Rubric for Research Paper
30% of Final Grade
Out of 40 Points
Formatting Guidelines
Length: 5-pages, double-spaced
Format: APA-style
References: At least 5 empirical articles are required.
Content Guidelines / Grading Rubric
1. Title Page [5 points]
2. State a research issue/aim that interests you. Why is it important to the field of
intimate relationship? [5 points]
3. Review your 5 empirical studies (themes, theories, & key findings). [20 points]
a. Provide a critique of the 5 empirical studies you are reviewing: Summarize
the studies, then compare the findings across studies.
b. Highlight the main strengths and challenges in the existing research
c. Provide a closing paragraph; Integrate the knowledge you have gained in
this exercise.
4. Provide one idea for a future research question based on your review of the
literature. [5 points]
5. Where do you see the field going? (Any new theories, research methods, or
clinical applications?) [5 points]