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replying to 2 peers using a method that facilitates the discussion and is at least 1 paragraph in lengthand supported with at least 1 peer-reviewed reference (scholarly article). APA 7th edu; referen

replying to  2 peers using a method that facilitates the discussion and is at least 1 paragraph in lengthand supported with at least 1 peer-reviewed reference (scholarly article). APA 7th edu; reference must be within  5 years 

Peer 1: There are many solutions used at the clinical site to address workplace violence (WPV). These solutions include a zero-tolerance policy, extended training, an employee assistance program to provide support after a WPV incident, and a close relationship between inpatient/ unit nurses and security staff. There are signs identifying and describing the zero-tolerance policy all around the clinical site. These signs also describe consequences to WPV including possible legal action in the form of an arrest. The extended training including conflict resolution classes and specific workplace violence classes are available to all employees. Though these classes are not considered mandatory even for high-risk areas of WPV such as the emergency department. The close relationship between floor/unit nurses and security seems to be the best deterrent to WPV. The security staff perform frequent rounding on all units and departments. Security discusses possible at-risk patients and will often briefly talk with the at-risk patients to ensure everything is going well. Lastly, the employee assistance program is available to any staff that feel they need help. This helps to reduce burnout in nurses and reduce feelings of depression, guilt, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress that can occur following a WPV event. 

The feedback received from the earlier discussion emphasized prevention of WPV events as a possible solution. Education, identification, and early management of at-risk patients and visitors appears to be the most practical solution to WPV. The threat of WPV can be reduced if aggressive behavior is reported and managed early (Abozaid, et al., 2022). Mandatory education in de-escalation techniques, early warning signs of aggression, and conflict resolution could greatly benefit an organization trying to combat WPV. Extra training can provide skills and knowledge to better handle violent situations and effective communication skills can de-escalate violent situations before physical injury occurs (Dafny & Muller, 2022). 

There are many strategies to be used to successfully implement further education on de-escalation, WPV, and excellent communication skills. First would be for the nurse leader to discuss with the unit manager and educator the need for mandatory classes. This would be an example of a transformational leader by showing innovation and trying to change the current culture regarding WPV. Many hospitals require nurses to perform competencies each year to ensure they are adequately trained for the specific unit each nurse works on. The mandatory WPV classes could be added to the competencies and nurses could be provided continuing education credits for the classes. Another solution would be to offer WPV simulations periodically based on an actual WPV event. The nurses could run through the simulation and then could be debriefed afterwards to discuss the situation and offer different viewpoints and strategies to handle the situation. These simulations could be highly encouraged but not mandatory. Encouraging employees to attend these simulations would be an example of a transactional leader as the leader would need to tempt the other employees to attend the simulations to further their own best interests and safety. 

Healthcare is a dynamic and fluid profession and change is inevitable in healthcare. Nursing leaders need to be prepared to combat conflict when it arises. The best strategies a nursing leader can use are to listen to the complaints, acknowledge any problems, collaborate with others to find a workable solution to the concerns, and to continue to watch the situation to ensure a resolution has been reached. Conflict cannot be left to persist on a unit or within a hospital because it can affect patient care and staff morale on a specific unit. The conflict must be addressed and handled/resolved for the staff to keep morale and thus prevent burn-out, anxiety, anger, depression, or nurse turnover.

Peer 2 : Nursing solutions used by nursing leaders in my clinical site includes fostering a positive work environment, involving staff in decision-making, supporting the mental health of nurses, recruitment and lastly, retention strategies. These are important because many nurses are quitting their jobs due to toxic work environments, their voices not being heard and their mental health suffering. Recruitment is great however, if a unit is steadily losing nurses then the unit becomes a revolving door. Nurses often feel that their profession must align with their personal goals and that they are motivated by a collaboration in a stimulating team (Seller-Boersma, 2023).

While reflection on my previous discussion post, my proposed solutions were to increase staff nurses pay in an effort to prevent them from leaving to go travel due to the significant pay increase. If nurses were paid more, they wouldn’t have to travel in order to make more thus reducing the need for travel nurses in general. My other solution was nurse appreciation. Nurses often feel looked over and unappreciated when it comes to importance of patient care and safety. The nurses do a lot of the hard work yet the doctors take all of the credit. However, if something happens to the patient then the nurse is usually the first one to take the blame. Yes, doctors are important, but so are nurses and a little appreciation can go a long way. Nursing has three main levels which are individual, team and organizational. By understanding what takes place at each of these levels, policymakers and managers can develop effective ways to promote nurse retention and improve healthcare quality (Seller-Boersma, 2023). At an organizational level, significant pay increases for everyone may not be feasible or in the agency’s best interest therefore, fostering a positive work environment, empowering staff, and supporting the mental health of nurses would be the best, cost-friendly solution that pleases both parties.

Specific strategies that a nurse leader could do to successfully implement the solution would be to help improving staff work-life balance and being more flexible in terms of staffing. Supporting nurses mental health may include an open-door policy in which nurses are able to talk to the nursing leader about issues that they are experiencing, being heard, and their needs being taking seriously. Also, allowing nurses to transfer into a different department or specialty if need be without forcing them to work on that particular unit even though they’ve applied to multiple positions in the same agency/hospital. Incorporating team building exercises in an effort to help build healthy work relationships between staff members is also a good way to foster a healthy work environment. “A growing body of evidence suggests that nurse manager leadership influences nurse retention (Conroy, 2023). Nurse managers/leaders are the key to either retaining or losing staff. Strategies the nurse leader could use to manage the conflict with change would be to listen to the issues that the staff are having with the change and offer other alternatives if possible. Ask staff for alternatives to allow them to be apart of the decision-making process. After all, the goal is for all staff nurses to eventually become leaders.

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