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Reply to Trends in Strategic Management Discussion 1


Reply to Trends in Strategic Management Discussion 1

Q – Please read the discussion below and prepare a Reply to this discussion post with comments that further and advance the discussion topic.


The global business environment is is expected to undergo significant changes over the next decade. With advancements in technology, the increasing interconnectedness of economies, and evolving consumer demands, businesses will need to adapt to stay competitive. Factors such as the rise of artificial intelligence, automation, sustainable business practices, and shifting geopolitical dynamics are likely to shape the global business landscape. Additionally, the ongoing impact of global events such as the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change will continue to influence business operations on a global scale. Technological advancements, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), automation, and the Internet of Things (IoT), are expected to continue reshaping industries, requiring businesses to adopt these technologies to remain competitive and foster innovation (Chui, Manyika, & Miremadi, 2016). Furthermore, a recent report by the McKinsey Global Institute emphasizes the increasing adoption of AI across industries and geographies (McKinsey Global Institute, 2023). Additionally, the potential shift towards a multipolar world order and ongoing geopolitical tensions, exemplified by the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, could impact trade agreements, supply chains, and resource access, necessitating companies to diversify operations and navigate complex geopolitical situations (Ikenberry, 2020). Moreover, climate change concerns are expected to drive a focus on sustainable practices, pressuring businesses to adopt environmentally friendly processes and products to meet consumer demands and regulations (WBCSD, 2020). A study by NielsenIQ found that a significant percentage of global consumers are willing to pay more for sustainable brands or products. Additionally, the economic growth in developing economies, particularly in Asia and Africa, is anticipated to create new markets and investment opportunities, requiring companies to adapt their strategies to these emerging markets (PwC, 2022). Lastly, the rise of automation may displace jobs while creating new ones with different skill requirements, necessitating businesses to invest in employee training and reskilling to adapt their workforce and attract talent in a competitive market. 

The article “Sociocognitive Perspectives in Strategic Management” delves into three critical areas: top management cognition, shared mental models, and organizational culture.

I believe that the topic area of “Cultural and Institutional Perspectives” is highly influential. In the context of KSA, all three areas hold significance, but Shared Mental Models carry particular weight. This is evident in the ambitious Vision 2030 plan for economic diversification in Saudi Arabia, where a unified understanding and implementation across different sectors and government entities are essential. Moreover, considering KSA’s unique cultural norms and values, fostering shared mental models that align with these cultural aspects is crucial for effective communication and strategy execution within the organization (Javidan & House, 2004). Additionally, as KSA undergoes significant economic and social transformation, shared mental models can facilitate navigation through this change by ensuring all stakeholders understand the direction and adapt their strategies accordingly (Gioia & Chilton, 1993). Nonetheless, it’s important to note that Top Management Cognition and Organizational Culture also play vital roles. Strong leadership with a clear vision and a culture that fosters innovation and adaptability are essential for success in the dynamic business environment.

Reply to Trends in Strategic Management Discussion 1
Q – Please read the discussion below and prepare a Reply to this discussion post with
comments that further and advance the discussion topic.
Please provide the references you used.
Ensure zero plagiarism.
Word limit: 250 words
The global business environment is is expected to undergo significant changes over the next decade.
With advancements in technology, the increasing interconnectedness of economies, and evolving
consumer demands, businesses will need to adapt to stay competitive. Factors such as the rise of
artificial intelligence, automation, sustainable business practices, and shifting geopolitical dynamics
are likely to shape the global business landscape. Additionally, the ongoing impact of global events
such as the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change will continue to influence business operations
on a global scale. Technological advancements, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), automation, and
the Internet of Things (IoT), are expected to continue reshaping industries, requiring businesses to
adopt these technologies to remain competitive and foster innovation (Chui, Manyika, & Miremadi,
2016). Furthermore, a recent report by the McKinsey Global Institute emphasizes the increasing
adoption of AI across industries and geographies (McKinsey Global Institute, 2023). Additionally, the
potential shift towards a multipolar world order and ongoing geopolitical tensions, exemplified by the
conflict between Russia and Ukraine, could impact trade agreements, supply chains, and resource
access, necessitating companies to diversify operations and navigate complex geopolitical situations
(Ikenberry, 2020). Moreover, climate change concerns are expected to drive a focus on sustainable
practices, pressuring businesses to adopt environmentally friendly processes and products to meet
consumer demands and regulations (WBCSD, 2020). A study by NielsenIQ found that a significant
percentage of global consumers are willing to pay more for sustainable brands or products.
Additionally, the economic growth in developing economies, particularly in Asia and Africa, is
anticipated to create new markets and investment opportunities, requiring companies to adapt their
strategies to these emerging markets (PwC, 2022). Lastly, the rise of automation may displace jobs
while creating new ones with different skill requirements, necessitating businesses to invest in
employee training and reskilling to adapt their workforce and attract talent in a competitive market.
The article “Sociocognitive Perspectives in Strategic Management” delves into three critical areas: top
management cognition, shared mental models, and organizational culture.
I believe that the topic area of “Cultural and Institutional Perspectives” is highly influential. In the
context of KSA, all three areas hold significance, but Shared Mental Models carry particular
weight. This is evident in the ambitious Vision 2030 plan for economic diversification in Saudi Arabia,
where a unified understanding and implementation across different sectors and government entities
are essential. Moreover, considering KSA’s unique cultural norms and values, fostering shared mental
models that align with these cultural aspects is crucial for effective communication and strategy
execution within the organization (Javidan & House, 2004). Additionally, as KSA undergoes significant
economic and social transformation, shared mental models can facilitate navigation through this
change by ensuring all stakeholders understand the direction and adapt their strategies
accordingly (Gioia & Chilton, 1993). Nonetheless, it’s important to note that Top Management
Cognition and Organizational Culture also play vital roles. Strong leadership with a clear vision and a
culture that fosters innovation and adaptability are essential for success in the dynamic business
Chua, M., Manyika, J., & Miremadi, M. (2016). The McKinsey Global Institute report on Artificial
intelligence: A revolution—the race is on. McKinsey & Company.
Gioia, D. A., & Chilton, P. A. (1993). Walking the talk in corporate communication: Combining
symbolic and behavioral elements. Academy of Management Journal, 36(4), 639-659.
Ikenberry, G. (2020). A world safe for democracy: Liberal internationalism and the perils of power.
Princeton University Press.
Javidan, M., & House, R. J. (2004). Cultural contingency theory: Challenges and future
directions. Journal of International Business Studies, 35(8), 900-922.
McKinsey Global Institute. (2023). No-collar revolution: Automation, AI, and the future of work.
McKinsey & Company.
PwC. (2022). The world in 2050: The long view, alternative narratives for a multicentury future. PwC.
WBCSD. (2020). Valuing nature: Breaking the business case for sustainability. World Business
Council for Sustainable Development.

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