Module 4: A Case for Using Risk Assessment Methods
For this assignment, you will need to review the Case Study presented and prepare a risk assessment report for Glenview Health System’s telehealth expansion project using the qualitative method.
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Case Study
Glenview Health System, a regional healthcare organization, is looking to expand their telehealth services. They are looking to provide telehealth services to the rural and underserved communities within their region at affordable prices. This project became a reality thanks to grant funding that will cover all of the implantation-related costs. A goal of the project is to implement an inclusive telehealth platform that integrates with the existing electronic health record system to ensure secure and streamlined patient care delivery. The telehealth project requires a significant technological investment and many shifts to current workflow processes.
Action Plan
As the Information Systems Director, one of the project leads, you have identified potential risks associated with the telehealth expansion. Some of the potential risks are technological failures, data security issues, and user adoption challenges. Your team has been tasked with performing a thorough
risk assessment using the qualitative risk assessment method to identify and prioritize the identified risks. You need to take into consideration factors such as likelihood, impact and prevention strategies.
Steps you will complete the following as part of your risk assessment plan presentation:
1. Identify potential risks related to the telehealth expansion project.
2. For your qualitative risk assessment, you will need to categorize and evaluate the identified risks based on their nature, potential impact, and the context for which they may result. It is recommended that you utilize a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) Analysis and risk categorization (i.e., technological, organizational, environmental).
3. Create a list of prioritized risks. Focus on those with the greatest potential impact on the project.
4. Propose mitigation strategies.
Your deliverable for your risk assessment plan is a PowerPoint presentation with slides that outline each of the risk analysis steps you completed with your recommendations for addressing the potential risks. For your PowerPoint slides, the slides should outline your key points/recommendations and utilize the Notes section under your slides to provide complete sentences for your report as if you were presenting to a board for approval to implement. Be sure to include graphical representations (i.e., table, bar chart, etc.) to provide a visual to emphasize your key points, as applicable.
Parameters: Be sure to include a title slide and a reference slide if needed. A minimum of 5 content slides (excluding the title slide and potential reference slide), with a maximum of 8 content slides.
Note: If you utilize your textbook or any references to support your recommendations, provide a reference list.
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M4 A Case for Using Risk Assessment Methods
M4 A Case for Using Risk Assessment Methods
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeParameters
PowerPoint presentation
-Minimum of 5 content slides, Maximum of 8 content slides
-Includes a title slide
-Includes a reference slide if needed
-Presentation developed from perspective as if being presented to the board
-No more than 5 bullets per slide
-Keep slides uncluttered so easy to follow
-Includes use of graphical representations to give visual emphasis & credibility to presentation
-Notes Section of slides should contain a detailed outline of what slide is presenting (speaker notes)
-Free of grammatical & spelling errors
-Uses APA in-text citations and reference list on a reference slide IF applicable
5 pts
Meets or Exceeds
Student submission clearly encompasses all of PowerPoint presentation parameters -Minimum of 5 content slides, Maximum of 8 content slides -Includes a title slide -Includes a reference slide if needed -Presentation developed from perspective as if being presented to the board -No more than 5 bullets per slide -Keep slides uncluttered so easy to follow -Includes use of graphical representations to give visual emphasis & credibility to presentation -Notes Section of slides should contain a detailed outline of what slide is presenting (speaker notes) -Free of grammatical & spelling errors -Uses APA in-text citations and reference list on a reference slide IF applicable
3 pts
In Progress
Student submission mostly meets PowerPoint presentation parameters -1-3 grammatical & spelling errors -Uses some APA in-text citations IF needed -Is lacking APA reference slide IF needed or does not utilize APA -Is short by no more than 1 Content slide or is over by no more than 1 Content slide -Contains the needed graphical representation -Notes Section of slides are present but may be missing some of needed details -Some slides have more than 5 bullet points or are cluttered making hard to follow
1 pts
Little Evidence
Student submission does not clearly meet the paper or PowerPoint parameters -Has 4 or more grammatical & spelling errors -does not use APA in-text citations and reference list IF applicable -Missing title slide -Missing reference slide IF applicable -Short by more than 1 Content slide -Notes Section is either deficient or does not match slide content -Slides are cluttered with too much information and/or graphical representations
0 pts
No Evidence
Student submission clearly does not meet the required Parameters for the PowerPoint presentation
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePotential Risks
Potential Risks
-Potential risks related to telehealth expansion are identified
7 pts
Meets or Exceeds
Student submission provides clear Potential Risks relevant to telehealth expansion project
5 pts
In Progress
Student submission mostly identifies the potential risks that are relevant to telehealth – may be lacking identification or details of some of the risks
2 pts
Little Evidence
Student submission is off topic or does not clearly identify the potential risks relevant to telehealth
0 pts
No Evidence
Student submission does not clearly meet the expectations for identifying potential risks relevant to telehealth or nothing submitted
7 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQualitative Risk Assessment
Qualitative Risk Assessment
-Contains a thoughtful SWOT analysis or clearly lays out possible strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & threats
-Contains risk categorization (i.e., technological, organizational, environmental)
9 pts
Meets or Exceeds
Student submission on Qualitative Risk Assessment clearly -Contains a thoughtful SWOT analysis or clearly lays out possible strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & threats -Contains risk categorization (i.e., technological, organizational, environmental)
6 pts
In Progress
Student submission on Qualitative Risk Assessment mostly provides (may be lacking minor details) -Contains a thoughtful SWOT analysis or clearly lays out possible strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & threats -Contains risk categorization (i.e., technological, organizational, environmental)
3 pts
Little Evidence
Student submission on Qualitative Risk Assessment does not demonstrate analysis of all areas (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) and/or may be missing risk categorization
0 pts
No Evidence
Student submission on Qualitative Risk Assessment clearly does not meet expectations or nothing submitted
9 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRisk Impact Priorities
Risk Impact Priorities
-Prioritizes risks by the greatest potential impact on project
7 pts
Meets or Exceeds
Student submission clearly identifies the potential impact of each identified risk
5 pts
In Progress
Student submission mostly contains an analysis of the potential impact of each of the risks – analysis of impacts may be lacking details
2 pts
Little Evidence
Student submission is off topic or does not clearly provide a defined analysis of potential impact of the risks
0 pts
No Evidence
Student submission does not clearly meet expectations for analyzing risk impacts or nothing submitted
7 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMitigation Strategies
Mitigation Strategies
-Demonstrates thoughtful mitigation strategies to address the risks with the greatest potential impact
-Minimum of 2 mitigation strategies for top identified risks with the greatest potential impact
7 pts
Meets or Exceeds
Student submission of Mitigation Strategies clearly addresses at least the top 2 risks with the greatest potential impact in a thoughtful way
5 pts
In Progress
Student submission of Mitigation Strategies addresses at least the top 2 risks with the greatest potential impact but may be lacking minor details
2 pts
Little Evidence
Student submission of Mitigation Strategies is off topic or does not clearly give a minimum of 2 risks with the greatest potential impact or is proposing strategies for risks that are not the highest priority based on potential impact
0 pts
No Evidence
Student submission does not clearly meet expectations to provide recommendations for threats or nothing is submitted
7 pts
Total Points: 35