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You are expected to participate in two discussions with your initial post and reply to two of your colleagues. The discussion starts on Sunday. The initial post deadline is on Wednesday and two replies are due on Saturday.

The second discussion should include the following questions:

What did you learn, either from reading or classroom discussions that you applied on the internship?

Which courses/subjects you feel could be expanded or added that would have helped you perform the internship better?

How does this internship experience change your views?

my inthershep it was in the public health in alamal hospital in al madina

Internship Experience
What did you learn, either from reading or classroom discussions that you applied on the
In a healthcare administration internship, I learn practical operations within a healthcare
organization, including patient registration, and workflow management. also I understand how
different departments collaborate and comply with healthcare regulations. Financial
management, quality improvement, and patient safety initiatives are important areas of learning.
Familiarity with healthcare information systems, leadership skills, professionalism, and ethical
considerations are also key. Networking and professional development opportunities should be
pursued to broaden one’s knowledge and connections in the field.
Which courses/subjects you feel could be expanded or added that would have helped you
perform the internship better?
There are several courses and subjects that could be expanded or added such as :
1. Healthcare Operations Management: An expanded course on healthcare operations
management would delve into the intricacies of managing healthcare facilities, including
resource allocation, capacity planning, supply chain management, and process improvement.
This course would provide practical insights into optimizing operational efficiency and patient
flow within healthcare organizations.
2- Healthcare Policy and Advocacy: An expanded course on healthcare policy and advocacy
would delve deeper into the legislative and regulatory aspects of the healthcare industry. It would
explore the policy-making process, healthcare reform initiatives, ethical considerations, and the
role of advocacy in shaping healthcare policies. This course would add the knowledge and skills
to navigate the evolving healthcare policy landscape and advocate for positive change.
3- Leadership and Organizational Behavior: An expanded course on leadership and
organizational behavior would provide a deeper understanding of effective leadership styles,
team dynamics, change management, and organizational culture. This course would focus on
developing leadership competencies necessary for managing healthcare teams, driving
organizational change, and fostering a positive work environment.
4-Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety: An expanded course on healthcare quality and
patient safety would delve into advanced concepts and methodologies related to quality
improvement initiatives, patient safety culture, and performance measurement in healthcare. This
course would provide a comprehensive understanding of strategies to enhance the quality of care,
mitigate risks, and promote patient safety within healthcare organizations.
5- Healthcare Law and Ethics: An expanded course on healthcare law and ethics would cover
legal and ethical considerations specific to the healthcare industry. This course would explore
topics such as healthcare regulations, medical malpractice, patient rights, and ethical dilemmas in
healthcare decision-making.
These expanded or added courses would provide a comprehensive and practical foundation
in healthcare administration, better preparing for the challenges and responsibilities that may
encounter during the internship and future career in the field.
How does this internship experience change your views?
An internship experience significantly impact my views by providing real-world application
of knowledge, exposure to healthcare operations, collaboration with interdisciplinary teams,
understanding of regulations and compliance, appreciation for quality improvement initiatives,
insight into leadership and decision-making, and networking for career development. Internships
can reshape perspectives by bridging theory and practice, emphasizing the complexities of
healthcare administration, and broadening understanding of the field’s impact and opportunities.
1-What did you learn, either from reading or classroom discussions that you applied on the
During my internship in the HR department and patient relations office, I was able to apply
several concepts and skills that I had learned in the classroom. For instance, through my
coursework in organizational behavior, I gained a deeper understanding of how to effectively
manage employee relations and address workplace conflicts. This knowledge proved invaluable
when navigating sensitive situations between co-workers or handling grievances from patients.
Additionally, the communication and interpersonal skills I developed in my public speaking and
customer service courses allowed me to engage with a diverse range of stakeholders, from HR
professionals to patients, in a professional and empathetic manner.
2-Which courses/subjects you feel could be expanded or added that would have helped you
perform the internship better?
Looking back on my internship experience, I believe that additional coursework or
training in the area of healthcare administration and patient-centered care could have further
enhanced my performance. While my general HR and customer service knowledge was
beneficial, a more specialized understanding of the healthcare industry and the unique challenges
faced by patients and their families would have enabled me to provide even more tailored and
impactful assistance. Additionally, I felt that a deeper dive into conflict resolution and
negotiation strategies could have better prepared me for the complex interpersonal dynamics that
can arise in a healthcare setting.
3-How does this internship experience change your views?
The internship experience in the HR department and patient relations office has
significantly shaped my views and aspirations. Prior to this internship, I had a more narrow
understanding of the HR field, primarily focused on recruitment and employee management.
However, my exposure to the diverse responsibilities and critical role of HR in supporting both
the organization and its employees has broadened my perspective. Moreover, the direct
interaction with patients and their families has instilled in me a deeper appreciation for the
importance of empathy, compassion, and patient-centered care in the healthcare industry. This
experience has reinforced my desire to pursue a career path that allows me to make a tangible
difference in people’s lives, whether through HR-related initiatives or in a more direct patientfacing role.
[10:30 29/7/2024 ،‫⁦ ]م‬+966 54 004 6292⁩: SUKAINAH ALFARKI
Emergency health disasters in KSA
Floods are a significant natural disaster risk in Saudi Arabia. The country experiences flash floods,
especially during heavy rainfall events. (Al-Bassam et al , 2014) Some notable examples include the 2009
Jeddah flood disaster, which resulted from over 90mm of rainfall in 4 hours, caused over 100 deaths,
350 missing people, and over 1 billion Saudi Riyal in business damages. A similar heavy rainfall event of
over 110mm in January 2011 flooded much of Jeddah’s low-lying areas, causing property damage. (AlBassam et al , 2014)
Healthcare organization should do to be prepared.
Healthcare organizations in Saudi Arabia should establish comprehensive emergency plans to prepare
for flood disasters, including conducting regular staff training and drills for mass casualty incidents,
stockpiling medical supplies and establishing patient overflow agreements with other hospitals,
collaborating with key stakeholders like the Ministry of Health, local hospitals, emergency services, and
community organizations. (Alrehaili, 2021)
Also introduce educational interventions like training campaigns and mobile solutions to enhance
knowledge and awareness among healthcare workers (Al-Wathinani et al., 2021), procure specialized
equipment like flood-ready ambulances and rescue boats to operate during floods, and periodically
socialize disaster management plans and conduct simulations, at least twice a year. (Purba et al., 2024)
While many Saudi hospitals have disaster plans, improvements in unannounced exercises and training
are still needed to enhance preparedness. (Alrehaili, 2021)
Emergency plan is in place
In Saudi Arabia, the Ministry of Health (MoH) has established an emergency response framework to
prepare for disasters, including floods. The framework includes:

National Emergency Committee (NEC): This committee oversees emergency
preparedness and response, making operational policy decisions and coordinating resources.

Emergency Response Framework: A comprehensive plan that outlines procedures for
managing health emergencies, including communication systems and coordination with local and
international partners.

Training and Drills: Regular training for healthcare workers to enhance their disaster
response capabilities.

Collaboration with Stakeholders: Involvement of various governmental agencies and
organizations, such as the Saudi Red Crescent, to ensure a coordinated response during emergencies.
(Al-Wathinani et al., 2021)
The key stakeholders
Key stakeholders essential for effectively implementing emergency plans in Saudi Arabia include:

Ministry of Health (MoH): Responsible for health-related disaster response and
coordination. (NRRC Stakeholders Guidelines Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 2023)

Saudi Red Crescent Authority (SRCA): Provides emergency medical services and support
during disasters.

Ministry of Interior (MoI): Oversees disaster management policies and ensures
collaboration among various organizations.

General Directorate of Civil Defence (GDCD): Manages civil protection and emergency
response operations.(Alrehaili, 2024)

Local Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities: Play a critical role in treating affected
individuals and coordinating with emergency services.

Community Organizations: Assist in local response efforts and public awareness
initiatives.(Alyami et al., 2020)
Collaboration among these stakeholders is vital for a coordinated and effective disaster response.
Preparing for natural disasters, such as floods, is crucial for healthcare organizations in Saudi Arabia.
A well-structured emergency plan, guided by the Ministry of Health and supported by key stakeholders,
can significantly enhance the resilience of the healthcare system.
By conducting regular training and drills, stockpiling essential medical supplies, and fostering
collaboration among agencies like the Saudi Red Crescent and local hospitals, healthcare organizations
can ensure a swift and effective response to emergencies.
Ultimately, a proactive approach to disaster preparedness not only safeguards public health but also
strengthens community trust and resilience in the face of adversity. Continuous evaluation and
improvement of these plans will be vital in addressing the evolving challenges posed by natural
Al-Bassam, A. M., Zaidi, F. K., & Hussein, M. T. (2014). Natural hazards in Saudi Arabia. Extreme natural
events, disaster risks and societal implications, 243-251.
Alrehaili, N. R. (2021). An Investigation into Emergency Planning Requirements and Challenges of
Disaster Management in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Disaster Management,
4(3), Article 3.
Alrehaili, N. R. (2024). Exploring the Emergency Planning Requirements: A Qualitative Research Study at
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Journal of Emergency Management and Disaster Communications, 05(01),
Al-Wathinani, A. M., Alakeel, A., Alani, A. H., Alharbi, M., Almutairi, A., Alonaizi, T., Alhazmi, R. A.,
Alghadeer, S. M., Mobrad, A. M., Goniewicz, K., Khorram-Manesh, A., & Hertelendy, A. J. (2021). A CrossSectional Study on the Flood Emergency Preparedness among Healthcare Providers in Saudi Arabia.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(3), 1329.

Alyami, A., Dulong, C. L., Younis, M. Z., & Mansoor, S. (2020). Disaster Preparedness in the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia: Exploring and Evaluating the Policy, Legislative Organisational Arrangements Particularly
During the Hajj Period. European Journal of Environment and Public Health, 5(1), em0053.

NRRC Stakeholders Guidelines Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Development of Emergency Plan for
Radiological Facilities. (2023).
Purba, I. E., Syah, T. D., Ketaren, O., & Tarigan, F. L. (2024). General hospital preparedness in facing flood
disasters. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1314(1), 012096.

[10:32 29/7/2024 ،‫⁦ ]م‬+966 54 004 6292⁩: MARAM ALHENAKY
Preparedness for Sandstorms in Saudi Arabia: A Healthcare Perspective
Preparedness for Sandstorms in Saudi Arabia: A Healthcare Perspective
Emergency health disasters, including natural disasters, can occur unexpectedly, posing significant
challenges to healthcare organizations. In Saudi Arabia, sandstorms are a common natural disaster that
can have serious health implications. Sandstorms can cause respiratory issues, skin irritation, and
exacerbate existing health conditions. Thus, it is crucial for healthcare organizations in Saudi Arabia to
anticipate, prepare for, and effectively respond to such events.
Impact of Sandstorms
Sandstorms in Saudi Arabia can have a profound impact on public health. The fine particulate matter in
sandstorms can penetrate deep into the respiratory system, leading to respiratory issues such as
asthma, bronchitis, and other pulmonary diseases. Additionally, sandstorms can cause skin and eye
irritation, and in severe cases, lead to cardiovascular problems. The elderly, children, and individuals
with pre-existing health conditions are particularly vulnerable. Consequently, healthcare organizations
must have robust emergency plans to manage the health impacts of sandstorms (Meo et al., 2013).
Emergency Plan for Sandstorms
To effectively prepare for and respond to sandstorms, healthcare organizations should develop a
comprehensive emergency plan that includes several key components. Firstly, conducting regular risk
assessments to identify vulnerable populations and areas prone to severe sandstorms is crucial. This
involves mapping out regions that are particularly susceptible to sandstorms and assessing the health
vulnerabilities of the populations residing in these areas (Al-Qattan, 2021). Establishing a robust
surveillance system to monitor sandstorm forecasts and air quality indices is essential. This system
would track meteorological data and air quality levels, providing timely warnings and health advisories
to the public, ensuring that communities are informed and can take necessary precautions.
Preparedness and training are integral to the emergency plan. Healthcare staff should be trained on the
health impacts of sandstorms and the appropriate clinical management of affected patients. This
training should cover emergency response protocols, respiratory care, and the treatment of sandstormrelated conditions such as asthma and bronchitis. Additionally, it is vital to stockpile essential medical
supplies, including respiratory medications, protective masks, and air purifiers, to manage respiratory
issues and prevent further health complications. Developing and disseminating educational materials on
sandstorm preparedness and health protection measures to the community is also necessary to
enhance public awareness and readiness (Veenema, 2018).
Ensuring the continuity of healthcare services during sandstorms requires developing contingency plans
for healthcare facilities. These plans should include backup power supplies and water sources to
maintain operations during disruptions. Establishing protocols for triaging and managing a surge in
patients with respiratory issues during sandstorms is also essential to ensure that healthcare services
can cope with increased demand (World Health Organization, 2018). Coordination with local pharmacies
to ensure the availability of essential medications and supplies is another critical aspect of maintaining
healthcare services continuity.
Collaboration and coordination between various stakeholders are necessary for the successful
implementation of the emergency plan. This involves fostering collaboration between healthcare
organizations, government agencies, and community organizations to ensure a coordinated response.
Conducting regular drills and simulations to test the effectiveness of the emergency plan and identify
areas for improvement will further enhance preparedness (Waugh & Streib, 2006). Key stakeholders
include healthcare organizations such as hospitals and clinics, government agencies like the Ministry of
Health and the General Authority of Meteorology and Environmental Protection, community
organizations, and local media outlets. By fostering a coordinated and proactive approach, healthcare
organizations can mitigate the health impacts of sandstorms and ensure the well-being of the
Key Stakeholders
Effective implementation of the emergency plan for sandstorms requires the collaboration of various
stakeholders. Healthcare organizations, including hospitals, clinics, and primary healthcare centers, play
a critical role in managing the health impacts of sandstorms. Healthcare providers, such as doctors,
nurses, and pharmacists, must be well-trained and equipped to handle the surge in patients
experiencing respiratory issues and other sandstorm-related conditions. Government agencies are also
key players in this effort. The Ministry of Health (MoH) is responsible for coordinating the overall
response and providing guidance and resources to healthcare organizations. The Saudi Red Crescent
Authority can offer emergency medical services and support during sandstorms, while the General
Authority of Meteorology and Environmental Protection (GAMEP) monitors weather conditions and
issues sandstorm warnings to ensure timely and accurate information is available.
Community organizations, including non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and community groups,
are vital for disseminating information and providing support to vulnerable populations. These
organizations can help raise awareness about sandstorm preparedness and protection measures.
Additionally, schools and workplaces can educate students and employees about the necessary
precautions to take during a sandstorm, further extending the reach of preparedness efforts. The media
also plays a significant role in the emergency plan. Local media outlets are essential for disseminating
timely and accurate information to the public, ensuring that everyone is informed and prepared. Social
media platforms can be utilized to reach a wider audience and provide real-time updates, making it
easier to communicate important information quickly and efficiently.
In conclusion, sandstorms are a significant natural disaster in Saudi Arabia that can have severe health
impacts. Healthcare organizations must develop and implement comprehensive emergency plans to
effectively prepare for and respond to sandstorms. This includes risk assessment, preparedness and
training, communication, healthcare service continuity, and collaboration with key stakeholders. By
fostering a coordinated and proactive approach, healthcare organizations can mitigate the health
impacts of sandstorms and ensure the well-being of the population.
Al-Qattan, M. (2021). An emergency preparedness framework for Sand and Dust Storms (SDSs) in
Kuwait. University of Salford (United Kingdom).
Meo, S. A., Al-Kheraiji, M. F. A., AlFaraj, Z. F., abdulaziz Alwehaibi, N., & Aldereihim, A. A. (2013).
Respiratory and general health complaints in subjects exposed to sandstorm at Riyadh, Saudi
Arabia. Pakistan journal of medical sciences, 29(2), 642.
Veenema, T. G. (Ed.). (2018). Disaster nursing and emergency preparedness. Springer Publishing
Waugh Jr, W. L., & Streib, G. (2006). Collaboration and leadership for effective emergency
management. Public administration review, 66, 131-140.
World Health Organization. (2018). Primary health care and health emergencies (No.
WHO/HIS/SDS/2018.51). World Health Organization.

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