2.1 Discussion. The Beatitudes
Getting Started
Have you ever heard of, or possibly read, the Beatitudes? In this “sermon on the mount,” our Lord is speaking to His disciples, telling them about the secret passageways to the Kingdom of Heaven. “It is near…” Where? When? Multitudes surrounded them, listening, talking, asking questions. Our Lord shares His heart for us and with us… blessed is he who…
And so go the beatitudes, humbly, quietly, powerfully, telling us how to grasp the best fruit from the tree, how to live life to the fullest, if only we would have ears to hear.
Upon successful completion of this discussion, you will be able to:
· Discuss the beatitudes.
· Share one way you would like to change in order to live life more fully in the Kingdom of Heaven.
· Bible
· Video: Beatitudes
Background Information
He cares more about the fruits of our hearts than the fruits of our labors. He cares more about who we are in Him than what we do for Him.
Do we have life all turned inside out and upside down? Are we truly living lives that matter, that are reflective of our Lord’s glory and not our own glorification? If we truly believe with all our hearts in a God who tells us where the Kingdom of Heaven can be found and how to get there, shouldn’t we follow Him? Shouldn’t we take Him at His word?
1. Watch the video,
2. Navigate to the discussion topic and respond to the following discussion questions:
a. Share a specific beatitude with your colleagues and classmates. Specify why it is important to you.
are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God.
b. Share how you wrestle with one or more of the lessons from the Beatitudes (Sermon on the Mount) and how the Holy Spirit is helping you to overcome obstacles in your life.