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Self Eval



All public speakers, no matter how experienced, will have areas in which they can improve. The
only way you can begin to make improvements is to first know your strengths and weaknesses
as a public speaker. You will conduct a self-evaluation to examine your current public speaking
skills. Along with the evaluation you will create a list of goals you would like to accomplish
during this class. At the end of the semester you will then perform a self-reflection to see if you
improved and reached your goals. You will be graded based on the completion of each section
and the thoroughness of your answers.

Format requirements: minus .5 for each unmet requirement
1+ FULL page, 12 font (Times New Roman, Arial), 1 in. margins all around, double spaced

Cover Page:
_____ (1) Included a cover page with your name, date, assignment name, course name
and class days/time.

_____ (3) In paragraph form, described your strengths (at least three) as a public

_____ (3) Explained how you obtained these strengths and whether they were
developed over time or naturally part of your personality.

_____ (3) Wrote a separate paragraph describing your weaknesses (at least three) as a
public speaker.

_____ (3) Talked about how your weaknesses have interfered with your ability to
effectively speak in front of an audience.

Relationships & Career:
_____ (3) Explained how your strengths and weaknesses affect your personal
relationships and career goals.

_____ (2) Listed at least five goals you would like to accomplish by the end of the
Semester (can be bullet points).

_____ (2) Provided specific strategies you will implement to reach these goals

TOTAL SCORE:__________/20

Student Name

September 22, 2013

Self-Evaluation Example

SPCH 1101 Public Speaking

Monday 5:30

One of my strengths as a public speaker is that I have a good tone of voice. I obtained

this strength over time because I have grown up with two siblings, an older brother and a

younger sister, who I tend to be more open and loud around. Growing up I have learned that it is

better to be speak where people will be able to hear you and know what you are actually saying,

rather than being quiet and shy. Another strength is having a good flow. When I know what I

am writing about and what facts need to be given, I know that I need to describe them as best as I

know possible. This strength has always been part of my natural personality. When I am given a

paper to write or a question to answer I always make sure that I have a good flow from point to

point and makes sure that the audience learns what need to be known. The last strength that I

have is putting my points together and leaving the audience with the overall idea of the speech I

am giving. I have earned this strength over time because as I went through high school I had to

write quite a few papers and I learned that you feel better about yourself when you know that

your audience understands what you are speaking about and what point you are trying to get


On the other hand, I do have some weaknesses as a public speaker. One of my

weaknesses is I need to have more eye contact. When you don’t have enough eye contact with

your audience then they tend to not want to pay attention to you as the speaker because you are

looking down at your paper. This has affected my ability to effectively speak in front of an

audience because I want my audience to pay attention to me and the point I am trying to make

during my speech. Another weakness I have as a public speaker is giving my speech too quickly

by talking to fast. When I get in front of an audience and all eyes are on me I begin to get

nervous and get my speech over with as quickly as possible. This affects my public speaking

because when you speak too fast your audience won’t be able to comprehend anything that you

have given in your speech. My last weakness is that I don’t let my personality come though

enough. Speaking in front of an audience I need to just relax and not read straight from the paper

that way I can let the audience see that I’m not as nervous as they might think I am and they will

be able to pay more attention. Not letting my personality show will affect the audience views on

the speaker.

My major is dental hygiene so- my strengths and weaknesses will definitely affect my

interpersonal relationships and career goals. My strengths, such as a good tone of voice, will

come in handy because one day I will work as a dental hygienist and I need to be able to speak

up and be heard as I’m working. My weaknesses in public speaking will affect my relationships

and career goals because not having eye contact can sometimes make people not trust you and

may make them believe that you are lying. Not showing your personality show and letting people

see who you really are can make people scared and not trust you as well. After all is said, I need

to be able to speak slower, have good eye contact, and let my personality come through more to

show my audience that I can be a good public speaker.

5 goals for Public Speaking and Strategies to reach these Goals

 When I speak I need to be more confident and relaxed. I will do this by trusting in

myself, not being nervous and getting to know my audience.

 When I speak I need to have more eye contact with my audience. I will do this by not

reading straight from the paper and be confident and memorize that way I will be able to

look more at my audience.

 When I speak I need to make sure I have enough information. I will do this by letting

my audience know I have researched and know what I am speaking of.

 When I speak I need to slow down and not speak too fast. This way whoever I am

speaking to will understand what I am saying.

 When I am speaking I need to let my personality come through more. This way my

audience will be able to understand me and won’t think that I am just nervous. I will do

this by speaking slower and being calmer.

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