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Research reading journal

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Week 2: Course Project – Research Notes

Course Project – Research Notes

For this assignment, you will apply the ethical research skills practiced in the Week 1 and Week 2 trainings. This will help you organize and retain important information from your diverse research sources and will prepare you for the writing you will do in the coming weeks. You can use a similar process in any personal, academic or professional research endeavor. Capturing source information will also document your academic integrity. Being able to “show your work” will document your efforts to avoid plagiarism.


For this assignment:

1. Use the 

Research Reading Journal

 Download Research Reading Journal

Open this document with ReadSpeaker docReader
linked here (also available in Files) to capture citations, summaries, evaluations, and notes on at least four quality sources. For each source, include at least three notes. 

2. Do not use artificial intelligence. This assignment is intended to challenge your information literacy, critical thinking, and communication skills. Do not use any form of AI to develop or revise content (other than DeVry-approved AI tools).

3. Continue your research. Project research should be ongoing, and you may end up gathering and using far more than the minimum four sources. Most projects integrate information from 6-10 sources. If the Research Reading Journal works for you, keep adding to it!

4. Submit your Research Reading Journal by the end of the week.


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Week 2: Course Project Research Notes

Week 2: Course Project Research Notes




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSources

At least four credible, academic quality sources are examined

40 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

40 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCitations

Full APA reference entries are provided for each source

20 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnnotations

A brief summary and assessment are provided for each source. A number of specific pieces of quoted and/or paraphrased source information are captured in the table, with citations suitable for in-text use.

30 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

30 pts

Total Points: 90


Week 1


What is your purpose in writing about this technology? What do you want to learn? Why is it personally or professionally relevant for you?

For my Course Project, I have decided to examine the development, evolution, and effects of telemedicine in healthcare today.

1. In the case of telemedicine, I would like to see aiming increase in its degree of integration into healthcare life. I wish to explore how telemedicine expands the availability of healthcare services to the underserved, as well as the barriers that still impede its implementation.

2. In this quest I am particularly interested in finding out what particular services and boards the health personnel utilize, how the safety and confidentiality of the spaces is maintained and the care delivery gaps the technology is supposed to fill. Also, I would like to specifically focus on how telehealth services complement the existing care systems to act as a one-stop solution to all patient care needs.

3. For me, telemedicine is not only professionally important, it is also rather interesting on a personal basis. From a professional perspective, telemedicine is relevant to my career in healthcare administration which is rapidly advancing in digitalization to enhance the patient experience and health outcomes. On a personal level, my motivation to further explore this particular technology is based on its capacity to enable increased access to healthcare without the need to be physically present.

Telemedicine’s popularity has remarkably increased since the pandemic. Telemedicine Technology: Initial SWOT Analysis


Availability: In general, telemedicine provides healthcare services to those who would otherwise be unable to, particularly those trapped in remote or underdeveloped communities. This also helps patients who are less mobile.

Ease and Effectiveness: Virtual appointments eliminate the need for physical attendance, thereby minimizing the time spent seeking treatment on the client’s side as well as the provider’s.

Management of Resources: The reduced space needs of clinics and fewer visits needed for face-to-face consultations when telemedicine technology is used increase the flexibility of scheduling appointments. This may help to cut costs for healthcare providers and patients.


Connectivity Issues: Being online and seeking to access appropriate devices is a requirement that may prevent individuals from regions with less access to broadband or those without technology.

Security Risks: The industry faces huge challenges in the protection of patient information and privacy laws for health such as HIPPA in the U.S. as markets cut across several countries and states.

Restricted Physical Examination: A number of conditions need physical examination or assessment techniques that are not easy to deliver over distance meaning that telemedicine is limited regarding certain types of care.


Increased Scope of Services: Telepsychiatry, telecardiology, and chronic disease management are some of the services where telemedicine can expand, thus adding to the range of services that are offered remotely.

Integration with AI and Wearable Technology: The combination of telemedicine with AI and wearable health devices could present opportunities such as real-time monitoring and predictive diagnostics, improving patient management and preventive healthcare.

Global Reach: Telemedicine can foster a global healthcare system that is more interconnected, where knowledge, resources, and best practices can be utilized to overcome health inequalities across the world.


Regulatory and Reimbursement Challenges: Variations in the laws and reimbursement policies across states & countries may possibly affect the implementation and growth of telemedicine.

Healthcare Inequities: Elongating the scope of telemedicine without clearing the technological access gaps is more likely to bring about healthcare inequalities amongst populations who do not have access to the internet or digital literacy skills.

Overdependence on Technology: Relapse to instruction of a telemedicine service may cause the interrelationship of a patient with their very own healthcare provider in the form of normal nurse-patient interaction to be diminished, which a proportion of patients may deem as important to their health model.

Telemedicine has great possibilities for improving access to healthcare. However, as new technologies are adopted and new policies implemented, there should be caution on the engineering, sociological, and ethical aspects of telemedicine.

1. Apply the process to locate at least four high-quality sources suitable for your project topic and take notes on them.

Following this research and note-taking process will not only make your project more successful, it will also help to prove that what you have submitted is your own work. In reputable scholarly journals, it is common practice to require authors to provide copies of all sources prior to publication. This helps to protect the reputation of the journal and may also provide legal protection against charges of intellectual property theft. The number of high-profile cases of plagiarism involving prominent university officials, along with easy access to sophisticated forms of generative artificial intelligence, mean that institutions of higher learning must take strong measures to ensure that students, professors, and administrators are all held accountable to the highest standards of academic integrity.

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