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Reply 2 AG to discussion (Navigating Change Through Formal Structures and Systems)


Navigating Change Through Formal Structures and Systems
Effective leadership, strategic planning, and knowledge of organizational structures and processes are
necessary for the complicated change management process. Formal structures, including decision-making
procedures, communication protocols, and hierarchical frameworks, have a crucial role in determining how
well organizational transformations go (Simpson & Feyerabend, 2022). Many significant choices are taken
at the highest levels of organizational structure in centralized businesses, while in decentralized companies,
staff members who are closest to the issue at hand make decisions and address difficulties at lower
echelons, and the degree to which such mechanisms aid the change leader in navigating opposition,
ambiguity, and complexity is typically a determining factor in the success of a change attempt
Organizational Systems and Structures
For this analysis, I will use my former workplace in a firm handling local and global shipments, especially in
automotive and construction equipment imported from Germany and China. During the change process,
the management wanted to digitize and electronically consolidate all the operations, including the import
process clearing, shipping customer relations finances, and accounting. The company uses a traditional
hierarchical organization with a rigorous chain of command, clearly defined levels of responsibility, and
centralized decision-making. in order to preserve operational efficiency and control, the organization also
had formal mechanisms in place, such as a standardized communication framework, bureaucratic approval
procedures, and organized workflows. The organization’s goals in this digital transformation were to
improve cross-departmental communication, upgrade its IT infrastructure, and expedite customer service.
Unfortunately, the pre-existing systems were designed for stability rather than flexibility, which led to
challenges during the transformation.
Impact on the Change Leader’s Ability to Drive Change
The change leader’s capacity to carry out the intended transformation was significantly impacted by the
current organizational structures. Initially, the hierarchical structure delayed decision-making even though
it guaranteed a distinct chain of command. The approval procedures for changes being frequently
postponed led to challenges, as power was centralized at the top and because the change leader had to
cross several levels of bureaucracy, the centralized structure decreased the agility required for a seamless
digital transition, as confirmed by Colombo and Mella, (2021). Due to its complexity, the change process
lost its urgency and pace, making the company more susceptible to internal opposition and changes in the
external market (Cawsey et al., 2020). It is also imperative to note that, in order to ease these problems,
we changed several systems to streamline the change. For example, the change leader increased the
autonomy of middle managers and frontline staff by introducing cross-functional teams and task groups
that circumvented the usual chain of command. All employees were guaranteed decision autonomy at their
level was granted to these teams, hastening the implementation process and to facilitate real-time
cooperation, an even more flexible communication system was also implemented.
Impact on Uncertainty and Complexity
Since employees were unaware of how the digital change would affect their responsibilities, the
organizational structures increased complexity and uncertainty. Employee resistance to new technology
was matched by the inflexible hierarchy’s resistance to change. That being said, concern subsided as the
change agent implemented more agile teams and communication channels. Decentralized decision-making
facilitated the prompt resolution of issues, and clearly defined roles and duties reduced employee anxiety.
The transition from rigid to flexible systems led to a more manageable environment for handling the
complexity of the digital transformation.

In light of the above, as shown in our experiences in the change process, a company’s organizational
systems and structures significantly affect and guide the change process. In this case, the change was first
hampered by the systems already in place, but the change leader’s calculated changes helped to lower
uncertainty and complexity. The company’s experiences show how crucial it is to have adaptable structures
and procedures so that CEOs may successfully lead their companies through changes.

Cawsey, T. F., Deszca, G., & Ingols, C. (2020). Organizational change: An action-oriented toolkit (4th Ed.).
SAGE Publications.
Colombo, C. M., & Mella, P. (2021). “Organization”. A multi facet concept. Economia Aziendale Online
2000 Web, 12(4), 487–506.
Simpson, A., & Feyerabend, M. (2022). Tug-of-War: the pull of formal institutional practices and structures
and the desire for personal change. International Journal of Science & Mathematics Education, 20(1),

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