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SDworld 5

Module 05 – Digital Identity: Exploring Personal Expression in the Online World

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Digital technology provides platforms for individuals to express and explore their identities in creative ways. Ross, Kristina, Samantha, and Nate—the Brown family—are avid users of various social media platforms and digital communication tools.

They utilize Facebook accounts for staying connected with distant family and friends, while Samantha and Kristina have ventured into Instagram to share glimpses of their lives. Samantha, particularly drawn to popularity, has immersed herself in TikTok, constantly creating content to maintain her online presence. In her pursuit of popularity, Samantha’s digital identity seems to have evolved, diverging from her original persona. 

The Browns are no strangers to digital slang and communication trends. While Samantha and Nate engage in texting using internet slang and abbreviations that sometimes baffle Ross and Kristina, Kristina herself has adapted by incorporating emojis into her emails and texts to stay current with digital communication trends.


For this assignment, you will create an artifact that visualizes or explains some aspect of your identity, with a focus on your identity or personality traits. 

Below are some examples of ways in which you can create your visual argument: 

· Creating a professional poster using PowerPoint 

· Creating a slideshow presentation 

· Creating a digital picture collage 


Expectations for Assignment: 

Visualize the Changing Identity: Create an artifact or presentation that reflects how your identity has evolved over time. Showcase any significant changes or developments in your identity or personality traits.

Communicate in Digital Spaces: Describe and analyze the digital slang used and created within your chosen digital spaces. Thoroughly explain the evolution of digital slang and its impact on online communication. 

Provide Examples: Include real-world examples demonstrating how digital technology has influenced language in various contexts, such as social media, online communication, and artificial intelligence. Offer insights into how these examples relate to your own experiences and identity. 

Conclusion: Summarize how individuals express and create their identities in digital spaces. Reflect on the significance of digital technology in shaping identity formation and expression in the modern era.

Important: Before starting, be sure to review this assignment’s rubric as it will help you narrow the scope of your work.


Digital technology has transformed the landscape of identity, presenting both opportunities and challenges as individuals navigate the complexities of the digital age. Once you have created one of the above artifacts or presentations, submit your assignment via the designated drop box.

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Rubric Details

Maximum Score

40 points

Visualize the changing identity

10 possible points (25%)


The artifact/presentation reflects the identity which has changed through time.



The artifact/presentation reflects the identity, but the progression has not been depicted



The artifacts/presentation just reflect stable identity.



The artifact does not depict any identity


Not Submitted

Did not submit.


Communicate in digital spaces

10 possible points (25%)


The artifacts /presentation describe the digital slang used and created. Thoroughly explaining the evolution of it.



The artifacts/presentation describe the digital slangs created but does not explain its evolution.



The artifacts/presentation mention the digital slang and do not explain its evolution



The artifacts/presentation does not explain the slang after mentioning it.


Not Submitted

Did not submit.



10 possible points (25%)


Real-world examples demonstrating how digital technology has influenced language in various contexts such as social media, online communication, and artificial intelligence.



Real-world examples demonstrating how digital technology has influenced language in various contexts such as social media, online communication, and artificial intelligence with limited data and information.



Real-world examples demonstrating how digital technology has influenced language but not all the contexts such as social media, online communication, and artificial intelligence are covered.



No real-life examples are demonstrated on how digital technology has influenced language. The context is missing as well.


Not Submitted

Did not submit.



10 possible points (25%)


The conclusion effectively summarizes how individuals express and create their identities in digital space.



The conclusion summarizes how individual express their identities but does not focus on how they are created.



The conclusion does not effectively summarize how individual, express their identities nor explains how they are created.



The conclusion is unclear and fails to provide summarize how individual express their identities but does not focus on how they are created


Not Submitted

Did not submit.


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