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respond to discussion 2MR


Emotional assessment is identifying, evaluating, and understanding our emotional experiences. It’s like having a personal emotional detective, always on the case to uncover the hidden clues behind our feelings. On this, I scored a 25. Creating value for the community assessment score was high because it was a 26. My conceptual skills score was 26. My empowering score was 19. My helping followers grow and succeed was 23. Putting others first was 20. My behavior ethically was 20. Empowering others was a big issue because I have always tried to make sure that I lift others in the workplace so that they can become the best at what they do. That includes at work and home or in the community and delegating authority, but I see room to make changes in this area. If I had to work on one thing, it would be to empower and increase my empowering skills by helping others to better themselves and improving their behaviors, such as choice, pushing for more self-organization, encouraging self-development, and highlighting servant leader behaviors even though my score shows that I need to improve my servant leadership, In conclusion. In contrast, my scores indicate a strong capacity for servant leadership. I still need to develop my empowering skills further to serve my followers better and contribute to the success of our collective endeavors. 


My servant leader self-assessment score reflected the following with Concept Skills (score of 27) was my highest, and my lowest was Creating Value for the Community (score of 20). I believe that the results accurately describe who I am, because I value the success of others, and I am concerned of their career progression.  I also strongly exhibit servant leadership behavior in conceptual skills, because I can view the organization and others holistically, and continuously thinking of ways how to improve the organization and the people in it. I have implemented by conceptual skill in the past through empowering other members on my team with the deployment of our new Human Resource system, and prior to the release of the system we ensured that all members were full trained to on the system to better provide customer service. The intent was to empower everyone on the team and give them meaningful work in their craft. 

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