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College of Doctoral Studies

LaMarcus Streeter

RES-831 Problem Space Identification & Reflection

Part 1 – Key Points Table

Key Point

Potential Topic Key Point Description

Background to the Problem

1. Describe what is already understood about the problem.

2. Present findings from prior research related to the history of the problem space.

3. Focus on:

a) When the problem started

b) What has been discovered about the problem

c) The current state of the problem

4. Support information with empirical citations

The engagement of African American men in the realm of education, particularly their contributions as educators, guides, and inspirational figures within school settings, continues to be a pivotal area of study. It has been identified that Black male educators positively impact the academic and social emotional success of Black students (Wint et al., 2021). There has been a historical shortage of Black males in education, barring the presence of role models for Black students. This disparity began with systemic exclusion during segregation and has continued because of persistent structural inequalities. Underrepresentation of Black male educators began during the segregation era and continued post-segregation due to discriminatory hiring practices and sociocultural barriers of their time (Banaji et al., 2021). The inquiry has identified that Black male teachers are exponentially related to higher levels of pupil engagement and reduced dropout rates among Black students. Today, the teacher workforce is only about 2% Black men, even though Black men acknowledge their impact (Lewis, 2022). Empirical evidence reveals that Black male teachers have positive implications for Black students regarding their academic performance and social-emotional development (Young & Young, 2020).

Problem Space

1. In 3-5 bullets, describe what needs to be understood related to the topic from empirical literature or research.

2. Use empirical literature dated primarily within the past 5 years.

3. Identify and support what still needs to be understood regarding the problem space through a combination of arguments that justify the problem space:

a) Professional and/or broader societal need identified in the literature

b) Directions for future research based on limitations, recommendations, and/or conflicting findings

c) Synthesis of broader topics to study in combination

· Lack of Holistic Grasp: Despite evidence supporting the beneficial impact of Black male educators on Black students, there has been limited exploration into and expression of the precise mechanisms through which they influence student outcomes (Jeter & Melendez, 2022). Influence on Social-Emotional Growth: Further investigation is warranted into the ways Black male educators affect the social emotional development of Black students. Retention and recruitment strategies: Research in effective strategies for recruiting and retaining Black male educators is long overdue (Langer et al., 2021).

· Broader societal impact: Further research is needed to determine how increasing Black males as educators would impact broader societal outcomes, such as reducing the school-to-prison pipeline (Rivers, 2023).

Review of Literature Topics/Themes

1. Identify 3-5 major topics in the literature related to the proposed problem space

2. Each bullet should include:

a) 1-2 sentences defining/describing each topic

b) At least 3 empirical sources supporting each topic

· The subject of Black men’s representation in education explores the historical and persistent problem of the inadequate presence of Black male educators and its repercussions for Black students in educational settings. The study shows strong entry and retention barriers to the profession (Lewis, 2022).

· Academic outcomes: Research has shown that the presence of Black male educators is related to higher academic achievement for Black students in grades and test scores (Wallace et al., 2022).

· Social emotional development: This theme elucidates how Black male teachers act as mentors and role models, creating a supportive environment that helps develop students’ social emotional well-being (Cormier et al., 2022).

· Recruitment and retention barriers: This item speaks to the systemic and institutional obstacles Black men face in becoming and remaining educators, including discrimination, among others, and not being supported (Langer et al., 2021).

Problem Statement

1. State the specific problem for research with a single clear declarative statement starting with “It is not known…”

2. Alignment: The problem statement must align with the established problem space described above.

It is unknown how Black male educators specifically influence Black students’ academic and social emotional success, nor what effective strategies can be employed to recruit and retain more Black men in the teaching profession.

Part 2 – Written Reflection

My research has shifted from minority teacher underrepresentation to Black male educators and their effects on Black students’ academic and social-emotional results. My previous focus was diversity in teaching staff and its effects on student success. After reading more and reviewing empirical evidence, I understood Black male instructors’ distinctive and crucial role in education. The shift shows the enormous influence Black male instructors may have academically, mentorship-wise, and as role models, which drives this trend.

Recent studies have increasingly claimed specific benefits associated with Black male teachers in classrooms. Studies have reduced the discipline gap and helped to create an environment more conducive to inclusive learning among Blacks (Cormier et al., 2022). Parameters of the problem statement have been identified based on the need to probe an understanding regarding the dual academic and social-emotional impact that Black male educators have on Black students while also understanding what creates barriers to having more Black men enter and remain in the teaching profession. This dual focus will allow for a comprehensive understanding of the benefits associated with representation and the structural changes necessary for said representation.

The study will make several pioneering contributions to the available literature. The research will fill gaps in understanding how Black male educators impact specific student outcomes beyond academic achievement. It will further address systemic challenges that prevent Black men from pursuing and sustaining careers in education, from which to insert policy recommendations and practical interventions. The contributions could be instrumental in devising a clear pathway toward diversifying the teaching workforce and improving educational equity.

This research has practical implications for teacher recruitment and retention in education, which involves guiding programs for mentorship, financial incentives, professional development opportunities, and the general understanding of the needs of Black male teachers. The research will also help practitioners implement multiple inclusive practices essential to creating an environment where all students can thrive at school. I believe this research will help me grow as an educator and researcher. It has helped me comprehend race, gender, education, and representation’s importance in fair learning environments. Understanding this topic helps me advocate for education policies that encourage diversity and inclusion. This effort enhances my professional practice and supports social justice and educational equity.


Banaji, M. R., Fiske, S. T., & Massey, D. S. (2021). Systemic racism: Individuals and interactions, institutions and society.
Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications,
6(1), 1–21.

Cormier, C. J., Scott, L. A., Powell, C., & Hall, K. (2022). Locked in glass classrooms: black male special education teachers socialized as everything but educators.
Teacher Education and Special Education: The Journal of the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children,
45(1), 77–94.

Jeter, F., & Melendez, J. (2022). Too few black male educators.
Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice,
7(2), 19–25.

Langer, S. L., Castro, F. G., Chen, A. C., Davis, K. C., Joseph, R. P., Kim, W. (Sunny), Larkey, L., Lee, R. E., Petrov, M. E., Reifsnider, E., Youngstedt, S. D., & Shaibi, G. Q. (2021). Recruitment and retention of underrepresented and vulnerable populations to research.
Public Health Nursing,
38(6), 1102–1115.

Lewis, S. (2022).
Black male teachers and their ability to break limitations: a black male teacher and their ability to break limitations: a critical study into why black male teachers choose to stay in critical study into why black male teachers choose to stay in education despite the barriers and stereotypes faced in public education despite the barriers and stereotypes faced in public school districts of New Jersey School Districts of New Jersey.

Rivers, J. (2023). Addressing the shortage of African American male teachers in minority-serving school districts with innovative partnerships.
School-University Partnerships.

Wallace, D., Bol, L., Hall, K., & Cousins, E. (2022). Black male educators matter: modeling and expectations in K-12 Settings.
Journal of African American Males in Education (JAAME),

Wint, K. M., Opara, I., Gordon, R., & Brooms, D. R. (2021). Countering educational disparities among black boys and black adolescent boys from Pre-K to high school: a life course-intersectional perspective.
The Urban Review,

Young, J., & Young, J. (2020). The Black male teacher: a 10-year content analysis of empirical research.
Race Ethnicity and Education,
23(3), 327–344.


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