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WK2: Discussion: Knowledge Development in Nursing

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Discussion Post Reply #1


While studying Thomas Kuhn and Georg Friedrich Hegel I developed my own understanding of their work. Kuhn seems to prioritize assumptions and the need for assumptions. According to Kuhn assumptions are necessary for any advancements to occur (Sprightly Pedagogue, 2018, 0:01:52). To me this means that it is very important to be able to develop your own ideas and be able to progress and improve. Georg Friedrich Hegel seems to take a slightly different approach. According to Hagel, human progress is not linear, and that history occurs in a Dialectical Way (The School of Life, 2017, 0:01:01). He goes on to break the Dialectical Way into 3 categories: thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. I thought that it was very interesting that Hegel says that the thesis and antithesis need to both clash and interact with each other to be able to eventually come together and form the synthesis (The School of Life, 2017, 0:01:18). I found a similarity between Kuhn and Hegels’ work. I believe that both felt as though there was a need to debate and evaluate certain situations or circumstances to be able to come to an appropriate conclusion. Though their approach to a solution is different, they both show that there is importance in developing a solution.

            Philosophers Immanuel Kant and Rene Descartes stood out to me above the other philosophers I researched during this assignment. To me, they both had very interesting views that are relevant to nursing knowledge and development. Immanuel Kant came up with the idea, Categorical Imperative, which states “Act only according to that maxim by which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law” (The School of Life, 2015, 0:02:56). This is relevant to nursing knowledge because, as nurses, we need to treat our patients the way we would want ourselves or our family to be treated. Rene Descartes stated that to solve one large problem, you needed to divide it into smaller problems first (The School of Life, 2015, 0:01:11). We are taught in nursing school that when we are faced with a challenging case, we need to first decide what is of the most importance and then go up the list from there. As nurses, we are conditioned to break medical conditions down into different components to be able to care for and treat patients accordingly.

            According to Heesook Kim, philosophies of the nursing practice determine what nurses must do to be able to adequately care for their patients (Kim, 2015). Nurses utilize philosophy to be able to determine what is needed of their patients and evaluate possible treatments and solutions to various medical conditions. Kim goes on to say, “Nursing practice is guided by two philosophies: 1) The philosophy of care-focuses on clients as human persons in their totality and 2) The philosophy of therapy-focuses on the client’s problems for resolution or improvement” (Kim, 2015). Knowledge is another fundamental component to the field of nursing. If you have a lack of knowledge regarding a specific diagnosis, you would not be able to appropriately care for that patient. “Knowing includes knowledge based on observations, research findings, clinical manifestations, and scientific approaches” (Meleis, 2018). Philosophy and knowledge go hand in hand in nursing practice.


Discussion Post Reply #2 

After viewing the videos on Thomas Kuhn and Georg Friedrich Hegel, I better understand each thinker’s key concepts and philosophies. Kuhn’s work on scientific revolutions and paradigm shifts resonated with me, as it highlighted the idea that knowledge is not always linear and can be shaped by societal values and beliefs. Hegel’s Hegelian dialectic, on the other hand, emphasized the concept of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis in the development of ideas and the progression of history.

There are similarities between Kuhn’s and Hegel’s work, particularly in the emphasis on change and progress in knowledge. Both philosophers also recognized the role of societal and cultural factors in shaping our understanding of the world. However, Kuhn’s work focuses more on the impact of scientific discoveries and their influence on our knowledge. In contrast, Hegel’s work encompasses various fields, including philosophy, history, and politics.

I also viewed videos on Immanuel Kant and Michel Foucault, who have significantly contributed to philosophy. Kant’s ideas on the subjective nature of reality and the importance of reason in knowledge creation influenced my understanding of how knowledge is constructed. Foucault’s ideas on power and knowledge also resonated with me, as they brought attention to the role of power dynamics in shaping what we consider knowledge and how it is disseminated.

About nursing, these videos highlight the importance of critical thinking and questioning in healthcare. As nurses, we must constantly reflect on our beliefs and practices, staying attuned to paradigm shifts or scientific understanding changes. Understanding the influence of societal and cultural factors on knowledge construction also reminds us to remain open-minded and aware of potential biases.

Philosophy plays a crucial role in the development of nursing knowledge. Kuhn and Hegel’s work and other philosophers offer valuable insights into how knowledge is constructed, contested, and applied in various fields. As nurses, engaging with these philosophical ideas is essential to further our understanding of the world and promote critical thinking in our practice.

According to Kim (2015), we can better understand and articulate our nursing knowledge by examining the assumptions and beliefs that underlie our practice. Additionally, incorporating philosophical perspectives can help us address complex ethical and moral dilemmas and provide a framework for understanding and interpreting research findings. Therefore, it is essential for nurses to continually engage with philosophical ideas to enhance their knowledge development and improve their practice.

The videos on Kuhn and Hegel, as well as other philosophy videos, have expanded my understanding of the role of philosophy in knowledge development and its importance in nursing. They have also highlighted the need for nurses to engage in critical thinking and reflective practice to develop and improve their knowledge and practice continually.

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