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reply to classmate kellan : Three instances in which I used a voting method was when I was on my baseball team we held a vote for the team’s captain for that baseball season. We could pick anyone on t

reply to classmate kellan :

Three instances in which I used a voting method was when I was on my baseball team we held a vote for the team’s captain for that baseball season. We could pick anyone on the team and whoever had the most votes would be the captain. We voted by writing down our teammate’s name on a piece of paper and putting it into a shoe box. Then our coach would tally who had the most votes and the winner would be selected as captain. I believe this method was picked because it was easiest for my coach at that time. The second voting instance was at my work where we had to vote who we thought should get the next promotion for the district manager. They asked the manager and employees but not the area managers as they were the candidates. They cast the vote by having each person who wanted to vote list who they wanted to vote for along with reasons why they would be a great fit and reasons they could not be a good fit. The owners went this route because it allowed them to get insight into more information about each candidate before they made the ultimate choice based on who would work out best for the job. The third voting instance was with my family when we voted where we wanted to go on vacation for a few weeks. They cast the vote by having each member of the family make a presentation of where they wanted to go along with the pros and cons as to why we should or shouldn’t go. Votes were made in our group chat and the winner was picked by which place had the most votes. As for apportionment for each instance, I believe the three voting methods that I had done each could use apportionment. For the baseball captain, they could have had a captain for each group on the team and then one head captain so one captain for pitchers, one for infield, and one for outfield along with the ultimate captain. For the district manager vote, they could have selected three district managers to ease the workload as the stores are spread across 3 states and it would be easier to have a district manager in each state for those stores. Lastly, the family vote with the amount of family we have we could instead of just picking one ultimate vacation do 2 for the year that way we have some variety for vacation. The reason we have different apportionment methods is because votes aren’t always cast in the same setting or format so there needs to be a bit of difference or variety for the different situations.

Reply to classmate brionna: 

I think the biggest thing that is voted on is Presidency…I still get shocked at the lines that we stand in in hopes that our one vote makes a difference. With political voting there are a few ways you can vote, paper ballots, mail in ballots, early voting. I always like to go to the voting polls to cast my vote and see the different people that come out to make a change. Some elections I felt my vote made a difference because my candidates won but some, I was not happy because we lost.

Another voting is in my social club, each year we vote on offices within the club, president, vice president, sergeant at arms, secretary and business manager. This voting is only for club members so it is not a big election its just each year we open the floor for if someone thinks someone else should hold a title or if someone wants to run for a position. We call a meeting with all members hear why they think this change should happen, and as president I take votes mostly its just yay or nay. Only time I vote is if there is a tie. Pretty simple process.

Another vote would be when asking what the community thinks we should host next. For example I put together alot of community service projects and while doing them we always put out a paper asking what they think we should do next. So sometimes they say feed the homeless, back to school drive, etc. At the end with my club we look over the responses and whatever is the most written down that is the next community service we do.

I don’t know about apportionment so with the learning exercises I hope to learn more to reply later with a clear understanding of what apportionment is.

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