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Due Feb 12 50 points
Week 6: Discussion 1
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Planning is an important part of any successful endeavor, and your degree is no different. At this
point in your program, it is important to begin mapping out which courses you will take over the next
several terms. To do this, you must know what the required courses are for your chosen
concentration. You must also meet with your SSA on a quarterly basis to review your plan and to
ensure that you are on the right track. As you progress through the program and learn more about
psychology, it is also a good idea to meet periodically with your Psychology Coach. Your Psychology
Coach is a Faculty Member who can help guide your decisions about your career or graduate
school aspirations and connect you to other Walden resources that might be helpful. As you near
the end of each course, it is also useful to spend some time reflecting on the feedback you received
from your Instructor and how you will use it to be successful in future courses.
In this Discussion, you will determine the next four courses you will take, identify questions that you
have for your SSA and Psychology Coach, and reflect on how you will use the Instructor’s feedback
in this course to be successful in future courses. You will also recommend Walden resources that
you think might help your colleagues be successful as they progress through the program.
Go to the FAQ tab in the BS in Psychology Student Resource Center. Review the FAQs on the
order in which to take courses and how many courses you can take at once.
Review the Walden Degree Works website. Pay particular attention to descriptions of the
Program Progress Guide and the Student Educational Planner. Consider how you will use each
of these tools to plan for which courses you will take in the future.
Watch the video on how to use the Student Educational Planner to create an educational
plan (
( . Then, log into your myWalden student
portal. To reach the Program Progress Guide and the Student Educational Planner, go to
the Records and Registrations tab and click on View Program Progress Guide. When you click
on this option, your browser will open a new tab and populate your Program Progress Guide.
Use the Student Educational Planner to create a plan for your next four courses (next two
quarters). Please note that undergraduate courses are on the quarter system. You will always
register for two courses per quarter – one course in the first half of the quarter and one course in
the second half of the quarter. For the purposes of this discussion, you will register for two
quarters (four courses).
Use the Print Screen keyboard shortcut ctrl+prt sc to take a screenshot of your plan. Be sure
that the screenshot shows your name as well as the four courses you plan to take during the
next two quarters. Paste the screenshot into a Word document and save the document.
If you have met with your SSA this quarter, reflect on what you learned during the meeting. If
not, identify at least one question that you would like to ask them at your next quarterly meeting.
Go to the Psychology Coach tab on the BS in Psychology Student Resource Center. Identify
your Psychology Coach and one question that you would like to ask them. You can also review
the faculty videos to learn more about your assigned Psychology Coach.
Reflect on the feedback that you received from your Instructor in this course and review the
article, “Learning and Growing from Instructor Feedback.” Of the strategies presented in the
Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.
article, identify which ones you used in this course to improve your performance and at least one
you would use to be successful in future courses.
Post a response to the following:
Upload a screenshot of your educational plan. Be sure that the screenshot shows your name as
well as the four courses you plan to take during the next two quarters. Of the courses you
identified in your plan, which one are you most excited about taking? Explain why.
Have you met with your SSA to discuss your plan? If so, what is one thing you learned from that
meeting? If not, when do you plan to meet with your SSA, and what is one question you would
like to ask them? Reminder: If you have not already done so, be sure to schedule an
appointment with your SSA to discuss registration. Your appointment does not need to be this
week, but be sure to plan to meet at least quarterly. You can find information about how to
contact the SSA in this week’s Learning Resources.
Identify your Psychology Coach. What is one question that you would like to ask your
Psychology Coach and why?
Reflect on the feedback you have received from your Instructor throughout this course and the
strategies presented in the article, “Learning and Growing from Instructor Feedback.” Of the
strategies presented in the article, which ones did you use in this course to improve your
performance? Identify at least one other strategy you will use to support your success in future
Support your initial post with evidence from at least one Learning Resource. You may state your
opinion and/or provide personal examples; however, you must also back up your assertions with
evidence, including in-text citation(s) and reference(s) in APA style.
Note: For this Discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will
be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on the
Reply button to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click on Post Reply,
you cannot delete or edit your own posts and you cannot post anonymously. Please
check your post carefully before clicking on Post Reply!
Respond to at least one colleague. Describe one insight you gained about planning for a
successful academic career or using feedback to improve academic performance based on their
post. Using this week’s Learning Resources, suggest an additional step your colleague might take
to help ensure their academic success.
Support your reply to a colleague’s Discussion post with evidence from at least one Learning
Resource. You may state your opinion and/or provide personal examples; however, you must also
back up your assertions with evidence, including in-text citation(s) and reference(s) in APA style.