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Due Mar 18 by 10:59pm
Points 0
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Allowed Attempts 2
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An important component of scholarly writing is the use of evidence to support an academic argument. An
academic argument is your position, claim about, or interpretation of a topic. Your position should be
supported by evidence from the sources you read. For instance, if you want to argue that the age at
which children move out of their parents’ house in a particular country is decreasing, you need to provide
a source that supports this claim. This resource could be a reading from class, an article that you found
on your own in the Walden library, or data from a government website, to name a few examples.
You may be wondering: But what about my experiences? While true that this course and others in your
program will ask you to examine your own life and experiences, these reflections should also be
connected to concepts you are learning about. For instance, you might examine how your adolescent
experiences can be explained by developmental theory, or what the literature says about how your
culture’s perspective on early childhood education compares to others.
As you move further along in developing your writing skills, you will become more adept at incorporating
evidence to support an argument in your writing. This Skill Building Activity will guide you through this
Review the “Using Evidence in Academic Writing” podcast and “How to Use Evidence from the
Literature to Support Your Assignments” video. Consider how you will increase your scholarly skills
by incorporating evidence from the literature in your future Discussions and Assignments.
Review the article “Can Parents Be Both Individualist and Collectivist?” Based on this article, take a
position on whether parents can be both individualist and collectivist and use the article to support
your argument.
Based on the article you read and in one paragraph, take a position on whether parents can be both
individualist and collectivist and use the article as evidence to support your argument. Make sure you
use proper APA style and format for your citations and referencing.
Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check
your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area.
1. To submit your completed assignment, save your Assignment as WK4Assgn+last
name+first initial.
2. Then, click on Start Assignment near the top of the page.
3. Next, click on Upload File and select Submit Assignment for review.
Note: This Skill Building Activity is a non-graded exercise however, you must submit your
post in order to complete the required Discussion for this week.
Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.