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Response 2

300 word response 1 reference/intext citation

Due 11/24/2024

Use an article that has free public access and I do not have to pay.


The responsible departments, including courts, law enforcement units, and prison systems, must strive to ensure that their objectives are met by enacting various systems. However, the running of these systems is not proof of failure, especially in administration and management. The law and justice systems face issues such as budgeting, health, cybercrime, and many more.

Court Systems

One of the major administrative concerns among judicial systems in the U.S. is judicial shortage. Although the population and lawsuits have expanded, the number of judges has not increased in decades. As a result, there are now more cases and files per judge. These systems also have to deal with the shortage of information. Participants may find it challenging to obtain information on court procedures, cases, and facilities. This is particularly true for those who do not speak English well, as they might not have access to services for translation and interpretation (USDJ, 2023). Additionally, technical phrases and regulations unique to the agency’s programs are frequently used in administrative procedures. People may find it challenging to comprehend the text as a result, particularly when legalese is employed. Ultimately, due to limited resources, shifting litigation patterns, and evolving legislation, the federal judiciary confronts difficulties in providing justice in a timely and efficient manner.


One of the major issues facing the law enforcement system is staff shortage. Only 93 per cent of law enforcement agencies’ posts are presently being filled, according to a poll done by the Police Executive Research Forum (Jacobson, 2022). It can be challenging to conduct investigations and combat crime when police agencies lack the personnel to perform critical functions. Additionally, police departments struggle to establish public trust, especially due to COVID-19 concerns and increase in violence. In order to do their duties more securely, effectively, and efficiently, law enforcement officials also make use of cutting-edge technology, such as integrated video security and analytical systems and ethical AI technologies (Goodwin University, 2023). Citizens find these measures intrusive, which makes it hard for police to administer law and enforcement. Moreover, police departments face budget constraints in their line of work. Many people agree that police and public safety need to be seen in a different way. The way forward is unclear, though. There must be guidelines for a budget process that specify how decisions will be made and implemented (GFOA, 2020). The community’s requests for public safety reforms and the local government’s financial problems will be too much for the usual budgeting procedure to handle.

Addressing Administrative and Managerial Challenges in Courts, Police and Correctional Systems

Overcoming these obstacles will require systemic reforms and teamwork. More money for courts and police departments means more judges, officers, and upgraded technology at file capacity so that trust between the public can begin. Stakeholders can improve accessibility by implementing cultural competence and communication training programs. Courts should broaden their translation services and make legalese easier to read. For law enforcement, the responsible use of ethical Artificial Intelligence and the revitalization of community engagement can be a means to restore lost trust (Brandusescu & Reia, 2022). Policymakers need to provide parameters on how budgets are set in order for public safety to be prioritized over general monetary restraint. Ultimately, however, stakeholder collaboration and innovative solutions are required to ensure that justice systems continue to operate as intended.

Approaches to Administering Justice Amidst Ethical Dilemmas and the Political Climate

Strategic reforms are needed to tackle the ethical dilemmas and political environment in which both prosecutors and defenders practice law. Reducing harm can happen by reducing prison conditions—by limiting solitary confinement and incentivizing states to adopt humane practices. Providing additional educational access — including Pell Grants to those who are incarcerated — is one of the best methods of addressing cycles of extreme poverty and recidivism. Ditto for independent oversight — holding prisons accountable. Fairness is also served by sentencing reforms that include lobbying to repeal mandatory minimums, limiting time behind bars in prison, and ending life-without-parole sentences (Nellis, 2024). Finally, better victim support with legal assistance and protection provides justice for all parties and creates a sense of trust and fairness within the justice system.

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