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[12:04 27/7/2024 ،‫⁦ ]ص‬+966 55 305 0473⁩: ABDULAZIZ DARRAJ
Emergency Health Disasters in Saudi Arabia
Emergency Health Disasters in Saudi Arabia
The Saudi Arabian flash floods constitute a potential public health emergency. Heavy rainfall is a
common cause of natural disasters in the southwestern region. The heavy rainfall in Saudi Arabia
subsequently causes the flooding of waterways. There is a need to develop a comprehensive emergency
preparedness plan to mitigate the risks. Currently, the government’s emergency preparedness plan
focuses primarily on a reactive approach governed by the General Directorate of Civil Defense (GDCD)
(Alrehaili, 2021). In this context, interventions and initiatives are pursued to address the consequences
of flash floods, which frequently have devastating effects and necessitate significant recovery efforts.
Specifically, the inadequacies of the immediate emergency preparedness plan necessitate a new
strategy for resolving the fundamental problem in Saudi Arabia.
A holistic and comprehensive emergency planning framework should be implemented with a focus on
preventative and proactive risk reduction measures. Accordingly, the emphasis should be placed on
prevention rather than pursuing a reactive emergency planning strategy. Before a risk-mitigation and
preparation-focused event, multiple initiatives should be implemented. Emergency planning should
focus on analyzing the possible outcomes of a risk occurring to comprehend the significant impact and
its effect on the community (Park & Jae, 2021). This information can then be used to inform the
decision-making process and implement effective strategies for mitigating the consequences. In
addition, preparation focuses on the acquisition and effective allocation of resources, time, and
personnel under the emergency plan to mitigate the risk factor.
Subsequently, a plan of action can be developed that eliminates ambiguity and enables effective
disaster response. The focus of the emergency preparedness plan should be on response and recovery
following the event. On the other hand, a notable response emphasizes the need for immediate and
effective action to evacuate and provide immediate assistance to individuals affected by flash floods.
Recovery focuses on the reconstruction and restoration of affected communities based on the
development of social and economic structures to support a sustainable way of life in the aftermath of a
disaster (Clarke et al., 2022). It is important to note that the success of the emergency preparedness
plan depends on contributions from various stakeholders, including government, non-government
organizations, community members, and police agencies. Collaboration and solidarity will ensure
positive outcomes during the Saudi Arabian flash floods.
Alrehaili, N. R. (2021). A systematic review of the emergency planning for flash floods response in the
kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Australian Journal of Emergency Management,36(4),82-88.

Clarke, L., Patouillard, E., Mirelman, A. J., Ho, Z. J. M., Edejer, T. T. T., & Kandel, N. (2022). The costs of
improving health emergency preparedness: A systematic review and analysis of multi-country studies.
eClinicalMedicine,44, 101269.
Park, S., & Jae, M. (2021). A Staged Evacuation Methodology for Emergency Preparedness Plan. Journal
of Nuclear Science and Technology, 58(11), 1244-1255.

[12:05 27/7/2024 ،‫⁦ ]ص‬+966 55 305 0473⁩: ATHEER ALMAHASNAH
Discussion on Emergency Health Disasters in Saudi Arabia
Natural disasters can strike without warning, placing immense pressure on healthcare systems and
requiring rapid responses to mitigate their impact. In Saudi Arabia, the risks of disasters such as flooding
and dust storms are heightened due to climate change and urban development. Harvey et al. (2020)
emphasize the importance of preparedness in mitigating the effects of these emergencies, especially in
healthcare settings. Anticipating the possibility of such disasters allows healthcare organizations to
develop robust emergency plans, ensuring that they manage the health needs of affected populations
Flooding, particularly flash floods, poses a significant threat to Saudi Arabia, especially in urban areas
like Jeddah, where heavy rains can cause rapid water accumulation (Al-Aqeel & Al-Zahrani, 2021). In
response to this threat, a comprehensive emergency response plan is crucial for healthcare
organizations. Such a plan should include:
Risk Assessment: Identifying vulnerable areas and populations, and assessing the healthcare
infrastructure’s capacity to respond to floods.
Resource Allocation: Ensuring that medical supplies, personnel, and equipment are readily available and
accessible during emergencies (Ramsden et al., 2022).
Rapid Communication: Establishing an effective communication strategy to inform the public and
coordinate with local authorities and emergency services.
Training and Drills: Conducting regular training sessions for healthcare staff on emergency procedures
and collaboration with local emergency agencies.
Key stakeholders that would need to collaborate effectively to implement this emergency plan
Healthcare organizations: Hospitals and clinics that will be on the front lines of disaster response.
Government agencies: Entities such as the Saudi Red Crescent, Ministry of Health, and Civil Defense that
play critical roles in disaster management and emergency response.
Local community leaders: Engaging local leaders ensures that the specific needs of communities are met
and promotes public awareness.
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs): NGOs can provide resources, volunteer support, and expertise
in disaster response.
Collaboration among these stakeholders enhances resource allocation, improves communication
systems, and ultimately leads to more successful outcomes during health emergencies. Investing time
and effort into planning can create a more resilient healthcare system capable of withstand-ing the
tumultuous effects of natural disasters.
Al-Aqeel, A., & Al-Zahrani, M. (2021). Assessment of flooding risks in Jeddah city, Saudi Arabia. Journal of
Environmental Management, 260(1), 110-120.
Harvey, D. C., Cochrane, T. A., & Luthra, S. (2020). The importance of preparedness planning for health
emergencies: Lessons from recent disasters. Global Health Action, 13(1), 167-179.
Ramsden, R., Parker, R. M., & Shibley, E. (2022). Emergency response planning in healthcare: A case for
integrated management strategies. Healthcare Management Forum, 35(2), 68-76.
[9:51 28/7/2024 ،‫⁦ ]م‬+966 54 004 6292⁩: Transforming Healthcare in Saudi Arabia: The EHR Revolution
Transforming Healthcare in Saudi Arabia: The EHR Revolution
The adoption of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) in Saudi Arabia signifies a groundbreaking
advancement in the nation’s healthcare landscape. This transformative technology offers a robust
platform for enhancing healthcare performance, quality, and overall health outcomes. By streamlining
administrative processes, improving patient safety, and enabling proactive health management, EHRs
present a significant opportunity to elevate the standard of care for the Saudi population (Alshammari,
2021). However, this transition comes with its own set of challenges, including the need for robust
infrastructure, funding, and training. Addressing these obstacles through strategic initiatives and
collaborative efforts will be crucial in realizing the full potential of EHRs, positioning Saudi Arabia as a
leader in digital healthcare(Alshammari, 2021).
Enhancing Healthcare Performance, Quality, and Outcomes
The adoption of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) in Saudi Arabia significantly enhances healthcare
performance by streamlining administrative processes, reducing paperwork, and improving
appointment scheduling, which results in reduced wait times and increased patient flow. EHRs
contribute to cost savings by minimizing the duplication of tests and procedures, thereby promoting
cost-effectiveness within the healthcare system. Centralized data storage facilitates efficient data
management and analysis, aiding better resource allocation and planning (Hazazi & Wilson, 2021).
Furthermore, EHRs enable seamless information sharing among healthcare professionals, improving
coordination of care. In terms of quality, EHRs enhance patient safety by providing comprehensive
medical histories and medication records, which minimizes medication errors and promotes safer care.
Access to real-time patient data supports more accurate diagnoses and personalized treatment plans,
while clinical decision support tools foster evidence-based practices for improved outcomes (Hazazi &
Wilson, 2021). Additionally, EHRs optimize health outcomes by enabling population-based health
monitoring and interventions, leading to early disease detection and proactive health management.
They also improve chronic disease management by tracking patient data and treatment adherence, and
support public health surveillance by facilitating timely identification and response to outbreaks and
health trends(Hazazi & Wilson, 2021).
Challenges to EHR Adoption in Saudi Arabia
Despite the immense potential of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) in revolutionizing healthcare, their
adoption in Saudi Arabia encounters significant challenges. Key among these is the need for a robust IT
infrastructure, including reliable internet connectivity and comprehensive data security
measures (Alanazi et al., 2022). The high initial costs of EHR implementation and ongoing maintenance
demand substantial financial investment. Additionally, healthcare professionals require extensive
training to effectively utilize EHRs and fully leverage their capabilities. Ensuring data privacy and security
is critical, necessitating stringent measures to address patient concerns and regulatory compliance.
Another major challenge is achieving interoperability, which involves seamless data exchange between
various healthcare systems and providers(Alanazi et al., 2022). Moreover, overcoming cultural
resistance from healthcare professionals accustomed to traditional paper-based systems is essential for
successful EHR integration.
Recommendations and Strategies to Overcome EHR Adoption Challenges: To overcome the challenges
of adopting Electronic Health Records (EHRs) in Saudi Arabia, several strategic recommendations are
essential. Strong government support is crucial, encompassing funding initiatives, policy frameworks,
and incentives to stimulate EHR adoption. Public-private partnerships can leverage the expertise and
resources of private sector companies for effective implementation (Alshahrani et al., 2022). A phased
rollout approach, starting with pilot projects and gradually scaling up, ensures a smoother transition.
Comprehensive training programs tailored to the specific needs of healthcare professionals are vital for
effective utilization of EHRs. Establishing robust data security standards and implementing strict privacy
measures will address patient concerns and enhance trust (Alshahrani et al., 2022). Promoting the
development and implementation of interoperable EHR systems is necessary for seamless data
exchange between different healthcare providers. Additionally, engaging healthcare professionals in the
EHR implementation process, involving them in decision-making, and addressing their concerns can help
overcome resistance and ensure successful integration (Alshahrani et al., 2022).
The adoption of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) in Saudi Arabia marks a pivotal shift towards a more
efficient, high-quality, and proactive healthcare system. This transformative technology has the
potential to streamline administrative processes, enhance patient safety, and improve overall health
outcomes, thereby significantly elevating the standard of care for the Saudi population (Alshammari,
2021). Despite the notable challenges, such as the need for robust infrastructure, substantial funding,
comprehensive training, data privacy, interoperability, and cultural resistance, strategic initiatives and
collaborative efforts can successfully address these obstacles. Strong government support, publicprivate partnerships, phased implementation, tailored training programs, stringent data security
standards, and active engagement of healthcare professionals are crucial to overcoming these
challenges (Hazazi & Wilson, 2021). By embracing EHRs and addressing these critical factors, Saudi
Arabia can lead the way in digital healthcare innovation, paving the path for a healthier and more
prosperous future for its citizens.
Alanazi, B. D., Alhijji, M. H., & Alanazi, I. D. (2022). Human Factors of EHR Adoption in Saudi Primary
Alshahrani, A., Williams, H., & MacLure, K. (2022). Investigating Health Managers’ Perspectives of
Factors Influencing Their Acceptance of eHealth Services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: A Quantitative
Study. Saudi Journal of Health Systems Research, 2(3), 114–127.
Alshammari, M. H. (2021). Electronic-health in Saudi Arabia: A review. International Journal of
Hazazi, A., & Wilson, A. (2021). Leveraging electronic health records to improve management of
noncommunicable diseases at primary healthcare centres in Saudi Arabia: a qualitative study. BMC
Family Practice, 22(1), 106.
[9:57 28/7/2024 ،‫⁦ ]م‬+966 54 004 6292⁩: Adoption of EHRs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
The implementation of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) in the Saudi healthcare system can be
beneficial in improving population health and strengthening the entire healthcare system in the
Kingdom. EHRs contribute to enhancing the safety of patient, quality of care, and operational efficiency
(Alqahtani et al., 2017). There are currently policy initiatives in Saudi Arabia that are pushing for
significant reforms in primary care and the adoption of EHRs being a part of it. This digital shift is integral
to global modernization of healthcare, and the Kingdom is at the front of this movement in the Middle
East as it is connected to the Vision 2030 healthcare objectives.
According to the statistics, Electronic Health Records (EHR) applications are positively concerning the
optimum access and distribution of the health records among authorized users. EHRs can also improve
the economic and organizational capabilities of healthcare organizations and even the quality of patient
care. The benefits of EHRs also involve reducing medication errors, reducing the costs and boosting
patient security, and care quality (Alzghaibi & Hutchings, 2022). Furthermore, these systems facilitate
the storage and transfer of important clinical data among different stakeholders. EHRs also include
features for patient management and administrative functions that can be helpful to healthcare
institutions in streamlining workflows and improving care quality as well as patient wellbeing.
However, the adoption of EHRs faces several challenges like the absence of standardization in the EHR
infrastructure. The national e-health strategy of Saudi Arabia has been developed to facilitate EHR
adoption by providing a framework for interoperable EHRs and supporting data mining, information
managing, and research analytics on clinical data (Alharbi & Ramirez, 2020). Saudi Arabian hospitals
currently lack a standardized software system despite the structure. This has raised concerns among
healthcare professionals about the interoperability of EHRs. The insufficiency of computer training
among physicians is also a major barrier to the adoption of EHRs. Research indicates that physicians in
Saudi Arabia often lack the necessary experience and skills in computer use (Alharbi & Ramirez, 2020).
This issue is common in public hospitals compared to private ones. Also, the complexity of using EHRs
has been identified as a challenge in their adoption. Doctors are concerned that implementing EHRs will
increase their already high amount of work, as they find EHRs difficult to customize and complex for
entering data.
These issues and challenges need to be addressed to offer a strong foundation for successfully adopting
EHR in the KSA. One of the ways to address these challenges is encouraging standardization in the use of
information technology systems in healthcare settings. Also, training and educational programs in the
use of EHRs can be helpful in combating computer literacy and computer usage for physicians in the
Kingdom (Alharbi & Ramirez, 2020). This can be improved also with reducing the complexities in the use
of systems for ease and driver for adoption.
Alharbi, A., & Ramirez, R. (2020). Factors Affecting Electronic Health Record Adoption in Developing
Countries: A Case of Saudi Arabia.
Alqahtani, A., Crowder, R., & Wills, G. (2017). Barriers to the adoption of EHR systems in the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia: an exploratory study using a systematic literature review. Journal of Health Informatics in
Developing Countries, 11(2).
Alzghaibi, H. A., & Hutchings, H. A. (2022). Exploring facilitators of the implementation of electronic
health records in Saudi Arabia. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 22(1), 321.
Internship feedback
Since I started my internship at First health Cluster, King Abdulaziz Hospital at Jeddah, I noticed that
transitioning from a student of healthcare quality and patient safety to an intern in a hospital involves
several significant differences and opportunities for growth.

Here are some key aspects and differences between student and intern:
First, Practical Application is different from being student whose main focus is on theoretical knowledge,
case studies, and simulations. On the other hand, being intern shift my focus to practical application of
learned concepts in real-world settings, dealing with actual patients and healthcare processes. Second,
Responsibility of a student is primarily towards academic performance and understanding concepts. On
contrast, intern has greater accountability towards patient care, following protocols, and contributing to
the healthcare team. Moreover, student collaboration is often limited to classroom discussions and
group projects with peers. Whereas Intern Interact with a wide range of healthcare professionals,
including doctors, nurses, and administrative staff, requiring effective communication and teamwork.

New Knowledge or Skills Learned:
I Learned how to navigate electronic health records (EHRs), hospital management systems, and
understand workflow processes within a hospital setting. Also, how to applied quality improvement
methodologies such as Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles, root cause analysis, and data collection to real
hospital projects. And, how to Implement and observe patient safety measures, understanding the
importance of infection control, medication reconciliation, and error reporting systems. Finally, I learned
about healthcare regulations, accreditation standards, and compliance requirements, ensuring practices
align with legal and ethical guidelines.
I am currently an intern in Quality Improvement and Patient Safety department in the International
Medical Center which started since June 23, 2024. So far, my experience has been highly informative
and I have acquired a substantial amount of knowledge and skills.
First of all, the progression from being a student to working as an intern in the Quality improvement and
patient safety represents a notable transition from theoretical understanding to hands-on implementation.
As a student, my main priority is to acquire knowledge by actively engaging in classroom discussions and
conducting thorough research. However, as an intern, one is fully engaged in real-world healthcare
environments, actively participating in patient safety initiatives and projects aimed at enhancing quality
improvement. This entails a heightened level of accountability, the ability to make important choices, and
being exposed to the intricacies of healthcare administration. Students enhance their critical thinking and
research skills, while interns strengthen their expertise in data analysis, process improvement, and
effective communication. Additionally, interns establish a valuable professional network within the
healthcare industry.
Since the beginning of my internship, I have learned much knowledge that aided in the improvement of
my skills in the quality and patient safety field. I have also had the chance to explore and experience risk
management field, the process of hospital’s accreditation, and investigations in medical errors. Here are
some of the new skills I have acquired:

In-depth understanding of healthcare systems: How hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare
facilities operate,including their structures, processes, and challenges.
Proficiency in quality improvement methodologies: Tools and techniques like Lean Six Sigma,
Root Cause Analysis, and Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles.
Data analysis and interpretation: Skills in collecting, organizing, and analyzing data to identify
trends and patterns in patient outcomes.
Risk management: Understanding and assessing potential risks to patient safety and developing
strategies to mitigate them.
Healthcare regulations and standards: Familiarity with regulatory bodies, accreditation standards,
and compliance requirements.
Ethical considerations: Understanding the ethical implications of healthcare decisions and patient
safety issues.
Finally, I would like to express my excitement about the forthcoming opportunities for personal
development and professional advancement, as this internship has proven to be an extremely beneficial
experience for me.

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