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Research an emergency incident of your choice that has occurred in the past twenty years, and describe how the incident was handled in regard to incident command. Write a 2-page (exclusive of

 Research an emergency incident of your choice that has occurred in the past twenty years, and describe how the incident was handled in regard to incident command.  

     Write a 2-page (exclusive of title page and References section), APA-formatted paper which describes how the incident was handled in regard to incident command.

          Include a summary of the incident.

          Comment regarding whether or not they followed the ICS system? 

          What were some mistakes? Make some recommendations.      With as much detail as possible, address the following topics as they apply to that event:

          Describe the Command and Control Process.          Describe the role of the Incident Commander.          Define the term “Span of Control”, in general.     If you have trouble finding an emergency incident to use, think of something like the Graniteville, South Carolina train derailment and chlorine leak; the Howard Street Tunnel Fire in Baltimore; the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill, etc.  However, you do not have to use a major disaster; you may also use a local or regional incident.  You may care to peruse the the two attachments for ideas, although I have not checked many of those links in quite some time.   

     For this assignment, use your textbook, the Internet, as well as professional journals, articles and other academically recognized sources. You must use and cite a minimum of two sources. All sources used must be properly cited. Your references should be formatted in current APA style (see the course homepage, the APUS Library, or the Purdue Online Writing Lab for assistance).  An excellent source for this Assignment is the after-action report for the incident you are researching, if one was prepared and is available. 

     If you can’t find enough information about the incident which interests you in order to write a quality paper meeting the above requirements, select another incident.*If you could please use Hurricane Helene for this*

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