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Response 1

300 word response 1 reference/intext citation

Due 11/24/2024

Use an article that has free public access and I do not have to pay.


The U.S. criminal justice system faces significant managerial and administrative challenges in its core components, namely police, courts, and corrections. These challenges, ethical dilemmas, and political polarization hinder accomplishing the deserved equitable and efficient justice. Solving these problems requires changes that restore accountability, transparency, and justice in all actors. This discussion analyses the current professional and managerial issues and concerns relating to the operations of the police, courts, and corrections in the United States and offers ways to enhance justice administration. Policing in the U.S. faces several managerial challenges, particularly in maintaining accountability and rebuilding public trust. Police brutality has been in the limelight for the past few years, and nowadays, measures using body cameras and civilian oversight boards are in practice. Nevertheless, much resistance to such change persists among the officers and police unions, which continues to hamper the efforts (Archbold, 2021). For example, some clauses in the union contracts allow for restricted penalties to be inflicted on the officers, mainly when misconduct allegations occur. The resistance underscores the cultures of the police, which include loyalty and secrecy, and leaves out transparency. The US courts continue to incur administrative gaps in case accumulation due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The failuremeant that justice was denied while those affected by the injustice were the poor and the black citizens of America, in whom the legal constitutional guarantee meant no guarantee at all (Horowitz, 2020). They also face challenges in underfunded public defender agencies, and thus, many defendants lack proper representation. Such problems raise concern about the continued role of the courts in guaranteeing equal access to justice. The peculiarities of political governance add another layer to the judiciary’s management. Sensationalization of high-profile cases and community pressure result in bias, hence the loss of the community’s confidence in the Judiciary. To address these issues, a party has to invest in technology to improve the processing of these cases while combating political and social odds. There are important and complex questions at the ethical and managerial levels related to overcrowding and lack of funding for correctional services. The congestion of facilities poses a high risk to the prisoners and staff, and underfunded reform programs do not compel people to avoid criminal activities (Horowitz, 2020). The cycle enlarges mass incarceration, especially practicing black Americans andpoorer communities are consistently impacted. Equally, corrections administrators have ethical challenges in deciding whether to use punitive measures and, if so, when lenient action is acceptable. Although there is pressure on the reforms of many prisons, they still fail to effectively offer mental health care, education, or jobs for the prison inmates. Such structural problems demonstrate the necessity of federal control and the augmentation of funds destined for corrections systems in pursuit of rehabilitation-centered objectives. Addressing these challenges requires targeted reforms. In policing, union contracts should be reformulated to remove the lack of accountability provisions. Additional federal grants for de-escalation tactics and implicit bias instruction can build on more ethical policing (Archbold, 2021). Establishing a national report database of police misconduct would help develop accountability measures and their effectiveness through research findings. Technological solutions like virtual hearings help clear up court case backlogs while increasing the size of public defender services to help improve the population’s access to justice (Horowitz, 2020). Extensive use of restorative justice decreases the population in correction businesses and allows for increased reformation. More federal involvement means inmates are given proper treatment, and prisoners from all states receive fair supplies (Horowitz, 2020). Such changes reflect a common goal of minimizing reoffending and achieving more excellent protection for the public. Therefore, by summoning the vital organizational values adorning the framework of efficiencies, such as accountability, transparency, and community engagement, the U.S. justice system can overcome these challenges and get closer to its symbolic announcement of achieving fairness and equity.

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