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Part One: The Dallas Museum of Art

Mission Statement of the Dallas Museum of Art:

“Pursue excellence in collecting and programming, present works of art across cultures and time, and be a driving force in contemporary art. Strengthen our position as a prominent, innovative institution, expanding the meaning and possibilities of learning and creativity.”

1.1 The Exterior of the Building and its Urban Context (10 points)
Study the exterior of the DMA on the side you enter. Pay attention to the neighborhood and the architecture of other buildings around it. Respond to the following prompts.

Describe the way the DMA fits into the surrounding Dallas Arts District (other museums, concert and performance halls, Klyde Warren Park). Consider how you traveled to and arrived at the museum. Consider the building materials, style, color, open spaces around it, and windows and entrances. Compare and contrast it to other buildings or spaces you see in the area. How might this exterior space serve various communities in Dallas? Utilize language and concepts from your textbook in your discussion.

Type your description and explanation for 1.1 in this space, using as many lines as necessary:

The day that I went to the Dallas Museum of Art, the parking lot on site was completely full, so the parking attendants directed me to drive a block down the road to a nearby church parking lot. As I walked back to the museum a noticed all the large buildings that were in the vicinity and how the museum itself was surrounded by large stone wall on the side. The overall style of the building was the building had a modern-contemporary feel to it which made it fit right in with the other attractions in that area. The main entrance had large glass windows which allow natural light to easily enter the front atrium. By using its simple design of straight lines and the stone wall gave a warm welcoming feel to the building and serves the communities by being a one stop shop that combines varies cultures in once place for all to enjoy.

1.2 The Interior of the Building (10 points)
Get a museum map at the Information Desk. Take notes as you explore the museum’s interior.

In one paragraph, describe and discuss the following aspects of the museum’s interior:

the transitions between large, public spaces and smaller, more intimate exhibition spaces

the plan (layout of the parts of the building and the ease or difficulty of navigating them)

the access between floors

the lighting (its effect on the artworks and also on the viewer’s experience of the artworks)

the building materials (including their colors and textures and how they affect the way you view the artworks displayed)

Do more than simply describe the space – make observations about it and how it may affect a museum visitor’s experience.


Type your description and explanation for 1.2 in this space, using as many lines as necessary:

The transitions between the larger and smaller areas were seamless. The rooms were not segregated with all the large rooms on one side and the smaller rooms on the other side. Instead, they were co-mingled with each other. Regarding the layout of the building, I found it a bit difficult to navigate, often finding myself covering the same areas more than once. Although the interior of the building was quite large, there were visitors everywhere which made each space you visited feel cramped and crowded. The map was helpful in identifying what type of art was located on each floor. There were both stairs and elevator options to access each floor which made accessing them easy. Depending on the area you were in, there were different types of lighting ranging from soft to bright, to complement the varies art displays. The light setting aided in the experience by setting a mood as if you were there during that timeline. Some of the background wall colors were neutral colors for some of the artifacts and more colorful for others. Just like the lighting, the background wall colors aided in enhancing the displays features rather than blending in and the art getting lost within the display space.

1.3 The Role of the Museum in the Community (15 points)
The Dallas Museum of Art presents us with a diverse collection of art from many different cultures and historical periods. Explore the entire museum, including floors 3 and 4. Pay attention to the world regions, countries, cultural groups, religious beliefs, themes, and time periods represented in the vast collections.

Write a long paragraph in which you respond to the following questions with specific details:

How does the DMA teach visitors to understand and respect cultural diversity?

How do DMA educational materials such as labels, videos, maps, and pamphlets enhance your understanding of people from other cultures and periods in history?

What role do you think the DMA plays in our community? In other words, what is its purpose?

In addition to exhibiting artwork, what other cultural events are hosted by the DMA?

Do you think the DMA is user-friendly? Why or why not?

Did the museum design and the museum staff do anything to make your visit a success? If so, what? If not, what could they have done to enhance your experience?


Type your long paragraph for 1.3 in this space, using as many lines as necessary:

The Dallas Museum of Art teaches visitors to understand and respect cultural diversity by not only displaying bold and authentic art pieces, but also giving a description of what the item represents. The labels, videos, maps and other educational materials that accompany the different artifacts help educate us by informing us what the creator was trying to express.

I feel that the purpose of DMA is to bring different parts of the world and their cultures right to our front yards, for our local community to experience. The DMA hosts many other cultural events, such as, lectures, tours, workshops, classes, and screenings. I think the DMA is user-friendly because it has something for everyone. It displays rare statues, paintings, and video clips that are conveniently organized in sections by culture in a welcoming environment. Although there were staff present, they were mainly there to ensure compliance with the museum rules and reminded visitors not to touch or get too close to any of the art pieces. Due to the museum being extremely crowded on the day I visited; it was challenging to find museum staff to ask follow-up questions. There should have been more staff members on duty, to guide or offer additional information to the visitors. That would have enhanced the overall experience.

Part Two: Analyzing The Artwork

Read the instructions, take the required selfies, and write notes on your artworks for Part Two.

2.1 Formal Analysis (25 points)
Choose one artwork from one of these collections: Contemporary art (1st floor, or sculpture garden), Ancient Mediterranean (2nd floor), or European art (2nd floor). Do NOT write about anything in the hallway or in the Center for Creative Connections (children’s educational area) – zero credit will be given.

Identify the artwork using the information on the museum label or wall text. Type the information after the prompts below. If something is missing from the label, leave that part blank.

Title: The Descent from the Cross

Artist’s name, if known: Derick Baegert


Medium/materials: Oil on an Oak Panel Constructed on five vertical boards

1480 – 1490

DMA collection number: 5347826

Photograph of the work:

Write a long paragraph analyzing your chosen artwork in response to the following prompts:

how the artist used 3 visual elements from this list, making specific references to your chosen artwork: line, shape, contrast, volume, mass, texture, value, space, color.

how the artist used 2 design principles from this list, making specific references to your chosen artwork: unity, variety, balance, scale, emphasis, pattern, rhythm.

the media (materials) and processes the artist used to create your chosen artwork. (In other words, what is it made out of and how did they make it?)

Offer an interpretation of this work of art based on this analysis.

Review visual elements, design principles, and media in Units 1 and 2 of the textbook to do well on this part.


Type your long paragraph for 2.1 in this space, using as many lines as necessary:

2.2 History and Cultural Context (25 points)
The context of art is the set of social, historical, cultural, philosophical and/or religious circumstances in which the artwork was created.

Choose one work from the following collections: Arts of Africa, Asia, and the Pacific (3rd floor) or Ancient Art of the Americas. The only “American” art you can use for this part is art from traditional Native American, ancient Mesoamerican, or ancient South American cultures. If you aren’t sure what this means, ask a museum staff person to show you where to look and what to avoid.

Identify the artwork using the information on the museum wall or brochure text. Type the information after the prompts below. If something is missing from the label, leave that part blank.

Title: Yakushi Nyorai (Buddha of Healing)


Wood, Japanese Cypress

Date: c. 1150

DMA collection number:

Photograph of the work:

Read the museum information provided for your chosen artwork and read general labels in the gallery. Refer to Unit 3 of your textbook for additional information. If you use the internet or any other sources, be sure to provide a Works Cited.

Based on information from museum labels, wall text, brochure text, and Unit 3 of your textbook, but in your own words, write a long paragraph explaining the
context of your chosen artwork. Questions you might answer for this part include:

According to museum information and your textbook, what major historical events occurred at the time the artwork was created? How do these events relate to the work and vice versa?

According to museum information and your textbook, what technological developments or scientific discoveries may have influenced the artist or provided information necessary to complete the work?

According to museum information and your textbook, what are the key philosophical or spiritual beliefs of the time and culture?

According to museum information and your textbook, what are the social and cultural influences on the work? Consider: social structure (individualistic or collectivistic), gender and other identity issues, patrons, intended audience (for personal use, private collection, royalty, the public, other artists), and original purpose of the work (religious ritual, functional, ceremonial, memorial, political).

According to museum information and your textbook, what is the meaning and/or function of your chosen artwork?


Type your long paragraph for 2.2 in this space, using as many lines as necessary:

2.3 Intuitive Response/Cultural & Intercultural Awareness and Engagement (10 points)

Answer this question in a paragraph of four or more sentences: What did you learn about yourself (your beliefs and interests) and what did you learn about your own culture by studying artworks in the diverse collections of the Dallas Museum of Art?


Type your paragraph for 2.3 in this space, using as many lines as necessary:

Selfie #1
(2.5 points)

It must show you in front of the entrance to one of the galleries on the 3rd floor (the name of the gallery must be visible). Resize so it’s not too large. If you can’t visit the museum in person, then post selfies of you at home with your computer open to the DMA website.

Insert Selfie #1 here:

Selfie #2 (2.5 points)
This selfie must show you with one of the two artworks on which you have written. The artwork MUST be in the museum’s permanent collection for you to photograph it. Resize so it’s not too large. If you can’t visit the museum in person, then images of the work you are writing about.


Insert Selfie #2 here:

Important Reminders:

· If you think you might have plagiarized, rewrite your assignment in your own words BEFORE you submit it. All assignments are checked by TurnItIn. Plagiarism results in a grade of 0 = F.

· If you don’t know how to insert your phone photos, call eCampus Tech Support for Students at least two days before the assignment deadline, or follow tutorials online. The instructor cannot provide you with technical support.

· Be sure to save your document with your last name in the file name. Remember it must be a Word .doc or .docx file. No other file formats will be accepted.

· If your document is larger than 15 MB, reduce the file size so it will be easy to upload. Go to file options and choose Reduce File Size.

· Submit your completed document for the assignment on the eCampus site for the course.

Your completed document must be submitted to Brightspace before the deadline. Emailed copies will not be accepted.



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