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reading journal part 2


Gura, M. (2018).
The edtech advocate’s guide to leading change in schools. ISTE. [Chapter 7: Change and Resistance, pp. 76-90]

· 2 Key Takeaways

American Institutes for Research (AIR) (2015, December 8).
CBAM: The Concerns-Based Adoption Model.

· What is the purpose of the CBAM change model?

· List and briefly define the 7 CBAM Stages of Concern (SoC).

· List and briefly define the 7 CBAM Levels of Use (LoU).

· Briefly define the CBAM concept of Innovation Configurations (IC).

Ertmer, P.A., & Ottenbreit-Leftwich, A.T. (2010). Teacher technology change: How knowledge, confidence, beliefs, and culture intersect.
Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 42(3), pp. 255-284.

· From the Implications section of this article (pp. 272-278), how can teachers’ self-efficacy be developed?

· From the Implications section of this article (pp. 272-278), why is it challenging to change or influence teachers’ pedagogical beliefs?


Gura, M. (2018). The edtech advocate’s guide to leading change in schools. ISTE. [Chapter 6: From Vision to Reality, pp. 69-86]

· 2 Key Takeaways

Kotter, J. P. (2012). Accelerate! Harvard Business Review, 90(11), 44.

· In your own words, what do you think Kotter (2012) means by the term “strategy network”?

· List the “Eight Accelerators”…“that enable the strategy network to function” (Kotter, 2012, p. 51) (you can write them word-for-word or paraphrase…whichever you prefer)?

Rogers, E. M. (1995). Diffusion of innovations (4th ed.). The Free Press. [Chapter 1: Elements of Diffusion, pp. 30-37]

· In your own words, briefly define consequences, in terms of Roger’s change model.

· Question: Why is it important to consider the consequences of the innovations we introduce?

· In one sentence, summarize the
Diffusion of Hybrid Corn in Iowa case.

Fullan, M., Cuttress, C., & Kilcher, A. (2005). Eight forces for leaders of change.
National Staff Development Council, 26(4), 54-64.

· List the “Eight Forces” of change (Fullan et al., 2005) (you can write them word-for-word or paraphrase…whichever you prefer)?


Prenger, R., Tappel, A. P. M., Poortman, C. L., Schildkamp, K. (2022). How can educational innovations become sustainable? A review of the empirical literature.
Frontiers in Education, 7. doi:10.3389/feduc.2022.970715

· From the “Conclusions and discussion” section, identify at least 2 takeaways you or leaders in your workplace can use to make change efforts more sustainable.

Fullan, M. (2015, February 5).
Topic Series 5: Sustainability. YouTube.

· From the video, identify at least 1 takeaway you or leaders in your workplace can use to make change efforts more sustainable.

Boninger, F., Molnar, A., & Barbour, M. K. (2020, September 24).
Issues to consider before adopting a digital platform or learning program.

· From the “Privacy and Data Security” section of Boninger et al. (2020), provide two examples of the risks we may subject students to when introducing new technologies.

· From the “Privacy and Data Security” section of Boninger et al. (2020), list at least two things that leaders can do to safeguard student’s privacy.

MODULE X (for Example)

Cervantes, M. (1981).
Don Quixote. (J. Ormsby, Trans.). Norton. (Original work published 1604).

[QUOTE]: “Your false promise and my sure misfortune carry me to a place whence the news of my death will reach your ears before the words of my complaint. Ungrateful one, you have rejected me for one more wealthy but not more worthy, but if virtue were esteemed wealth I should neither envy the fortunes of others nor weep for misfortunes of my own. What your beauty raised up your deeds have laid low” (Cervantes, 1981, p. 163).

[TAKEAWAY WITH NO QUOTE]: In Part 2 of Don Quixote, Quixote and Sancho Panza are terribly pursued by an enchanter (Cervantes, 1981).

[QUOTE THAT IS INTRODUCED WITH MY WORDS]: In this passage, we see how Don Quixote is alarmed by a mundane activity: “At this point they became aware of an indistinct rumble and a harsh noise that seemed to spread through all the valleys around. Don Quixote stood up and laid his hand upon his sword, and Sancho crouched under Dapple and put the bundle of armor on one side of him and the ass’s packsaddle on the other, in fear and trembling as great as Don Quixote’s excitement. Each instant the noise increased and came nearer to the two terrified men, or at least to one, for as to the other, his courage is known to all. The fact of the matter was that some men were taking over six hundred pigs to sell at a fair and were on their way with them at that hour, and so great was the noise they made and so loud their grunting and snorting that they deafened the ears of Don Quixote and Sancho, who could not make out what it was. The scattered, grunting heard approached in a surging mass, and without showing any respect for Don Quixote’s dignity or Sancho’s, passed right over the pair of them, demolishing Sancho’s defenses and not only knocking Don Quixote down but sweeping Rocinante off his feet into the bargain. And what with the trampling and the grunting and the pace with which the unclean beasts had arrived, packsaddle, armor, Dapple, Rocinante, Sancho, and Don Quixote were left in a confused jumble on the ground” (Cervantes, 1981, p. 801).

“Teacher Comments” About the Example Above

· Above, the
first bullet point features a
quotation, which includes quotation marks and an in-text citation that includes the page number.

· The
second bullet point features
paraphrasing, that is, my takeaway written in my own words, but also including the in-text citation (without a page number…paraphrasing does not require the page number).

· The
third bullet features a
combination approach whereby I have introduced the quote with my own words and writing. When presenting quotes in your academic writing, you want to use this method and not just insert a quoted sentence as a standalone in your writing. Notice how I also have included the page number, in the in-text citation, where the quotation came from. One final comment: you would likely never include a quote this long in academic writing. In my example, I wanted to include the whole quote, because, well, it’s necessary to fully experience and appreciate this vignette about DQ and Sancho being trampled by a pig herd!

Page of Reading Journal for
MEDT 8461: Diffusion of Innovations

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