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Due Mar 5 50 points
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Perhaps you noticed that each discussion or assignment can only focus on a small part of each topic
we study. We could spend three or four weeks just on cognition alone! For this Discussion, you get to
decide what we talk about, and can help steer the conversation to the aspects of cognition you find
most fascinating. Be sure to take advantage of the Learning Activity in your resources. It will not take
much time and will clarify our goals for this forum. Your job is to select a topic from the chapter—
whatever interests you most—and develop a question to ask the class. What you find interesting can’t
be right or wrong, but your grade will be based on the degree to which you are able to produce a
question that promotes critical thinking as described in the Learning Activity. Enjoy!
Review Chapter 4 and as you review, think about a variety of topics that are of interest to you.
Choose one topic that could be used to develop a question for your colleagues that will promote
an engaging conversation as well as stimulate critical thinking in this Discussion.
Review the Learning Activity – Developing Discussion Questions That Promote Critical Thinking. This
activity will guide you in how to write a question for this week’s Discussion post that can
generate critical thinking in your colleagues.
Consider what question you could ask your colleagues that promotes critical thinking about some
aspect of cognition across cultures.
After reading Chapter 4 and choosing a Discussion topic, post a question for your colleagues to
respond to.
Your initial post must provide a rationale or background for the question as illustrated in the example
provided in Learning Activity—Developing Discussion Questions That Promote Critical Thinking. Put your
question in the first line of your post, and put your supporting text below that the post.
Note: For background context for your question, be sure to include credited evidence from the
assigned learning resources (including sentence-level citations). Provide a reference list in APA Style
for resources you used in the post.
Note: For this Discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will
be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on
Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.
the Reply button to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click on Post Reply,
you cannot delete or edit your own posts and you cannot post anonymously. Please
check your post carefully before clicking on Post Reply!
Note: For this Discussion you are required to respond to two colleagues.
Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ posts and respond to their questions drawing on
information from what you read to substantiate your response.
Support the responses within your colleague replies with credited evidence from the assigned
learning resources (e.g., including sentence-level citations). Provide a reference list in APA Style for
resources you used in the posts.