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Students will complete 3 parts to a project for the semester. Each submission is individual and should
not be shared with other classmates. Any form of copying and pasting from other sources and
projects will be reported to the UT Arlington Office of Student Conduct.

Aim: The overall aim of these projects is to analyze real-world data. The specific objectives are:

1. To sample two sets of data from the real-world.
2. To summarize each set of data statistically.
3. To perform statistical chi-square tests on each set of data.
4. To describe the above steps, data, and results in a report.

On the cover of each Project Part report, please transcribe the following statement:

“I _________________ did not give or receive any assistance on this project, and the report
submitted is wholly my own.”

Write your name in the blank and sign below it. You may use an electronic signature, such as Adobe
SignLinks to an external site. ( .

Tasks for Part II

Data Collection: Students will collect two sets of data from the real world.

Set 1 will be collected from a large number of observations (at least 100) for a continuous random
variable from a population that is suspected to be normally distributed. (Naturally Occurring)

Examples of such data include the body weight of people, the circumferences of oranges, the
extension length of rubber bands at the point at which they burst, etc.

Set 2 will be the inter-arrival time of a sequence of 100 or more events. First, record the actual clock
time (to the nearest second, e.g. 2:43:18pm) of each of at least 100 consecutive events, such as the
actual time that a customer enters the post office. Then, determine the interval between
occurrences by taking the difference between successive event times. Consequently, Set 2 will
comprise of at least 99 inter-arrival times. You may use ‘second’ as a unit of time.

Descriptive Statistics: For both Sets 1 and 2, use software to do the following:

Project Part II

45 Points Possible

In Progress
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Attempt 1 Add Comment

Calculate the sample mean and sample standard deviation.
Calculate the quartiles Q1, Q2, and Q3.
Construct a box-and-whisker plot.
Construct a frequency table.
Construct a frequency histogram.

Report: The project report is to be written in clear English with complete sentences. Be sure to define
all notations and include descriptions of all tables and figures in the text. To improve your writing, you
should consider taking your report to the UTA Writing CenterLinks to an external site.
( . Your report should follow the rubric and include a cover page, and the
following sections mentioned in the rubric.
View Rubric

IE 3301 Part II Rubric (1)

Criteria Ratings Pts

Report Organization

5 pts
Full Marks
Report is logically organized and
reasoning is easy to follow. All
elements are present: Title Page,
Introduction, Data Collection,
Descriptive Statistics, Conclusion,
Appendix, and References.
Document is neat and well laid
out. Appearance aids

0 pts
No Marks

/ 5 pts

Data Collection

10 pts
Full Marks
Detailed explanation of data
collection for Set 1 and Set 2:
What, Where, How, When, Time,
and any other details along with
the source (online) & the
collection method

0 pts
No Marks

/ 10 pts

Data Descriptive

15 pts
Full Marks
Results and detailed
interpretation of descriptive
statistics with respect to your data
set: Sample mean and sample
standard deviation, table classes
clearly defined with frequencies
(no relative, cum),histogram that
matches table, correct boxplot w/

0 pts
No Marks

/ 15 pts

Choose a submission type

IE 3301 Part II Rubric (1)

Criteria Ratings Pts

explanation, discuss Q1, Q2, Q3,
good discussion on histogram
and boxplot.

Table, Graphs,

4 pts
Full Marks
Table, Graphs, Pictures are easy
to understand, have informative
captions, referenced in text, and
enhance understanding.

0 pts
No Marks

/ 4 pts


5 pts
Full Marks
Interpret the results of the
analysis using your data
application topic. Does Set 1
appear to follow a Normal
Distribution? Does Set 2 appear
to follow an Exponential

0 pts
No Marks

/ 5 pts


2 pts
Full Marks
Cite all your sources, Follow MLA
or APA style to list references,
Good Citation in text

0 pts
No Marks

/ 2 pts


4 pts
Full Marks
Full data table (100 observations
for data set 1 and 100 or more
actual times stamps for data set
2) Any extra information

0 pts
No Marks

/ 4 pts

Late Penalty
view longer description

0 pts
– 5 for Each Day Late Penalty

0 pts
Full Marks / 0 pts

Penalty for
Academic honesty
view longer description

0 pts
Full Marks
-1 Missing academic honesty
statement -1 Missing/Incorrect

0 pts
No Marks

/ 0 pts

Total Points: 0

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File permitted: DOC, PDF

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Per UTA’s Academic Integrity and Scholastic Dishonesty Standards, students are accountable for
work submitted for credit, including group projects. To ensure the academic integrity of work
submitted, faculty have the option to submit assignments to Turnitin, or have students directly submit
assignments to Turnitin, through Canvas. Turnitin is an anti-plagiarism tool that compares a student’s
work against any other work found on the internet, and to previously submitted academic work at
UTA. Upon submission, students’ work will be automatically added to the Turnitin secure database for
the purpose of monitoring future assignments submitted by anyone at UTA. Academic work will not be
sold to others by Turnitin and will be used solely to monitor academic dishonesty per UTA’s policies.
By clicking on this Box you acknowledge this statement and agree to abide by UTA’s Honor Code
available at www.uta.edu/conduct.

Submit Assignment


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