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Research Contemp-2

2.2 Discussion. Gratitude

Getting Started

There are a variety of methods to assess and evaluate one’s character. The Values in Action (VIA) character strengths, developed by Christopher Peterson and Martin Seligman, can help identify character strengths you have that predict well-being. PERMA, a theory developed by Martin Seligman, identifies five elements of well-being: positive emotions, engagement, positive relationships, meaning, and accomplishment. According to research, these five elements all correlate to each other, as well as the VIA character strengths. However, only gratitude and love of learning were positive predictors of well-being.

Upon successful completion of this discussion, you will be able to:

· Evaluate theories and research related to gratitude and their implication to positive psychology and life coaching.

Background Information

For this discussion, you will focus on gratitude as a positive predictor of well-being. Which theories relate to the concept of gratitude and is there substantive research supporting this element? How might you apply gratitude in your practice, with a deeper understanding of the concept? You will discuss these factors, and more, in this activity.


1. Read 

Chapter 5, “Current Theories and Research in the Psychology of Gratitude,”
(new tab)

 in your textbook 
Scientific Advances in Positive Psychology.

2. Read the article “

Which Character Strengths Are Most Predictive of Well-Being?
(new tab)

3. Locate a reading on gratitude and science. After reading it and the required materials, navigate to the discussion topic and respond to the following discussion prompts, using support for all your claims:

a. What did you learn about theories related to gratitude?

b. What gaps are there in theories related to gratitude?

c. How might you apply theories and research related to gratitude to positive psychology or life coaching? Why?

4. Your initial post:

a. Should be between 400 to 500 words.

5. Your postings should also:

a. Be well developed by providing clear answers with evidence of critical thinking.

b. Add greater depth to the discussion by introducing new ideas.

c. Provide clarification to classmates’ questions and provide insight into the discussion.

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