performance. Project trends; decide or recommend best course of action based on these predictions.

Ensuring accountability. Ask our manager and others for guidance on vision and forecasts; follow their lead.

Political Analyst

Managing performance and ensuring accountability. Analyze the current politics of the enterprise and develop strategies accordingly.


Managing performance. Listen to employee problems; help employees develop solutions.


Ensuring accountability. Ask our manager for guidance when faced primarily with the more complex problems we either haven’t handles before or haven’t handled in a while.


Managing performance. Support and nurture employees.

Ensuring accountability. Ask our manager for support as and when needed.


Managing performance. Call time out during conflicts; seek resolution; determine penalties.

Ensuring accountability. Ask for our manager’s guidance when it comes to managing and resolving conflicts.


Managing performance. Be an honest broker in bringing people with different views together; negotiate for resources.

Ensuring accountability. Hold ourselves to the same standard we hold others to when contributing to conversations which involve expressing different viewpoints; negotiate to “win-win.”


Managing performance. Battle to gain support or resources; fight to protect the team or project.

Ensuring accountability. Follow the lead of the best exemplars when it comes to gaining support or resources and fighting to protect the team or project.


Managing performance. Openly seek new projects and sources of work for the team.

Ensuring accountability. Deliver on those projects on time and on budget.

Resource Allocator

Managing performance. Determine or recommend how the team’s resources will be used.

Ensuring accountability. Deliver the promised performance based on effective use of those resources.


Managing performance. Represent the organization at professional, civic, or other meetings.

Ensuring accountability. Follow-up on any contacts you establish and requests for services you receive when you are representing your organization.


Managing performance. Jointly identify problems, determine causes, and develop solutions.

Ensuring accountability. Report your findings to your manager in a timely manner, especially when you have to deliver bad news.

Modeling Behavior

The closeness of the relationship between managing performance and ensuring accountability is shown in that ensuring accountability is modeling the behavior we expect from others as help them manage their performance. Holding ourselves accountable helps us improve our own performance as a manager.

Chris DeVany

is founder and president of Pinnacle Performance Improvement Worldwide, a management consulting firm. He is the author of 90 Days to A High-Performance Team
(McGraw Hill). He holds degrees in management studies and organizational behavior from Boston University. Contact him at [email protected] or via www.ppiw.com.

| WINTER 2013

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