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Quant/Qual Response

WHAT : REPLY to the TWO Discussion Posts

FORMAT : APA with In-text Citation and Reference List

REFERENCES : TWO Peer-Reviewed references minimum within last 5 years 

INCLUDE : Turnitin Report

* Please and THANK YOU *



Discussion Post Reply #1 

When comparing quantitative and qualitative research, it is clear they have different
approaches to understanding the world. Quantitative research focuses on numbers and
measurable data. Researchers use surveys, experiments, and statistical analysis to test
theories and hypotheses. (Creswell & Creswell, 2018), An example of this type of
research would be a study of the effectiveness of medications. The Quantitative
method collects numerical data and analyzes it to look for patterns.

Qualitative research is quite different from quantitative as it researches people’s
experiences, thoughts, and emotions rather than numerical data. This type of research
focuses on why things happen using methods such as observations and interviews.
The goal of qualitative research is to answer more open-ended questions. (Bhandari,
2023). A good example of a qualitative research method would be exploring how
behavioral health patients feel about their medical treatment using observations and

Another type of research is descriptive research, which can often be confused with
qualitative research but is different. Descriptive research is a specific form of
quantitative research that aims to outline the characteristics of populations without an
explanation for cause and effect (Creswell & Creswell, 2018). Descriptive research
focuses on making a clear picture of a specific phenomenon rather than looking into
the deeper causes of it.  

Understanding the differences between quantitative, qualitative, and descriptive
research is important for selecting the correct approach to answer research questions.
Each of these methods has its strengths and is valuable depending on the specific
goals of a study.  


Discussion Post Reply #2 

For week three assignment, I used the PICO(T) question: In adults with depression (P),
does cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) (I), compared to no CBT (C), reduce
depressive symptoms (O) over six months (T)?

The two types of research, quantitative and qualitative, were developed to analyze two
different research methodologies. Qualitative research usually involves data that are not
statistically quantifiable. The data are collected in open-ended questions or
observations to explore experiences, behaviors, and meanings (Dehalwar & Sharma,
2024). Studies that analyze depressed adult’s perceptions of cognitive behavioral
therapy (CBT) are not quantifiable and require qualitative research methods.
Quantitative research, on the other hand, measures and analyzes the variables in
numerical data and statistical significance (Barroga et al., 2023). For example, a study
that examines whether a depressed patient’s CBT affected the Patient Health
Questionnaire – 9 (PHQ-9) score in a six-month duration would be quantitative

Unlike qualitative research design, descriptive research can be quantitative, qualitative,
or both. The descriptive design focuses on the objective data of ‘what is happening,’
while qualitative research explores ‘why’ and ‘how’ something happens. A descriptive
research example would be observing the types of patients who seek CBT as the
choice of depression treatment.

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