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respond to discussion 3MR

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The Skills of an Effective Leader

First and foremost, one of the most important sklls an effective leader should have is a growth mindset. According to Covey (1991), “people are constantly educated by their experiences. They read, they seek training, they take classes, they listen to others, they learn through both their ears and their eyes, they are curious, and they ask questions” (p.33).  Reading allows leaders to stay updated with the latest trends, theories, and best practices in their field. It helps them acquire new skills and knowledge that can be applied to improve their leadership and management techniques. Additionally, leadership requires a diverse set of skills, including communication, conflict resolution, and strategic thinking. Classes provide opportunities to refine these skills and learn new ones, enabling leaders to manage their teams more effectively. When leaders listen to their team, they gather valuable information that can inform better decision-making. Also, actively listening to team members helps build trust and rapport. It shows that leaders value their employees’ input and respect their perspectives, fostering a positive and collaborative work environment. When a team member feel heard, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated. Listening demonstrates that their opinions matter, which can boost morale and job satisfaction. An effective leader should never forget the importance of asking questions.  It promotes critical thinking, gathers valuable information, fosters engagement and innovation, clarifies understanding, and builds strong relationships. Asking questions helps leaders gather insights on how changes are affecting their team and organization.

Is Management an Art or a Science and/or Both?

Management can be an art and a science. Management, like science, consist of knowledge based on principles, theories, and models. It relies on data and to help with informing decision-making. Management requires creativity and innovation to solve unique problems, develop strategies, and adapt to changing environments. “There are certainly enough theories to suggest that management is a science, and sufficient data to prove these theories valid. Science provides us with tools, understanding, and models to follow. The science of management is our toolbox”(Schneider, 2017). Management can also be an art. Every manager has their own unique style. Every artist has an element of creativity in line. That is why he aims at producing something that has never existed before which requires combination of intelligence & imagination. Management is also creative in nature like any other art. It combines human and non-human resources in useful way so as to achieve desired results. Covey’s work suggests that “while management requires systematic and analytical skills of science, it fundamentally involves guiding, inspiring, and connecting with people in art. He integrates both perspectives by advocating for a balanced approach where principles and human values drive management practices” (Covey, 1991) . According to Schneider (2017)”Management as a science involves, Application of Principles, Cause and Effect Relationship, and Validity. As a an art management implies the practical implementation of knowledge and skills to accomplish the required targets. The theoretical knowledge can be achieved via educational courses, research, or practice.”

Covey’s Approach in Resolving Managerial Issues

Sparks (2022) wrote, “Thinking win-win’ has been huge with our kids because we’ve had to almost retrain kids how to work together collaboratively,” she said. “So we’ve had to go back to teaching kids how to speak with each other: how to listen; how to seek to understand what their peers are saying” (p.12)

Covey (1991)  approach to resolving managerial issues revolves around his principles of effectiveness and habits of personal and professional excellence as outlined in his book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”. (pp. 40-47).

1.Be Proactive: The manager initiates one-on-one meetings to understand team members’ concerns. Ex: When problems arrive, address them proactively.

2. Begin with the End in Mind: Sets a goal to improve team morale and trust within three months. Ex: Communicate goals effectively making sure everyone understands.

3.Put First Things First: Prioritizes establishing regular, transparent communication channels. Ex: Avoid getting caught up in less important activities.

4. Think Win-Win: Encourages team discussions to find mutually agreeable solutions to communication gaps. Ex: Approach conflicts and negotiations with a mindset of collaboration and mutual benefit.

5. Seek First to Understand: Listens empathetically to feedback from team members. Ex: Listen actively to team members’ concerns, ideas, and feedback without interrupting.

6. Synergize: Involves the team in creating new communication practices, leveraging their input and ideas. Ex: Create an inclusive atmosphere where all team members feel valued and contribute their best.

7. Sharpen the Saw: Provides training on effective communication and team-building activities. Ex: Promote continuous learning and development for yourself and your team. 


What skill(s) do you think an effective leader should develop that would enable him/her to spend more time on leadership issues and less time on management issues?

An effective leader can reduce the time spent on management issues by possessing the skill of delegating and overseeing responsibility to others. By devoting their time solely to performing tasks, the leader will inevitably have less time available for managing. Who can the leader supervise if they are the sole individuals carrying out the tasks? An effective leader must possess the ability to discern when and which tasks to assign to others. Collaborating with a trustworthy individual eases the challenges of leadership. The leader must have confidence in the abilities of others. The leader must have confidence in the team members’ motivation to accomplish the group’s objective or mission. It does not imply that all team members possess exceptional skills, but rather that the leader has confidence in their commitment to exert maximum effort in order to achieve success.

Is management an art or a science and/or both?

Leadership is both an art and a science, requiring a combination of skills and qualifications that cannot be acquired solely through reading, but must also be obtained through practical experience. Leadership necessitates a combination of aptitude and the capacity to employ factual information in guiding others. One indisputable fact is that leadership does not happen by chance. An additional skill that I believe is essential for a leader to be highly effective and efficient is the capacity to effectively communicate with a wide range of individuals from diverse backgrounds. The leader must possess the willingness to communicate in a manner that can distinguish the situation from the individuals involved.

Identify an approach in Covey (1991) that can be used for resolving managerial issues.

The leader prioritizes addressing the issues that require resolution rather than fixating on the individual responsible for the problem.  They strive to generate solutions rather than assigning blame or fault. In order for individuals to be motivated and complete tasks, it is crucial for an effective leader to possess the ability to communicate clearly with their subordinates. This skill necessitates the leader to possess social perceptiveness, which entails the leader’s ability to understand the priorities, motivations, concerns, and challenges faced by the individuals they are managing. (b) Demonstrate emotional intelligence, which involves displaying empathy and consideration for the emotional well-being of others, and (c) possess the ability to effectively handle interpersonal conflicts (Northouse, 2012).


What skill(s) do you think an effective leader should develop that would enable them to spend more time on leadership issues and less time on management issues?

An effective leader should develop strong delegation and empowerment skills to spend more time on leadership issues and less on management tasks. By mastering delegation, leaders can entrust routine and operational responsibilities to capable team members, freeing themselves to focus on strategic vision, innovation, and fostering a positive organizational culture. Additionally, empowering team members by providing them with the necessary resources, authority, and trust encourages autonomy and initiative, which not only enhances productivity but also cultivates a sense of ownership and accountability. This approach enables leaders to prioritize long-term goals and transformative initiatives, thereby driving organizational growth and success.

Is management an art or a science and/or both? 

Management is both an art and a science. Management is both an art and a science because it combines systematic knowledge and principles with creativity and interpersonal skills (Draft, 2021). This scientific aspect includes methodologies, data analysis, and strategic planning, which are essential for making informed decisions and optimizing processes. On the other hand, management is also an art because it requires creativity, intuition, and interpersonal skills to motivate, inspire, and lead people effectively. The art of management involves understanding human behavior, navigating complex social dynamics, and adapting to changing circumstances with innovative solutions. Therefore, effective management integrates the structured, empirical approaches of science with the nuanced, flexible practices of art.

Identify an approach in Covey (1991) that can be used for resolving managerial issues. 

One approach in Stephen Covey’s “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” (1991) that can be used for resolving managerial issues is the concept of “Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood.” This habit emphasizes the importance of empathetic communication and active listening. By truly understanding the perspectives and concerns of team members and stakeholders, managers can address underlying issues more effectively and develop solutions that are more aligned with the needs and motivations of those involved. This approach fosters trust, reduces misunderstandings, and enhances collaboration, thereby enabling managers to resolve conflicts and managerial challenges more effectively.

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